Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar(Part_3) - Spirituality Religion

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Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar(Part_3)

Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar(Part_3)

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

charred up here the first time we see an individual able to take on the experience of God permanently for seven days a weekday and night she would not leave him alone now you see it's written that if you get good experience it is such an intense experience that even your pores in your body will bleed start to bleed you can't bear it which they we're dead with Ram Krishna no blood you could better the experience the mother because generally door you see he's the one who generated her she could have compared the experience interact with her, in beautiful ways such as lovely, 

I just touched on some of the stories one day said when I woke up 
I saw by the water standing next to me and she's my movie and loves you, of course, this is the founder that day introduction years with Brahman 

I love you I'll prove this thing she showed a little basket in it was name and fame and wealth and she's like what this for you he said, mother goddess what 
I'm trying to do you are trying to deprive me of my prom and run my my experience of spirit you are getting you're giving me this obstruction how dare you
 I Spit on it you shouldn't be talking otherwise 

I will spit on it take it away and whether good a smile in this shoe went away this body cannot be formed off can we vote out with health wealth or whatever, you know your name in Fame you could be bothered sorry and then you're dead the story and you another the story this shows the reality of Mother Goddess is, in turn, a given operation now when drunk questions to see mother goddess in the courtyard in the temple courtyard the Sun will be out and of course nobody else can see because she is seeing her because of divine eyes because he's seeing the real Brahman turning into human form and then he said mother stand real like a little child-mother where is your shadow and even in the morning he couldn't find the shadow at night with a little oil, the lamp will go round or looking for a shadow where does she cast a shadow and no shadow a child is a mother someone to ask you very do shadow mother could have said see the power this is not make-believe this can only do not come from a real experience of Godmother God and say look my boy it is with my light everything lights up including the Sun and the moon is my light that lights them up how can anything throw light on me tell me my going how can 

I have a share of C now this depth of philosophy teaching can only come from first, an experience of God and this is what
 I have seen destroy ye another the time that tell you a funny story at a later stage sheer impression develop throat cancer and he's not bothered about the worries the body the next one is gonna ditch it you don't bother but his little few disciples were very worrying 

so much we are going to lose our a master like and they were worried and they said please you are a great yogi focus your mind on that part of the throat this is what the yoga Sutra says you can get rid of the diseased bone like that enough questions 

I have taken my mind off the body how can they focus on this part of the body that's what this guy is difficult 
so they found a second way they say ah why don't you ask me, mother goddess, to remove this and I'm like a child I'm his child or he's like he said okay okay 
so when it because many Windom the temple he didn't see the image of God he sees that your mother was standing waiting for hello like that,

 so you went in in a few minutes he came out very looking very upset he came out very upset he said if I couldn't ask her why can't you ask
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

her go and ask again you know I can't I said mother this sari is Versailles mother can you do something so I can eat he didn't sound will you 
I don't embrace a Kenny so I can't eat at the moment because our painful can you do something - so 
I can eat it sound so simple guys look like a child he said mother God has told me something made me feel so ashamed of myself my boy said the mother goddess don't you see you are the one eating through every mouth in-universe you are it is you along is eating through all this mouth 
so I was awarded and he's actually so miserable I feel so ashamed that I asked her you see this they couldn't stop him they see they can't use all the tricks trying somehow let him survive this is the end part of the story like floating away when punished by because 
I know this guy is you can see can I ask you a personal question yeah you can ask a personal question and very keen to talk about yourself like that you see from a very young age I was always looking for like your source of spirituality some way to attract me from very young age 
so may your five-seven 
I was studying all the heavy literature Tago everything I studied with the age of ten-eleven
 I read up everything in our still more satisfied they are still looking around I said where do I find the depth of Hindu teaching 
I want to be no one will intellectual stuff and Puranas and pooja reasons in pundits looking for somebody that will experience a and then my attention don't do drama Krishna I tell you a funny story 
I was studying I just started at Imperial College doing my physic first year and then I said okay my mother my younger brother three of us men won't pay a little bit in India first thing I went to in my name to Mumbai I went to good UI the bookshop and just by you know somehow just felt 
I bought the complete work of Swami we were gonna in Gujarati, not in English Gujarati that's my journey beginning and then during the pilgrimage even to the finished work and when 
I visit the temple they the courtyard where this the fun was taking place I was actually went into New York State have become very very seriously ill I would have died something went in 
I just couldn't bear it and for two days I was almost unconscious this is a real story and my mother took the nurse me ma'am younger with ignores me and somehow recovered or something it 
I felt he really entered my system reckoned at that age and then I came here and suddenly in December of that year complete works of awakened arrived and it's all good I was looking for this start having very fluent in Gujarati 
so I started reading the first volume is the story of a round brush I tried about 55 60 pages and suddenly everything dawned for me because 
I told you it is not that high up on ground question around question is found we said okay this the guy is okay let me use him as a vehicle so something grabbed me and me went to deepest meditation just reading the story of 
Ramakrishna just page 60 or something let's enough you know a big metaphor long long period and whatever 
I am speaking it's got a strong experiential dimension and this between with the Slovo Ramakrishna this is my link with Ramakrishna and 
I feel there are nothing but a servant and I'm just doing his bidding 
so they walk out with really it is bidding and I wish I can come to some kind of conclusion because of this guy you know to suck the blood out of me at the moment but sufficient and this is the story 
so I should be talking about my private life but why did he marry is that people who realize this by its top in your consciousness 
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Singh mother goddess know that and what had happened is at one stage in those days in India you would have child marriages you know basically to protect women from being abducted all that and somehow shared the money 
was only in six or seven and you was about seventeen they got they married it's just basically there's no physical that is purely a tokenistic gesture and they live separately it does manure there's no no communication and why shall the money and what is this she has a very important role to play in the story of 
Sri Ramakrishna she he needed somebody to be the carrier in the reader the spiritual head of the kind of movement that was
beginning to come to take it to take place so he Char Dham when he was a perfect candidate for that she had no physical attraction no physical and intimacy with ram person at any stage and yet she became the biggest carrier the token of 
Sri Ramakrishna and it is she who really initiated lots and lots of lady cipher bleep evil to become the monks of the RAM - Knoller and she has been a major of major kind of a proponent of his teachings without the lecturing and she had some of some of the wonderful things 
she has said are very simple words are very dynamic he said once my boy if you want peace to see this world we want to see other human beings as obstruction you know limiting us getting irritable you know all of the people you find here either but even in the street,
 I was oh irritation you said my friend I going look at every human being is if you like your very own you sound like with you sweet thing no but actually it can even try it out the moment you look at other human beings is your very own somehow the world changes your IP or over your attitude to life changes and this brings about natural evolution natural compassion for the whole of creation it makes a spiritual just using this simple flow she said my boy make everybody your very own 
sounds so simple in your very dynamic material so this Sharda money was not an ordinary person in any sense, in fact, she 
I'm questioning to tell you, disciple, if you mess me up you make me angry nothing will go wrong don't worry if you mess up this lady very big trouble watch it because if he is in your favor everything will work in your favor if you are if you upset her go to help if nobody can help you he is together she said she is hidden a very hidden power that is kind of visible it's a female companion she drunker she could tell something about his disciples how did they come to find very interesting she is this person was not here to start a movement in his name you can intellect your lectures he was establishing speed you experienced through and throughout 
so you see it's a city only know you will meet cannot even today cannot relate to that they cannot relate to this external razzmatazz and you know movements and sectarian greater you know getting together and uploading and singing with the Cathars and the budget they can attract it to the provision of spirituality 
so even though he was more establishing spiritual than anybody 
I'll know there were very few people who are prepared to come near him very few people so this is what happened a few youngsters boys like Narendra then was very attracted to him and again the rain there was an atheist and he was challenging all the people being the religious thing 
I are you sure he was in gold he's going around challenging people 
so one day give me two there is no table or in their tacos father's head so you call it some harsh
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

A Maharishi that means muscles in court every single Indian that was all your eyes look like a lotus flower 
so you walked out so this is why he was in search of a deeper like I said experience religion not just belief system 
so he was wandering around and came across Ramakrishna

I mean what do you visit even the biggest seeds if he's a rustic man temple priests what can he tell me 
I was studied all the philosophy the Western world what can this guy teach me to see wouldn't go near him no wonder you went there wonderful story wonderful encounter and listen drunkenly isn't like a good good man talking sensible stuff but in the end, we took out his you know aro that is sharpened fired around the partner, 
so you talk about God have you seen God it's the killer, you know a telco the Hindus in gold in India you are following this and that guru or this and that prophet or this and that you know whatever they call themselves all these levels go and ask them this question
 so you talk about this if you see in God we're just talking about it just what for just kind of bring narratives have you seen God ask then go and ask them and killing you challenging you to ask they all of them will be knocked outlook at single room will put in Venice yes 
I know so when did we become fire Narendra fire this question it expected them to waffle like they're in the trunk water instead of dead, this is ram Krishna up to the marks and my boy I see good more clearly than you now you see we said if you said yes 
I see courtesan that's it no simply a cop-out he says to see more intensely then I see you you are fuzzy straight with that I was taken away it's this makes sense if you see Kotor it was a more intense experience than me seeing you this kind hit it in the second fight the thing that came back from we were truncation we've got was this by a boy
 I can show to you nobody says stuff like that so first Myranda throw this guy's mad but after a few meetings you realize he was a real master a great master does not release a stop in good experience is ever deeper 
so there's good experience who anybody likes me a glance you can lift anybody to hit the jackpot look at this little Hitler here 
so it's the power to influence people to give them if you like this high spiritual experience if you ask what it will give it to you fast funny angles they will give you nothing morning you don't even do any you know offerings I'll do this I'll go for this and this - you will Seco away you, in fact, you will not give you what you're asking for 
so don't ask anything from me except world experience so this is how this Narendra got caught but now in the render remember half a dozen the window doesn't youngsters 16 17 18 euros were attracted to him because Tony is sensible stuff in a very genuine sincere man or X you know establish and good experience 
so when a person will go to communion stores these languages words are with mannerism will hit the target will the audience will say Hawaii osseous but most people interesting worry Affairs will run away 
so in them during his time cash under sin the head of the Brahmo Samaj very popular great speaker great orator in five thousand people gather around and applauding when he speaks but this Ram Krishna doesn't youngsters floating around penniless Jeb's that's awfully this is what this is the sign of spirituality not money-oriented not intellectual gymnastic genuine experience established and only those who interest in that will go near him so in during his lifetime, in fact, one of

Today Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar part?


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