VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II Only that kind of work which develops our spirituality is work. - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II Only that kind of work which develops our spirituality is work.

Sri Ramakrishna
   Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Only that kind of work which develops our spirituality is work. 
Whatever fosters materiality is no - work. Therefore work and no - work must be regulated by a person's aptitude, his country, and his age. Works such as sacrifices were suited to the olden times but are not for the modern times. From the date that the Ramakrishna Incarnation was conceived, has sprung the Satya - Yuga (Golden Age). . . .In this Incarnation skeptical thoughts . . . will be decimated by the sword of Jnana (information), and the entire world will be bound together by methods for Bhakti (commitment) and Prema (Divine Love). Additionally, in this Incarnation, Rajas, or the craving for name and popularity and so forth., is inside and out missing. At the end of the day, favored is he who misbehaves to His lessons; regardless of whether he acknowledges Him or not, does not make a difference. 
No extraordinary work can be accomplished by the fake. It is through adoration, an enthusiasm for truth, and colossal vitality, that all endeavors are cultivated. [(Sanskrit)]- - in this way, show your masculinity… . . . Consolidate earnestness with virtuous naivete. Live incongruity with all. Surrender all thought of pride, and engage no partisan perspectives. Pointless wrangling is an incredible sin… Whatever the Vedas, the Vedanta, and every single other manifestation have done before, Shri Ramakrishna lived to rehearse over the span of a solitary life. 
One can't comprehend the Vedas, the Vedanta, the Incarnations, etc, without understanding his life. For he was the clarification. From the simple date that he was conceived, has sprung the Satya - Yuga (Golden Age). From this time forward there is a conclusion to a wide range of refinements, and everybody down to the Chandala will be a sharer in the Divine Love. The refinement among man and lady, between the rich and poor people, the proficient and unskilled, Brahmins and Chandalas - he lived to find all. Also, he was the harbinger of Peace - the partition among Hindus and Mohammedans, among Hindus and Christians, all are presently relics of days gone by. That quarrel over refinements that there was, had a place with another time. In this Satya - Yuga the tsunami of Shri Ramakrishna's Love has brought together all.
(page.326-336, Vol.6, Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Swamiji’s letter to Swami Ramakrishnananda in Sept 1895)

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