Spiritual Secrets- Rabindranath vs Vivekananda You Should Care for(Part-5)
Spiritual Secrets- Rabindranath vs Vivekananda You Should Care for(Part-5)
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Spiritual Secrets- Rabindranath vs Vivekananda You Should Care for |
Spiritual Secrets- Rabindranath vs Vivekananda You Should Care for so that is the next thing to understand and they lived in the moment they lived in the present they were not
concerned about trying to tell people how to be making people
move towards success and
on no none of those things they said if you can live your life with
awareness if you can live your life through singing the own beauty of
your song through the meditative consciousness of yourself then
you'll find the higher reaches of your mind then you'll find the
higher reaches of your soul and then you'll find the joy that is
infinite and what else matters that, in essence, is the entirety
you can see that Rabindranath and Vivekananda were both very ancient established in the old ancient acres of the mystic search but at the same time men of the future people who were immensely dynamic who look to the future who looked to newness who looked to youthfulness as defining all things now on earth you should talk about existence itself as being very youthful ever in a creative state
you can see that Rabindranath and Vivekananda were both very ancient established in the old ancient acres of the mystic search but at the same time men of the future people who were immensely dynamic who look to the future who looked to newness who looked to youthfulness as defining all things now on earth you should talk about existence itself as being very youthful ever in a creative state
Spiritual Secrets- Rabindranath vs Vivekananda You Should Care for so
the idea of God in Robin rods poetry songs as thousands of songs it's
of a constantly creative God an ageless card, not an old guard a
youthful fresh god, in fact, Robin Ranaut was against ideas of religion
that was contemporary during his time he felt that religions were
repressive you see he never quite spoke up against religions as such
but it was his whole vision which was eloquent enough to speak out
against it, he had a new vision for the man he said that religions have
created a split in people in humanity religions are forces of the division between man and men they are bondage the real ways
the mystical way where you transcend institutionalized aspects of
religion now Vivekananda on the other hand because he worked within
the domain of religion, for example, he went to the true Chicago for
the world Parliament of Religions he was working in an in the
religious domain
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Spiritual Secrets- Rabindranath vs Vivekananda You Should Care for |
Spiritual Secrets- Rabindranath vs Vivekananda You Should Care for so his idea was to catalyze the confluence of religions at that level he was working Rabindranath was free from that level because he was never in that domain as such he was not a theologian he was not a person who belongs to any particular school of thoughts neither was he evade anthem as reveille Quran was you see Vivekananda also carried a legacy he carried he carried the responsibility of the entire lineage of Vedanta over thousands of years
Rivka none really had that on his shoulders he had to he had to
speak from that pulpit he had to speak from the pulpit of religion
Raman Watts pulpit was the pulpit of nature he's was looking at the world as one entire commune which is to become intoxicated with
higher truth higher beauty and
on so the wine of Rabindranath Tagore is freely
available to through the medium of the Arts with Vivekananda it would
not be right to call it wine at all you can call it elixir you can
call it nectar he was distributing nectar Rabindranath sway
was one almost of a divine intoxication a divine madness with the
sheer beauty and wonderment of life the way currents way was of
kindling lights within people
that they can go thousands of miles on their own pathway through the
power of that self torch as Gautam Buddha says a Buddha Popova and him
was it's about kindling the light within yourself and Vivekananda was
helping people Kindle their lights and he believed in institutions
now it's very interesting that they both created institutions of very
different kinds Rabindranath, of course, founded miss
Parvati at Shantiniketan the University and the University naturally
because it went into the hands of the government it just became an
absolute nonsensical representation of what Robin Ranaut stands for
the visual beauty of today has nothing to do with robbing or not to
Gore, it is just an ordinary institution Bengal which really is not
truly representative of the confluence that he talked about it is
ridiculous it is absolutely a betrayal of his entire vision of
expanded consciousness it has become an ordinary academic place even
the arts in bits about the academic even the dances are academic
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Spiritual Secrets- Rabindranath vs Vivekananda You Should Care for |
Spiritual Secrets- Rabindranath vs Vivekananda You Should Care for so academic that the spirit of the thing is missing the dignity of the thing is missing each professor is guarding their own domain you see Rabindranath got caught up in this entire problem which is the inevitable bane of academia in our country it gets caught up in governmental morasses it gets caught up in academic politics and there's nothing worse than politics in academia now Vivekananda, on the other hand, created an institution the Ramakrishna
and because the Ramakrishna mission is really based upon a Vedantic
essence it is still by far and large far better run than most
institutions than most religious institutions and in a way because
its mandate is not entirely religious it is also about social service
more than religion it is also about the idea of India the seeds are
two form of Indian spirituality and disseminating those seeds of
mysticism within the world which is why it has remained more relevant
with a V a bit sober tea for example but at the same time Dharma the
Ramakrishna mission does not totally do justice to the idea as a free
Ramakrishna, for example, Sri Ramakrishna was not
interested in sending his monks out to do service for others no his
idea was more akin in that way to what Rabindranath was
talking about what Rabindranath has exemplified
through his songs and music and
on it's about divine intoxication it's about going deep into the
mystic search and not about institutions at all
you know where these are inter interwoven sort of a narrative you see
it's interesting how Robin Renaud songs often carry more of the
spirit of ram Krishna then the Ramakrishna mission monks will ever be
able to tell you about Sri Ramakrishna it's very interesting
I personally find more of Ram Krishna in Ravindra Nights works then you can find in the tombs and tombs of literature that the Ram Krishna machine monks keep churning out or they'd rather theological lectures which are steeped in a morass of Sanskrit eyes Dargan you see it's very easy to use to dig up a lexicon of Sanskrit words and and to do you know to have a lexicon of Vedanta for example and keep talking about different big words which relate to Vedanta it's very rich in that manner but the roots the spirit is not there as much as you can find in a simple song of Rabindranath Tagore that carries the ecstasy that carries the sheer beauty of Sri Ramakrishna's mystical message
I personally find more of Ram Krishna in Ravindra Nights works then you can find in the tombs and tombs of literature that the Ram Krishna machine monks keep churning out or they'd rather theological lectures which are steeped in a morass of Sanskrit eyes Dargan you see it's very easy to use to dig up a lexicon of Sanskrit words and and to do you know to have a lexicon of Vedanta for example and keep talking about different big words which relate to Vedanta it's very rich in that manner but the roots the spirit is not there as much as you can find in a simple song of Rabindranath Tagore that carries the ecstasy that carries the sheer beauty of Sri Ramakrishna's mystical message
really it's the blossoming of bliss which is the sensual thing now of
course Vivekananda's life was cut short you see you could say his
most productive years might have been ahead of him he was a religious
man who was
young when he passed away while religion is a domain which people
really excel at it's become famous for in later years now there are
beret Shion's, for example, Jesus of Nazareth is an aberration he died
at 33 was crucified at 33 similarly Adi Shankaracharya died very
young and we waken and comes from that lineage he comes from that
similar sort of you know the impressionability at a very young age
which is a very rare thing in the domain of religion Robin NORAD
world and her fame actually started much later in his later life his
world fame did not really start till a later stage of his life but
then it flowered and flourished to the extent that he became arguably
one of the most famous people of his entire lifetime within the world
and he could explore bound he could explore poetry could explore
music without boundaries because of his travels you see
he's considered almost a personification of a Zen monk in Japan in
Japan he was revered till he actually went and attacked the
aggressive political policies of Japan for example their invasion of
Manchuria their military accesses their misinterpretation of the
Bushido Code of the samurai when they became an aggressive country
he lost his credibility in Japan in China similarly he'd become
immensely popular in fact I have a friend in China is English they're
things that he's a missing Englishman he tells me that stray birds is
the highest-selling book after Chairman Mao's little red book you see
naturally mouths book is compulsory it sells most and stray Birds is
immensely popular
who would have thought that Rabindranath would make
such an impression in communist China as well
that's the thing about Rabindranath he doesn't talk
about any ideology as such he doesn't talk about any political
ideology it's such and that keeps him immensely pure
Robin Nuna transcends ideologies be their religious ideologies be
they political ideologies and
on his only ideology if at all is that of beauty perception of beauty
in that way he is more akin to the Taoist masters like throngs ooh and
loud say he's more akin to the Japanese Zen poets like Barcia who's
very concern is with beauty who's very concern is with the light
within the world that sacred light was just scattering on every blade
of grass on every dewdrop on every leaf and petal
that is the real poetry and Rabindranath lived his
life as if it was poetry Vivekananda was a much tougher life in that
way we waken and chose the way of complete abstinence now he never
abstained from many things for example he had alcohol he used to
smoke a cigar but his life was incredibly disciplined not even while
he was smoking for example he would smoke what was with him but he
would not carry the smokes around to see
his was the way of the monk where you accept what you get but you do
not hanker about the tomorrow you're not worried about the tomorrow
you're almost like that Jane Mooney who's absolutely gives no thought
to the model you accept in week shy you accept us as a beggar monk
you accept aims to call himself a beggar monk you accept whatever
comes you and you you you make use of partake of it what is offered
to you but like a river you flow on you move on and you don't let
that water stick you see a reverse water keeps moving if you put your
leg into the river the water doesn't same what it doesn't cross you
twice it's freshwaters and that is the way of the monk
certain ideas certain ideas about monkhood were carried within
Vivekananda which differentiates him entirely
from Rabindranath Tagore's whose ways of utter
freedom from all dogma from all moral disciplines and
on we recommend is to say that his only real moral discipline is that
of Brahma Chhabria if the bow of Brahmacari was non-negotiable to him
everything else was alright his master gave him the permission to eat
meat and
on because of Shri Ramakrishna knew that Vivekananda would be teaching
in a Western milieu he had foreseen it and he realized that for the
vacant and to be an effective teacher he must free him from these
small barns for example if he had insisted on drama of awaken and
telling vegetarian it would not have been possible for awaken and
perhaps to survive very difficult days in the West when eating
anything become difficult for him but he could survive because he was
not bound down by very very strict monastic vows yes it was the one
way of Brahmacari of abstinence from the sexual acts which kept him
completely absolutely and utterly individually unique you see I have
never encountered a person who's absolutely
deeply in relationships of different sorts with women with Western
women in in that particular age an Indian man in that particular age
who is literally deified by them but at the same time the affection
is that of a sister the affection is that of a mother he commanded
that kind of affection his order was such that nobody would even look
at him with the eyes of a lover now Rabindranath fur
on the other hand used to have a lot of romantic admirer around him
it's arguable it's debatable about what he indulged in what he didn't
indulgent it doesn't even matter because his life was so pristine it
pure so dynamic and the creative strain of his life was
dominating and powerful that hardly ever thought would move on to
that you see apart from a few perverted mindsets who insist on
Rabindra not a moral downfall and so on which is an absolute road load
of rubbish because they're not able to see into the depths of the man
they're not able to see into the vastness of the man
so Rabindra does not sway we can see in a nutshell is about rejoicing in life
rejoice the more you rejoice the more come to you and share your
rejoicing with others that is the only thing you can share your
downs share song through that is service to others Viveca ins is a
more concrete sort of service he says look at everyone as if they
are not I and look at everyone as if they are caught and through
doing that you come into a very service oriented relationship with
others you are constantly trying to be of value to each to others
Spiritual Secrets- Rabindranath vs Vivekananda You Should Care for so
he the whole tradition of ramakrishna mission is how they can be of
value to society how they can be of value to society at large and
that way that's the way of the Bodhisattva where you are not
completely concerned about your liberation but you are also concerned
about taking others onto liberation you're helping others that's the
way of the Bodhisattva the way of our hat is self-liberation self
bliss and
on so in a way Robin or nothing simplifies the way of the Arts and
ultimately there's no difference the art is also a Buddha the
Bodhisattva is also a puta it's just that the parts are a little
different the Bliss is the same it's just a question of whether one
is celebrating one's own expression one's own beauty of expression or
one is more concerned about making others celebrate that but there
again it's not like a line written stone it's more like a line
written water, for example, Rabindranath used to say
that even if all his teachings go if all his works go his essay is
everything goes his songs will remain
the crystallization of ramen rods message his through his
creative works his songs mainly his poetry on the second day and the
crystallization of rabiner awakens work his true encapsulation of all
of the old ancient Vedanta concepts in a new modern form which
continues through the Ramakrishna mission and
on so and of course, is seminal books like Raja yoga bhakti yoga
what Vivekananda could do was that he could crystallize this entire
massive mass of learning from different philosophies of India beat
Vedanta beat Sankhya beat bhakti beat Roger yoga and so on and
into an understandable accessible form for the first time you had
somebody doing that in a modern idiom and that became very important
because Hinduism is like an ocean to so vast
what Vivekananda could do was he who take that water from that ocean
called Hinduism and he could distill it into the purity of form and him
that distilled water is what has kept Hinduism going and has what has
kept that stream of the highest philosophical thoughts in Hinduism
alive which is Vedanta in a way which is sang here in a way Raja yoga
bhakti yoga these are the distilled versions of his entire learning
here he had an absolutely encyclopedic grasp of all subjects most
subjects to the extent that he's written and then the New York
Medical Journal you see he's written about science there
he's a great reservoir of ideas beyond belief precocious minded and
he distal to distill that not only in a mystical way but in a scholarly way in a theological way also
his work has theological merit with Rabindranath, of course, the search
is for bliss the search is for beauty
he never really encapsulates those truths in a particular the jargon
a particular language of religion no he couches it in the language of
poetry in the language of dance in the language of reality that that
is his religion that that is the entirety of his mystic message
in a way the way cons approaches a little more scientific it is a
little more it is a little more academically more
differentiated it is bringing together concrete ideas about different
philosophies Robin Reynolds is almost like the fragrance of the flower you see you can't define the fragrance it is a subtle thing
but nonetheless, it exists
so the fragrance has no color it just has a feeling of smell you can't quit
define it it's not like Ravi bacon is like the fruit you can you can
measure the dimensions of the fruit you can taste it you can describe
its taste and
on we make our opinion ours is more like the fragrance of the flower
it's difficult to bottle it's difficult to productize it's difficult
to define but it's there nonetheless
it's very interesting this entire Robin earth versus the vehicle and
and it's not versus so much it is putting them in juxtaposition
that we can understand the entirety of mysticism as such and that is
the most important thing that keeps these two characters eternally
interesting and that keeps the relationship they're very the personification of higher truths Oh interesting you
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