Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lecture(Part_3) - Spirituality Religion

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Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lecture(Part_3)

Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lecture

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lecture

Move you are all suffering just by having a vision of God by realizing how to do you move your subject there is only one thing there's only one thing 
I realized by doing something you become that that is the only way to go beyond suffering by knowing Brahman you become Brahman from a from vomiting there also the question arises by knowing something how can it become that I have known this bottle of water may become a bottle of water no 
I am the know all this is the supported of water by going something 
how do you become that there's only one case where it is possible by knowing but I'm one you will become from one is only one the page is possible how if you are from are not ready somehow for some the reason 
we do not know it yet the moment you know it you become that it's like the prince who had got lost in a forest and was brought up by a husband hunter one day, the ministers of the king came searching and they found this young man they realized this is the place and then he was told that and he became the Prince how did the hunter son become a prince because there's already a princess if you did not know it something typical in diversity is to tell the story of a hurry the lion the lion is died giving birth to a cub and the curve was brought up by sheep a flock of sheep and the cub taught it was it was a lamb but was a she and it gave ate grass and it is due to the bad the thing with the sin she fell for our Quran until one big lion came hunting one day and it saw among all the sheep this is a huge lion your plan is they're needing drugs 

so this line was really surprised crept up behind that young land pounced on it and got it and the giant lion started bleating like a sheep oh that we go you're scaring me now I'm coming with me what you are what 
I have that you are what I am that you are and the young lion said no no no I would if you're a terrible sire then he showed him and a pool of water look at my face look at your face roar like me and then the young lion realized I am a man how did this become a lion impossible became a lion because already it was a man did not know it did not know what it was in the same way, they thought that tells us 

we do not know what we are 
we do not come out here we think we are living creatures flesh and blood-born living our lives like this and one day like our grandparents of Godparents have got it the same way we belong to the time that's it that's what we think about ourselves we never question it also we're on the forces us to question it says at this very the moment that pollution the anthem that Brahman that existence infinite existence consciousness bliss is what you are what he or she is what we everything is that reality 
we do not see yet that is what we have to realize that is the goal they're saying which 

I like very much that we think we are human beings in search of spiritual experience but the truth is that we are spiritual beings having a human the experience they are spiritual beings having a human experience that is why we have subject to this birth then debt if to realize what we are and we're on the proposes this grand project to teach us to show us what we are now thinking about it follow this logic carefully if it is another thing which 
I like I just remembered any now this is saying that what is behind you what is in front of you is has nothing compared to what is within other whatever has happened in our life our mother till today and whatever remains to happen in your life it is nothing compared to what is within you what is inside you what it means is that put someone on an infinite beam 

I mean recently slay him out of the ashrams American lady she bought some she left the card they now from the show discarded with left for his pharmacy and in the card, it is written what is behind you what is in front of you is as nothing compared to what is inside you and what is inside the freezer open the piece and say yes yes put some ice cream did some but ice cream is also like that that anything now there is no propose is to show us that what is our true nature now follow this carefully that if there is something which we are ignorant of 
we do not know what we really are we're ignorant of it the only solution to ignorance, any ignorant in the world is knowing the only solution to ignorance is knowing what you are ignorant of try to get knowledge about that we are ignoring our power to set according to be not trying to get knowledge of that and they'll answer all human issues without these definitions through conditions are found in the Vedas together they comprise what is called Wayland Tatyana Kanta they have only one purpose what is that purpose to teach us that we are from one that you are nothing but God the essence of definitions is sent out in a few short sentences called maha vaakya in Sanskrit you get many Muhammad
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

is a long sentence vomiting but these sentences are not long these are very short sentences in viral dekat Mahon a turtle the miracle by meaning my house out there and all of these sentences they mean only one thing they mean you are drawn in the Rig Veda 
I tell you your initial you find from John from the very consciousness which we are experiencing now you have been using the consciousness to listen to me right now hopefully, where you are 

I am a good teacher you see and by looking at the class private teaching for twenty years 
so by the good teacher by looking at the face of the student understands what the person is listening to how much is listening with the student is understanding or not 
so you are because 
I can immediately see this picture 
so this the consciousness which usually just by which you got listening to see thinking that consciousness properly understood is nothing but proper Brahman that infinite consciousness called god Johnno they made a very operation in this homily the famous tandem your Ganesha Thomas evolved out of this stuff to a machine and fellow heart that problem that which you worship as God in a temple really speaking you are that 

do you want your true nature, not as an individual man or momento a child not like that but the true nature beyond the audience might the conscious as between which we are from the pharmacy in the aluminum bread or any combination ham mass me I am as a union that will feature is a problem and in the elevator under combination, I am the problem 
I am being pointed towards yourself this very self your own self is pregnant 
so the all the piece for traditional Mohammed just another one has been traditionally for a day 
so this four murabba is one from each wave tells you just one man one thing this is how to realize this how to not just listen to it or read about how to make a living experience of this is the goal of spiritual life this is the goal of Madonna the method to 

do that is to listen to these teachings from a competent teacher in a systematic way study whale anthem think about it and then meditate deeply about it sharra Madonna needn't answer here these things study these things again and again repeated to herself ask questions I remember standing in front of Mohammed in Calcutta one day and asking a senior Swami I was a premature Swamiji 
I've got some questions about the way that I thought he might be upset some doubts he said you ask any question you want since the time of anger of 1400 years all sorts of questions have been asked and they have been a certificate 
II many questions you can never think of also have been asked 

so we honestly ask our question you must ask questions in Vedanta the aim is not to believe the Vedanta aim is to comprehend understand experience it must become a reality or it is already a reality was recognized reality that is the golden ending on top Sami Boubacar the says tell yourself again and again I am that or 
I am he saw till it tingles with every drop of your gut until it becomes a living reality not hypnotized Asian it's dehumanization we are hypnotized into thinking they are these little creatures of flesh and blood and yet how strange party is continuously changing name series of physical changes is called the party the great scholar watches for the Mishnah the commentary Muhammad thing on Shankara jihad is coming to Yan Brahma sutras he said 

I was a little child playing on the lap of my grandfather now in the grandfather's that we grandson discipline the grandson is playing on my lap, this is our experience in life so the little child's party and his old man's party 
so many changes there how can they say 
I am the same one people 

do not be able to recognize us the LIA child and his old man and yet we say I am that one which one they are a child the other man related person old person which one are you every moment changing my changing even faster imagine the mind that the United which we were 15 years for everybody remembers in Indians at least we remember last time examinations forties first 35 examination everybody faced imagining sitting in that examination of how the knighting what kind of mind we have what let our hearts what were our desires what we're all hopes what were our fears and 
I mind now completely different 
so much difference is there in your knowledge in your ideas in your goals of life 
so might have changed 
so much how can you say 

I am that my pitch pine made on the shores are step by step you are not the morning - you're something beyond the body and my body and my change the first step in Madonna is resonating not this not this that which is changing 
I am NOT that auditable I'm not that which is shut up and object of knowledge I am NOT that if you know the body you are not the body you have nowhere of the body if you know they might experience your mind everybody experiences - it quietly we can feel thoughts feelings  
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

emotions coming if you know it that's an object of your experience you are not that that is shut up unchanged and eternal means in a change from a means essentially you are not normal that is the norm that it is changing you're not that that which is an object of your knowledge you are not that you are the consciousness which is illumining this Shankar Acharya sings beautifully in one check if you change it here every Monday think about what you are chanting 
I know with damn cards in earning are I have not the mind I am NOT the memory I am NOT the intellect very intellect which we are using now to understand all this 

I am NOT intellect most amazingly a hunk you can understand this if we can grasp this moment you will become it like all the elements that it is saying I I the ego could usually just now in geography just you know I I am listening I am this 
I this is what we identify ourselves with we are dead not that's just a function of the mind of God I am NOT the I sense of utter paradoxical a statement you see when we get enlightenment when we get freedom workshop I do not get freedom but 
I get freedom from the eyes you do not get free you get freedom from yourself that which is the other real you become free from the apparent you become free means he was always free when you say that then only Shankar Acharya says next line which is most famous did on their Schieffer does not beat Natasha Kothari Maha Shiva means the ultimate swarupa of da-da-da-da-da-da-da the ultimate svarupa is infinite consciousness chignon and the consciousness bliss and that's what you are when you're chanting that it's not that she is singing till on their worship you are singing your real nature Shankaracharya sings his real nature your real nature and she was real it is the same existence consciousness bliss when you say a humdrum asked me what are what a televised statement we are making think about it not only you are saying that I am Brahma that itself is revolutionary there is something even more tremendously people 
don't think about it what is that tremendous thing when you say 
I am Brahma not only are you claiming that you are Brahman you are claiming that something else the reverse God is you mean two things either reality and Brahman and Brahmanic the really it means I when I say I am from what it means I am NOT this little body I am NOT this little mind not in at this middle life I am that infinite existence called a problem that's one meaning the opposite side Brahma is 
I it means there is no Brahma Vishnu Mahesh - Anand dome everyone I love you or whatever except you think about what is how turmeric tremendous statement it is an accept a really human self imagine the glory of your own self that is what that is self within each of us according to front wait a minute that is what we worship with name and form as daily there as a sitar on the Ganesha as Radhakrishnan as men cut up as Sheila different themes and pumps but different new barge will definitely cut it with the same the sentiment which you want which I am which everybody else's this is the ultimate conclusion of our Twitter may not your true nature is being worshipped here as God because it is difficult on us to grasp into think about it we project it out and give it many glorious qualities and then have a relationship with a sweet loving relationship ultimately however what you are inside and what really that represents is one of the signals that is the glorious conclusion of any endless of you of Hinduism of 2008 under moisture then what about the other approaches, this is a Jana Jana puts what about bhakti of meditation is the same thing will Gani realizes through which are that 

I am one with that the bubbler realizes through love that my lord is fallen at all in all everything is my lord I surrender - why not I surrender this is limited self to the infant data load exists that is an approach there's no contradiction absolutely no contradiction some of the greatest enemies are also brained purpose some of the greatest factors are also honest Swami Vivekanand is to say that I am Jana outside inside a novelty and then he said about Sri Ramakrishna and the old man is to say over time he seemed to be all from the outside inside he was all yeah pantheon, you know that although meditation we may need it on that which we are we give it a name and a farm and we'd be concentrate on that focus on that the exclusion of the whole technology meditation was mighty for that in karma yoga we serve that aloneness Shri Ramakrishna said, Shiva Guruji was able when you do schools colleges hospitals 
so what are the killer body is doing social services know they are in spiritual practice they are worshipping the same God in the pharmacy we can to put it in growing them sick person is your non higher the student an ignorant person is your non hire the person neglected by society crushed by society is your God so when Gandhiji says region basically the same idea to divine
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

in duels in the humans well said 

so when you do something good to others they're not doing charity you're pushing thing God that's very kinda said let the giver kneel down and offer that the person accepting stand up and accept you're not giving charity 
so the other yoga's Mukti yeah Raja yoga theorem and karma yoga they all support this realization ultimately we are it will lead to that and one more - thinking that 
I'll do Vivekananda Salameh we should also point out it's not that this alone is true and others of us it's never like that Hinduism is based on the idea here comes the problem in the Rig Veda thousands of years ago before she originally they come to anybody the truth is one the wise explicit differently in different sects of Hinduism all of those letters in different sects one good thing about America is it has forced all those things to come together in one table and if you go to the South you will have a Shiva temple and by differing the provision of the temple and in many places in the best 
I've seen Hari Hara temple together she one whisper have become nice grains side-by-side here standing which is the way it should be because of they all represent the same reality not only within Hinduism Christianity 
Islam Judaism Buddhism every male is that one reality which is understood and worshipped and appreciated in different ways even in Buddhism

 does not seem to speak about any permanent God at all but they talk about a transcendental state called Nirvana recently 
I read something very interesting but I himself is saying one of the original bodies texts it's a dumpling live in Buddhism he is saying all the issues other than the mixed compounded created there is an unmixed uncompounded unblended if there were not this unmixed uncompounded uncreated there would be no escape from the mixed and accompaniment created he does not say eternal because it doesn't mean something else in Buddhism but he says that there is something transcendent because of which they can escape from the religion if it was not there there would be no escape in the water itself means that 
so in every religion in different ways different language different philosophy different mythology different methodology takes us to that same reality see Ramakrishna put it in simple Bengali Thomas thought apart as many religions 

so many asked to that reality and therefore today it is easy for a Hindu to grasp but you see the great relevance or date in today's world and there is religious violence and intolerance and this message daddy team a toy the idea of the divinity within us and that one divinity in all religions it is a message of harmony of peace you can enjoy for a Hindu there's no the problem you kneel down in the temple you can see God in the mosque and God in the church also there's no problem for him they know that it is the same reality in different ways and it's very easy for us to appreciate if you can worship one two three four five six seven different ways of this 

what do you think the same reality why not figure out more ways why not 
so the message on a harmony religious we have covered a long distance 
I must congratulate myself we started with positive psychology from there to that mark the Kaaba monk and then moving on to moksha and moksha as the realization of the divinity within us realization through unity meditation through karma yoga they will be hard money from different religions and here we are 
so thank you very much thank you once again for inviting  

Today lecture no?


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