Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar(Part_2) - Spirituality Religion

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Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar(Part_2)

Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar(Part_2)

turned me into his slave so I was little my life to him now what we need is we actually done recording long record nothing work 12 episodes of half an hour each on the guitar affection is over
Sri Ramakrishna and that is available if you're going into Academy Channel YouTube channel just in the Academy YouTube channel and we look at the playlist right the bottom will be the story of 
Sri Ramakrishna and there were 12 episodes very detailed information regarding how this young get this lovely individual progress spiritually and what is our what our is teaching feel free to look at those videos but anyway this is a shorter version if you like 
sir some people like to read books rather than what we use or additional things 
so would you recommend any book yes then you need look there are two books that are considered with the authority on the story of Sri Ramakrishna when it's called the gospel of Sri Ramakrishna written by one of his disciples a householder disciple in schoolteacher quote mind you not Gupta that's a beautiful material it's fantastic because you spec to write a diary visit Ram Krishna related 
I know what you're saying they only day-to-day basis this is the only proper record of his actual verbal communication with other human beings and his disciples this is one of the best places the second place done you know it if you like it something cool the story of the great master and this is written by Swami Shannon was one of his chief disciples and this person has done a rigorous research on Sri Ram questions life story basically what day was born what time was it etc and this is the wedding this is called the Greek master and 
so you're free Ram Krishna by swami sharanam these are the two main books of authority on the story of 
Sri Ramakrishna but then there are other recent ones that have been coming out 
so when you said they live with God or God live with them these are the only books written by the wrong question order regarding all the various people who came in contact with 
Ramakrishna this is if you like a source we are stuck with this version but if you really a sincere freed up the book especially the gospel of 
Shri Ramakrishna if he doesn't thrill you nothing else worth reading my friends this point is mastery of such vast array of spiritual experience very few people were attracted to him during his lifetime even now how do you explain this yes is the same if the reason is this here is a first spiritual giant who is not out to start a sectarian movement in his own name because he was talking about plural is in many ways to be spiritual you cannot start in his own little movements 
I go play on the superior movement because then he's in the same boat 
so it never bothered to set up his if you like a spiritual movement restricted movement in his name if you had done it you've been more popular than any of the modern kind of would be girls sit who supposedly gurus is in the scene he would win far most dynamic he never wanted because it goes against what he was talking about many ways to be spiritual 
so rather than say this is my way he must follow me he said many ways 
so this is kind of here to reconcile rather and start a new moment second moment in his own name that is why one reason second or third refer and love is this I did say to to start a program 
I said this man if you want magic and miracles there is no time for you you keep your rational record is switched on because when you start believing in magic and miracles very original
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

national speaker Lee has been switched off you're finished because then you open to all hope coping with throw in your failures because you haven't discovered 
so here is nothing doing so no magic even to is like when you look in this line is the highly mysterious and yet it doesn't focus on it at all leaves talking on a very in a rational manner 
so again do this is what we wouldn't even be like magical miracle the third thing that the ordinary human being as 
I mentioned earlier like is somebody some great prophet to say become like is you know fourth emergency chain you know emergency service 
so I'm in trouble health-wise wealthwise Mike mother my wife is running away you were all this problem 
so for them this rankers me absolutely no good because if anybody went near him asking for this kind of favors is it going the only favor he'll do see the power of this man is if you want spiritual in come to me if you want material things go away yeah 
I tell you how he used to do that when he was in if not general temple garden house he lots of you flock not once but a few of protein and he would know straight where this person has come for some personal needs 
so this will be your fellow he said the gardens are so nice go and visit the gardens you send them all and she was very particular you would not be not going to get caught up into another example 
I give you this this guy is to go into deep meditation in the mod mention the word spirit or what you got deep meditation and actually use body consciousness and one of these days they happen to him very little funny story he used to be one piece of white cloth and when he went to relieve meditation sometimes standing up it goes in deep meditation the white clothes fall down and you decipher a few of the mood running to eat up you know the pokeman and he once he toppled over in hiepro his arm 
so there to put a you know it's put them in slinger and this year on question or not what don't bothered about it he said good you know why good he said people who come here to get the health problem sorted out we
look at me and said this look at this holy man he can't sort himself out how he's got to sort me out he look at his eyes obviously they walk we then go away from is a good movement 
so it's good well this so this is the humor in the sincerity of the genuine spiritual master of this age could you give us a little background of his child indeed we must look at the childhood you say 
I'm not going with number with dates and other piece of data remember on 18th of February 1836 in a small village called kama - cool near Calcutta was born this young man young boy he was called the Dada initially later on some
 I don't know how he acquired the name Ramakrishna now the reason 
why I know is they when you look at the story of this boy this is a story of if you like the genuine master a date of 6 seen how the powerful it is he was walking in the paddy field near his village and eating regularly two children eating Iroquois fries and walking and while
 I was walking a storm came up the black clouds who gave out the sky and this body eating is puffed rice looked up and the black clouds 
so if you know kind of a group of herons white herons flying fast the dark cloud you just look at it and the beauty of the whole surrounding or 
so overwhelming he went into deep meditation without without any prompting without realizing what the heck was happening to him into the deepest
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

meditation it fell off because there was such a dynamic experience because what was it in we fell down was an epileptic fit or something no see this is what actually happened to him telling you at the very young age of six this boy achieved the highest if you like spiritual experience the Hindus talked about this experience core Ramadan drama grin when you are able to experience yourself as one with the whole of this creation the subject object divided is this something disappears this is the height of Hindu philosophy Brahma magnin knowledge that underpinning this reality is not what it appears to be not the material world but on the great that links me and the creation in no uncertain terms in a very dynamic and intense experience the experience is 
so intense you can't marry your mom can't feel your body in we total per hour and you are in a deep state 
so at the age of six see I'm telling you why it is very special this young boy is 8006 hit the jackpot the highest of the Hindu tradition run rockman now everything else that happened to me afterwards is down the hill this is the height of Hindu experience from mignonne day or six and he was like they're lying they're the people in the village they're one step of the way they've left even took him home he was like it for 

I don't know about 24 hours in that state or problem done so you see is already a stop in the highest in the experiential dimension at the very young age 
so from now on anything else that happens to you is doing down the hill but he is good Jack what are the eight or six and the people sometimes laugh and how we explain this let me tell you example again given by Ramakrishna it's like this

 I said when you go to a lakeside now some you know green can almost floating on the left side you can see the water 
I told the lake is covered with this green moss and you look at it you take a stick and you push the green moss away and for a moment you see the clear water but then once you take a sticker suddenly all the moss canister comes dancing back and can we he covers up the water again it's all this what Ramadan is when you're clearly experiences underpinning to reality he's like oh this external is pushed aside you can get a glimpse of it but again 
I'm telling you from experience and then the worst comes dancing back and you're back to your normal self is or dear what happened to being 

I just added depth of knowledge and suddenly well the most comes and covers me up again covers of the experience of Ramona this is the story of Rama Krishna Advani engage it the highest spiritual experience we've been talking about for thousands of years this is the storing of this wonderful giant oh yeah yeah another funny story and they were funny story ground Krishna see in the village they decided to celebrate she rapidly by doing a play on Lord Shiva now the young boy is good to play Lord Shiva's head stomach trouble diarrhea 
so they kind of she was standing and then suddenly going line to go to the toilet you can't have that 
so the village who to catch hold of the court all of this you know with other they see you player you are you know the other plays wrong it's like no problem 

I play think you know in Willie would you expecting some kind of skinny stuff only say man littlest thing that look like a little rock they look like a snake is okay she she WA little Trident you know kind of a bit 
so stick they put him on the stage it's now supposed to play the part of Shiva and he's known his lines the moment is put this is real story very funny and very exciting story
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

now this boy if you prompt him to take on a role of God or Spade he goes into the road actually not in just on the play really when she went he's holding his Trident standing there on the stage and his eyes were free with tears of joy flowing down he is now Shiva 
so he's actually experienced him service you are standing there the lines of the play of a boat on the villagers don't know what to do with this boy he's just standing there with tears in out tears of joy flowing
 what can I do there to lift him in a cave of it in the place talk 

so you don't from this man to talk about go to spirituality goes into deep meditation immediately you see for people like us getting rid of the ego is a hell it's difficult to get rid of this ego ego is Adriel problem is blocks us from seeing what spiritual self this man is exactly opposite here difficulty in hanging on to his ego you won't believe this in the depth of his meditation because he keeps going into that he has difficulty linking up with his body the body keeps toppling over and he's difficult to bring him down towards and link up with the body and this is you see the difference we struggle to get rid of ego he struggles to hang on because they can operate with us he can talk to us this is the story sir about his education how how much did he study and when did he got all the knowledge that he passed on to this disciple of his my go to be like this part of the answer he hated maths he hated math supposed to be the great outer he hated meds my daughter's a good I liked him I hate Mets as well 

so what a MIDI this is what happened to him the agent was 11 his father passed away and he said it at the very engaging the father passes over the world really free is withdrawn feel really it hard the father is death you know steadfast helper now it's gone the moment in verse he started spending time in the cremation ground thick your higher things - they only help remove none 
so it's become national for him - when we attracted this idea of spirituality religion etc so he went in a kind of inward mode and he said why should 
I study so that I can earn a little bit of food to eat just to fill my stomach 
I study and give my whole life to it he experienced the Brahman and that is why I cannot relate to it 

so he acknowledged his education was very limited but he is not bothered because he's indication of the higher kind more the only kind we allow us to earn a living and survive his knowledge was more higher kind yes what he that is why he in a way spent the rest of his life at this time a very high spiritual plane Kalamandir and could you please tell us about his time at bucks mess with him boots indeed you see his older brother Ram Kumar with a point it is a priest now this boy is not bothered to become a priest he doesn't want to do you know earn a living doing priestly stuff is not bothered but Ram : you know many inquiries alkalete important there's a reason why it was Ram Kumar who accepted the job there was a person called Ronnie wrasse money will the huge Kali temple appreciated dream of with the goddess they build a temple for me but then she had to kind of donate the temple make sure that you know kind of accredited priests Brahmin priests to run it and she couldn't find anybody energy for round one

 so she's going to give me some chief priests so you say fine even there and this rubbish wasn't messing around in kamaboko swisherd come with me pressure no problem event with him and they run krishna would you sit near the bank of the river Ganga and kind of make moles of winner go there gods
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

and goddesses aloo just play with gods and goddesses but then tragedy struck run for passed away suddenly 
so Ronnie grass money said get replacement this so this boy was very devout very sincere very straightforward 
so they said this is the right chair that's making the temple priest there to fight him to be taken the role of being a temple priest said Kali temple in connection else were finally agreed may be divine you know providers he agreed and then the fun began now once is there 

I told you this man is experiential Hinduism not intellectual three equal waving is lamp the image of mother goddess and said is she for real we're stoned she has started asking this kind of guy will ask stuff like that it's good from non already in the background he's saying yes before you do not keep waving the lamp saying whether God is are you for real or just make video just piece of stone and this caught hold of him see say for for ya if you are for reading comments from yourself to me now he's here I'm gonna spare you are seeing a reconciliation between the idea of Brahma blonde and the idea of mother goddess or father good idea of God with form in it to use this is the reconciliation of in story of Sri Ramakrishna he said if you are for your to show yourself and what the goddess doesn't turn up that easily 

so finally said if you don't show us I'm

going to kill me he's capable of doing that and at that time at that state because then he sees broken the mold what he has done is this managed by the brahmana that is homeless near gone near a car he said I want to see you a saloon 
Sokka wait for me and as a mother nor father Gordon not aborting Jeff's mother goddess come and show yourself to my mother 
so imploring ROM one that had the experience to take on a form and play with him and this is not an easy task because to get this grade from the month is a Laguna rapid ramen to take on the form requires tremendous effort and this woody to do we said you become mother goddess women come and play with me and this is actually happen at expect this is why this experiential religion 
so in no time he was able to explain what the goddess playing with him talking to him joking with him dancing with him in the temple garden in the temple, you know Peggy patio and he said wow skin this is possible you know 
when I was a young boy I have visited that finish were just to go and stand in the place where our questions to play with the mother goddess it's a very sacred place sanctify 3d just imagine brahmana force to take on a form and play interact with human beings here and the story is very beautiful and the mother goddess whatsoever it is the story you see normally when you see all the great other great you know kind of you know doctors devotees of God they get a glimpse of God to save me regress again 
so Krishna or etc to see that gets a quick glimpse of Rama and they get told their life gets charged up in their own right lovely material 
so they get a glimpse and the charge is them up here in the story of Rama Krishna they appear as a mother corresponds not instantly in the temporal T and then disappear and then used to call you to know whether God has nothing of the soul mother goddess would leave him alone day and night chill with him when he gets away she standing next to him hello like that 
so how can this happen there is nobody in the history of Hinduism where the experience of even it's in the story of Chaitanya get the nigga it's a glimpse and he gets woohoo

How many bullets are written about Ramakrishna?


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