VISIT TODAY SARADA II Laxmi Devi passed away (1926) in Puri - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY SARADA II Laxmi Devi passed away (1926) in Puri

Laxmi Devi passed away (1926) in Puri 

Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Sarada Devi
Laxmi Devi passed away (1926) in Puri 
Once before she passed away, she described to Swami Saradananda a vision she had had: ‘I saw a mountain of dazzling mica. On one side of that mountain were Lakshmi and Narayana, and on the other side was Sri Ramakrishna. "I saw that the Master was encompassed by Holy Mother, Swamiji, Rakhal Maharaj, and others." Then I saw Yogin-didi and Golap-did, and they told me: “O Lakshmi, here there is no problem of food and sleep or disease and grief. Living with the Master gives us interrupted bliss.”’ 

page.69, They lived with God.

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