Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda - Spirituality Religion

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Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda
Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda 

That a person is bad not in that sense a person may be very worldly and if you keep company with such a person knowingly or unknowingly one might think I'm very clever 
I will not be affected but if you live in a house of suit you're then some black Mart will come on your clothes 
so be careful whose company you keep if you actually start one the advantage is if you actually, start practicing spiritual disciplines such people will move away from you let's say oh that person's become 
so boring no one Swami said how if you are being bothered by tugs by crooks how to do you you can't fight with them they're violent people what do you do start keeping company with the police if you in the thugs the crooks see that you're hanging around with the police they will keep it away from them 
so keep holy thoughts in your mind the other thoughts will keep away our mind is basically it's beyond our control now the Swami initiations used to give a nice example he said the condition of our the mind is we do not know our own minds we think it's my mind so I can do whatever I want I can think right now 
Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda
Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda 

I am entertaining some not-so-good worldly thoughts but when I want I can think about God very easily not 
so easy we are very unaware of the strengths of our own mind we are aware of physical strength can you run the New York Marathon no 
I am not in shape can you left lift 200 pounds weight lifting no I cannot do that we are aware of our physical limitation can you sit-in meditation for 30 minutes yeah what's wrong it's 
so easy it isn't we about mental mind, all stress capacity and it also takes training 
so initiations used to give this example suppose you have an apartment in some other city and your a friend comes and says can I stay in your apartment a few days I'm going to that city for some work and you say yeah
Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda
Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda  

I have some a caretaker is there I'm going to give you this note is my friend, please let him stay in my apartment for a few days you go to present that notability Tuesday you know your friend goes and rings the bell a few rough-looking characters come out and say what 
I'm going to stay here says who you know this is the owner of the apartment he has given a note see and that guy takes the note and tears it up and then catches your friend and throws him out on the street now will you still say the apartment is yours it may be legally yours but practically it has been taken over by squatters or somebody else has come and taken over similarly our mind has become 
so used to worldly thoughts desirous thoughts envious thoughts angry thoughts resentful thoughts of suspicion all to do with the world net when now you say 
Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda
Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 5) | Swami Sarvapriyananda 
I have taken mantra from the Guru the mantra has to remain in my mind you tell the month it's my mind don't worry go in there here's the noted guru say mantras to remain here  I say my mind mantra will remain here go in there and then these rough thoughts come out and yes what do you want the poor mantra says 

I have to stay here Rama Rama Rama Krishna Krishna Krishna and those fellows the catch hold of envy anger resentment hatred desire suspicion the catch hold of the poor mantra and throw it out dope that's what happens because of bad patterns of thinking that can be replaced and the bad company encourages brings out these tendencies which are already there in our mind it just brings out exactly the opposite happens holy company it brings out the good we all have good samskaras 
we all have sattvic samskaras holy company it was very powerful that's the last point he will say
so I'm not talking about it now but one of the most powerful things I've seen spiritual practice holy company but harami Osho can see himself was humorous about it when he would talk about often about that 
so one lady wrote to him swami I am convinced about the power of the holy company 

so I had I want holy come funny the Swami wrote back to her the letters are still there, Madame,
 I'm glad to know that you want the holy company but the question is do the holy want your company is us joking about the course then the next one is 
so careful of the company you keep good company is good don't get good company then no company is good and solitude is better solitude is very good once how to put it very nicely solitude the agony the ignorant man the man of the world is terrified of solitude alas I am alone nobody likes me I am lonely 

I am unhappy just think about it what does when you are alone and you are unhappy what does it mean it means I am not happy in my the company then why would anybody else be happy in my company 
I don't like my own company and why would anybody else and nobody likes me to do you like yourself no I asked Asado and then that's all you said but the opposite is the Gianni who for

Today Thakur's clothes are purple color


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