VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II what have you seen and comprehended (about me) to influence you to do as such?" - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II what have you seen and comprehended (about me) to influence you to do as such?"


Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

It was the primary day of January 1886. As the Master felt rather well that day, he communicated a longing to leave his room and have a stroll in the garden for quite a while. It was an occasion and the householder lovers came one by one and in gatherings, not long after noontime. When they saw him, all got up out of love and bowed down to him. He came down to the garden way through the western entryway of the corridor on the ground floor and was gradually continuing southward to the door when all tailed him at a little separation. When he went to the center of the way prompting the entryway, he saw Girish, Ram, Atul and a couple of others, sitting under the trees toward the west of the way. They likewise observed him and saluted him from that point and came blissfully to him. The Master tended to Girish, out of the blue before anyone had talked a word, and stated, "Girish, I discover, you state to the whole gang wherever such a large number of things about 'this' (that I am a manifestation of God); what have you seen and comprehended (about me) to influence you to do as such?" Girish remained totally unaffected, and stooping down on the ground close to the Master's feet, said in a gagged voice with his hands collapsed and confront turned upwards, "What more would I be able to state of Him, whose enormity Vyasa and Valmiki couldn't discover words to express?" The Master was enchanted at the intense articulation of Girish, and gift every one of the aficionados collected there through their agent Girish, stated, "What more will I say to you? May all of you be honored with the otherworldly arousing." Beside himself with adoration and sympathy for the fans, barely had he said those few words, he went into Bhava Samadhi. Those expressions of significant gift, immaculate by the scarcest tinge of the inner self-sense, specifically entered the aficionados' hearts, where they raised high surges of rapture. They overlooked existence, overlooked the infection of the Master, overlooked their past assurance of not to contact him till he recuperated, and knew just that an exceptional perfect Being, out of sensitivity for them in their predicament, feeling agonizing agony at their wretchedness and flooding with sympathy for them, had descended from paradise and called them lovingly to Him for giving security, similar to a mother protecting her kids. They ended up anxious to bow down to him and take the residue of his feet, and filling the quarters with the calls of "Triumph to Ramakrishna", started saluting him. 
(page.1023-4, Vol-2, Sri Ramakrishna The Great Master)

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