VISIT TODAY SARADA II Abide by the same with your whole heart. - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY SARADA II Abide by the same with your whole heart.


Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Sarada Devi
Be strong and do not depend upon what this or that one would say about you, but consult the Mother within and act according to her dictates. Be sure whatever binds is not of Mother and that which makes one free is of her. Abide by the same with your whole heart. Have no private selfish end but have sincere love for truth and piety and Mother shall speak from within you. Never let go your ideal, but hold on to It with a firm grip and you will be led right to the goal which is the one and same for all.

(page.242, Spiritual Treasures, Swami Turiyananda’s letter to Ujjwala date 20th January 1903)

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