VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II What do I care about them? - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II What do I care about them?


Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

  1. In future don't pay any regard to what individuals state either for or against you or me. Work on, be lions; and the Lord will favor you. I will work unremittingly until the point when I kick the bucket, and even after death, I will work for the benefit of the world. Truth is interminably more profound than a lie; so is goodness. In the event that you have these, they will advance by sheer gravity. You should recollect forget that each country must spare itself; so should each man; don't seek others for help. Through diligent work here, I will be capable from time to time to send you a minimal expenditure for your work; however, that is all. In the event that you need to anticipate that, better stop work. Know additionally this is an amazing field for my thoughts, and that I couldn't care less whether they are Hindus or Mohammedans or Christians, yet those that affect the Lord will dependably order my administration. . . . I like to chip away at serenely and quietly, and the Lord is dependable to me. Tail me, maybe, by being seriously genuine, superbly unselfish, and, most importantly, by being impeccably unadulterated. My endowments run with you. In this short life, there is no time for the trading of compliments. We can contrast notes and compliment each other with our souls' substance after the fight is done. Presently, don't talk; work, work, work! There is excessively talk, talk, talk! We are extraordinary, we are incredible! Garbage! We are simpletons; that is the thing that we are! This craving after name and popularity and every other fake - 
  • what are they to me? 
  • What do I care about them? 
  • I should get a kick out of the chance to see hundreds going to the Lord! Where are they? 

I need them, I need to see them. You should search them out. You just give me name and acclaim. Have finished with name and popularity; to work, my valiant men, to work! You have not burst me into flames yet - you don't comprehend me! You keep running in the old grooves of sloth and delights. Down with all sloth, down with all satisfactions here or in the future. Dive into the fire and bring the general population towards the Lord. That you may burst me into flames, that you might be strongly true, that you may pass on the Saints' demise on the field of the fight - is the steady supplication of Vivekananda.
(page. 64-66, V.5, Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Swamiji’s letter to GG Narasimhachariar date. 11 January 1895)

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