VISIT TODAY SARADA II Can it be achieved by one stroke? - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY SARADA II Can it be achieved by one stroke?


Sri Sarada Devi
Sri Sarada Devi


Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda

Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Sarada Devi
Sri Sarada Devi
Sri Sarada Devi

 “Hold this idea constantly in your mind: ‘Within me art thou; outside me art thou. I am the machine; thou art the operator. I act according to thy bidding.’ What more is needed? Can it be achieved by one stroke? Practice is necessary and through repeated practice comes success. God will then truly be the operator of the body. This is a fact. She is doing everything. Incapable of understanding this, we think we are the doers and thus get bound by action…If you reflect a little you will understand: when a person does not have any ego-sense or think “I am the doer,” there cannot be any bondage. It is the sense of “I” that binds. “When shall I be free? 
(page.78-9, Spiritual Treasures, Swami Turiyananda’s letter date. 10th September 1914)

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