VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA - Spirituality Religion

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Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Thought for the Week

The longest night is by all accounts passing without end, the sorest inconvenience is by all accounts arriving at an end finally, the appearing body seems, by all accounts, to be stirring and a voice is coming to us - away back where history and even convention neglects to peep into the unhappiness of the past, descending from that point, reflected in a manner of speaking from top to crest of the unbounded Himalaya of information, and of adoration, and of work, India, this country of our own - a voice is coming unto us, delicate, firm, but then indisputable in its articulations, and is picking up volume as days cruise by, and view, the sleeper is arousing! Like a breeze from the Himalayas, it is carrying life into the dead bones and muscles, the dormancy is passing without end, and just the visually impaired can't see, or the distorted won't see, that she is arousing, this homeland of our own, from her profound long rest. 
None can oppose her anymore; never is she resting any more; no outward powers can hold her back anymore; for the endless mammoth is ascending to her feet… Great works are to be done, brilliant forces need to be worked out, we need to show different countries numerous things, as has been said as of now by your Highness. 
This is the country of rationality, of otherworldliness, and of morals, of sweetness, tenderness, and love. These still exist, and my experience of the world leads me to remain on the firm ground and put forth the strong expression that India is as yet the above all else of the considerable number of countries of the world in these regards… Let every one of us buckle down, my brethren; this is no time for rest. On our work depends the happening to the India of things to come. She is there prepared pausing. She is just dozing. Emerge and conscious and see her situated here on her interminable position of royalty, restored, more superb than she at any point was - this homeland of our own. 

(Page.145-154, V.3, Swamiji's answer to the location of welcome at Ramnad on 25th January 1897)

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