VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II Don’t waste your time anymore. - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II Don’t waste your time anymore.


Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
A Sadhaka should first learn about the spiritual path from some great soul, then methodically follow it. If he does it haphazardly, he cannot achieve much success. Once more, on the off chance that he surrenders it, he should advance twofold the typical exertion to pick up the ideal outcome But no endeavor is lost. Lust, anger, and greed gradually leave him who leads the spiritual life. Don’t waste your time anymore. Presently the faculties are solid and must be monitored. This is no doubt a troublesome task. But practice Sadhana continually for seven or eight years; then you will enjoy the fruits of your practices, and peace and bliss thereof. Is meditation an easy affair? Only regular practice will bring perfection in it. Remember, it is next only to Samadhi. Self-surrender and everything will manifest from within through your Sadhana. Leave everything to God. Resign yourself wholly to Him.

(Page.149-152, Eternal Companion, Swami Brahmananda’s instructions on 24th January 1921)

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