VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II Individuals have turned out to be so corrupted in this Kali Yuga (L¢mk¤N) that they want to do anything - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II Individuals have turned out to be so corrupted in this Kali Yuga (L¢mk¤N) that they want to do anything


Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Individuals have turned out to be so corrupted in this Kali Yuga (L¢mk¤N) that they want to do anything, and after that, they can go to a heavenly place, and their wrongdoings will be excused. On the off chance that a man runs with a tainted personality into a sanctuary, he adds to the wrongdoings that he had as of now and goes home a more terrible man than when he left it. Tirtha (place of the journey) is a place which is loaded with blessed things and heavenly men. In any case, if sacred individuals live in a specific place, and if there is no sanctuary there, even that is a Tirtha. In the event that unholy individuals live in a place where there might be a hundred sanctuaries, the Tirtha has vanished from that put. Furthermore, it is most hard to live in a Tirtha; for if sin is submitted in any normal place it can without much of a stretch be expelled, however, sin submitted in a Tirtha can't be evacuated. This is the significance of all love — to be unadulterated and to do great to other people. -  Swami Vivekananda

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