VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II The world is just like that. - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II The world is just like that.



Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

The world is just like that. Take note of this and live accordingly. There is no reason to be upset. Surrender to the Master and go on doing your duty. The world is what it is, yet you attain Self-knowledge from this world. It is very interesting. And when you attain that knowledge you are free. The world can no longer bind you. Know this for certain. Whatever you do, remember God first. What is most important is the love of God and faith in him. You have both pleasure and pain in the world. No one is always happy in this world. No one is always unhappy either. If you are a true devotee, keep your mind fixed on God. Treat both pleasure and pain as transient and overlook them.
(Page.77-8, Letters For Spiritual seekers, Swami Shivananda’s letter dated 23rd January 1914) 

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