Does a child fear its parent? - Spirituality Religion

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Does a child fear its parent?

*How to Seek God*

*Swami Yatiswarananda*
Chapter # 7
Page: 63
How to Seek God

How to Seek God

we should have a clear conception of God.  He is Bliss Itself. By constantly thinking of Him, we too enjoy Bliss. He is full of Love. He is the Father of the father, Mother of the mother, Friend of friends and Soul of the soul. In such circumstances where is the place for fear or despondency?  Even a drop of His Love or Bliss is enough to transform our lives. We should create a loving and close relationship with Him. He is our Father, Mother, Friend and all in all. We will call on him as a child calls on its father. Does a child fear its parent? Or, if we are bold enough,  we can think of ourselves as parts of Him and He as the whole. He is pure Consciousness.  The Seers of the Upanishads sang: 'You are neither man nor woman nor neuter'; and again they said: 'You are the man as well as the woman.' His light surrounds us. The body is the temple. He is both inside and outside, all-pervading. This Light has taken the form of the deity and we too are the same Light which has put on a body. Hence we should know that God --- Light and Consciousness --- is our true self. If we feel that we are anything else, such thoughts should be carefully eliminated. They should be merged and dissolved in that pure Consciousness,  the light of the Supreme Self.

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