VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II My old watchword - battle, battle up to light! Ahead! - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II My old watchword - battle, battle up to light! Ahead!

Visit Today Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

What I mean by referencing this is there were numerous beneficial things in antiquated occasions, yet there were awful things as well. The beneficial things are to be held, however, the India that will be, future India, must be a lot more prominent than old India. From the day Sri Ramakrishna was conceived dates the development of current India and of the Golden Age. Also, you are the specialists to realize this Golden Age. To work, with this conviction of heart! 
… In all of you, there is gigantic power. The skeptic has only trash in him. The individuals who are devotees are saints. They will show colossal power. The world will be cleared before them. "Sensitivity and help to poor people"; "Man is God, he is Narayana"; "In Atman, there is no refinement of male or female, of Brahmin or Kshatriya, and so forth"; "All is Narayana starting from the creator to a bunch of grass." The worm is less showed, the Creator more showed. Each activity that enables a being to show its heavenly nature increasingly more is great, each activity that hinders it is insidious. The main method for getting our celestial nature showed is by helping other people to do likewise… Beware! All extension is life, all compression is passing. All adoration is the extension, all childishness is a constriction. Love is, consequently, the main law of life. He who adores lives, he who is narrow minded is biting the dust. In this manner love for the good of love, since it is the main law of life, similarly as you inhale to live. This is the mystery of magnanimous love, caring activity and the rest… in the Ramakrishna Incarnation, there is learning, dedication, and love - boundless information, unending affection, interminable work, vast empathy for all creatures. You have not yet possessed the capacity to comprehend him. "[(Sanskrit)] - even in the wake of finding out about Him, a great many people don't comprehend Him." What the entire Hindu race has thought in a long time, he lived in one life. His life is the living discourse to the Vedas everything being equal. Individuals will come to know him by degrees. My old watchword - battle, battle up to light! Ahead! 

(page.318-320, V.6, Swamiji's letter to Swami Brahmananda date. September 1895)

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