How to Changing Sentences from Passive to Active Voice very easy - Spirituality Religion

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How to Changing Sentences from Passive to Active Voice very easy

How to Change Sentences from Passive to Active Voice very easy

alright our next step is to work on

changing sentences from the passive

voice to the active voice we're going to

be rewriting sentences so rien is that

the prefix that means to do again okay so

when you're rewriting you're writing

them again and hopefully in this case

you're improving them and making them

more active so by the end of this little

the lesson you will be able to change

sentences from the passive voice to the

the active voice I don't anticipate this

being a huge challenge however, I want to

make sure everybody's on the same page

so we're just gonna have this little

In the introduction, you will need a piece of

paper and a pencil or pen okay just to

write down some sentences and give them a

try before you have to do it for points

so let's do a few examples first the

mail was delivered by a different

carrier than usual so we know from the

the previous lesson that because it says was


and then because the action is actually

being done by somebody in the predicate

we know this is a passive sentence okay

so let's think about how okay how could

I change this into the active voice I

want to move this a different carrier

than usual that's currently in the

predicate I need to move that into the

subject and make it actually do

something so I would change this around

and probably write this as a different

carrier than usual delivered the mail so

we can see all the same pieces are there

all right a different carrier than usual

is still the person place or thing doing

the action is okay I've just moved them to

At the beginning of the sentence the

subject alright they're still doing

something to the same thing the mail is

still have something done to it but

now it's in the predicate but just kind

of sort of where it belongs and the verb

is still exactly the same it Was delivered

okay but instead of was delivered by

we've got just plain delivered so you

can see we've moved the thing doing the

action into the subject and made it an

actual like it's a something that's

doing the action okay let's look at

another one I was given an amazing

birthday present by my parents okay so

look at this and just think in your head

what might I do to this the person's place

or thing actually doing the action is my

parents, so I want them in the subject

how can I do that my parents gave me an

amazing birthday present so this has all

the same elements again my parents are

still doing the action they're still

doing the giving all right and they're

still doing the same action they're

still giving okay but it changes from

was given to give because it's in the

past tense

okay this was given happened in the past

gave happened in the past all right

they're still doing it to the same

person but we had to change it from I to

I do it moves from the subject to the


and then the birthday present they're

still doing the same all right

In the last example, we're going to deal

with what happens when you don't know

who's doing the action, okay we've got

this the jewels were stolen okay we

don't know who did the stealing right we

have no clue so this is where you have

to get creative and inventive and

sometimes just use common sense okay

we might say someone stole the jewels

all right someone takes the place of

this is like a non-existent actor in this

the first sentence okay I could have said

you know the thief stole the jewels or a

the thief stole the jewels right a

the mysterious person stole the jewels but

we don't know so I just chose someone

but you can get more creative if you

want we don't know my home

but they still stole the jewels

all right what we're gonna do now is I'm

gonna put up five sentences so I want

you to number one through five and then

you are going to write to them and you're

going to change them into the active

a voice so after I put them up here I'm

going to give you a countdown from five

for you to pause so that you can do the

work and then when you finish doing that

then you will press play again and we'll

check them

okay so the first sentence the science book

was destroyed by the fire the squirrel

was almost run over by the car

the documents were signed by the new owners

the late electricity bill was paid by

our parents and my locker were broken

into so I'm gonna count down I want you

to pause you are going to write each of

these sentences in the passive voice

five four three two one  you

now you're ready to move on so I'm gonna

give you the answers that I came up with

okay there's room for the sort of

interpretation of some of these and

there are sometimes multiple correct

ways to write things but you should be

pretty certain that you've written a

the complete and correct sentence here we go

so for number one, I said instead of the

science book was destroyed by the fire I

said the fire destroyed the science book

fire is still doing the action it's

still destroying what the

science book all right the squirrel was

almost run over by the car what's

actually doing the action the car is and

it's almost running over the squirrel so

I said the car almost ran over the

squirrel because this was in the past

ran is in the past the documents were

signed by the new owners and new owners

should be now turned into the subject

and they're signing the documents so the

new owners signed the documents the

linked electricity bill was paid by our

parents okay the person plays doing the

action is actually our parents but it's

sitting in the predicate thinking and

passive so we're gonna put it into the

subject our parents paid for the late

electricity bill okay because paid and

was paid are both in the past

and then my locker was broken into this

is one of those where we don't know who

did the thing okay so you could have

said a thief or a mysterious human being

or someone broke into my locker

so at this point, you should be able to

say that I can change sentences from the

passive voice to the active voice if you

can't please leave those were a

challenge or you came up with sentences

that was completely different than what

I came up with then come talk to your

teacher or teachers and we will help you

get on the right track

otherwise, your next step is to do the

active passive voice check number

two okay thank you very much have a

wonderful day


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