VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II Swamiji’s letter to Miss S Farmer - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II Swamiji’s letter to Miss S Farmer


Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

In this universe where nothing is lost, where we live amidst death throughout everyday life, each suspected that is thought, out in the open or in private, in jammed avenues or in the profound openings of antiquated woods, lives. They are consistently attempting to wind up self - exemplified, and until the point that they have epitomized themselves, they will battle for articulation, and any measure of restraint can't execute them. Nothing can be devastated - those considerations that caused abhorrence in the past are likewise looking for epitome, to be separated through rehashed articulation and, finally, transfigured into immaculate great. Accordingly, there is a mass of thought which is right now attempting to get articulation. This new idea is instructing us to surrender our fantasies of dualism, of good and wickedness generally, the still more stunning dream of concealment. It instructs us that higher course and not demolition is the law. It instructs us that it's anything but a universe of terrible and great, however great and better - and still better. It holds back before only acknowledgment. It trains that no circumstance is sad, and all things considered acknowledges each type of mental, good, or otherworldly idea where it as of now stands, and without a universe of judgment discloses to it that so far it has done great, right now is an ideal opportunity to improve the situation. What in bygone eras was thought of as the end of awful, it instructs as the transfiguration of fiendishness and the improving. It, most importantly, instructs that the kingdom of paradise is now in presence in the event that we will have it, that flawlessness is as of now in man on the off chance that he will see it.
(page. 354, V.6, Complete works of Swami Vivekananda, Swamiji’s letter to Miss S Farmer date 29 December 1895)

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