Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lectures 2020(Part_2) - Spirituality Religion

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Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lectures 2020(Part_2)

Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lectures 2020

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lectures 2020(Part_2)

Ago the universe consists of the earth in the center if you start sprinkling the sky that's in but modern science reveals to us a universe created in some unimaginable Big Bang billions of years ago an unimaginably vast a universe with millions of hundreds of millions of stars divided into millions of galaxies a vast universe in the cosmic scale and at the microscope at the microcosmic scale far below you there are human the scale you find the tiniest of particles and energy nowadays if you are talking about superstrings and so on 

so with our second season of an awesome picture of universes division by modern science which ancient man did not know Athenians and except perhaps the cosmology of ancient Hindus, he says they had a tremendous picture even more awesome picture of the universe a ceaseless cycle, not just one Big Bang of this universe many times the universe has been created and it existed over billions of years life evolved the planets came everything happened and destroyed and again created 

so they had this the tremendous idea of of the universe cosmic cycle of creation existence and destruction industry witness universe one factor as they say them thought of not only human beings but many planes of existence in our old books we find 14 worlds different worlds of existence 
so there are other kinds of features also they've thought but if they say that in this entire cycle people do not know the secret which we're going to talk about reals it's not that we did not exist somehow we have been created and maybe shall die after two years no Hindu idea that we have been existing for life after life hundreds of thousands of lives be arranged and creatures we are not on with a blank slate we come with the weight of past karma behind us life afterlife 

so this is a huge idea the law of karma recognize everything that we have done in a past life is what we see today we are right now what we find our lives to be is the resultant of what we have done in past lives and because of the law of karma what we have done we can undo one we can make a new life for ourselves what we do in this life it will produce ethics in this life and next life advice added 
so this is the grand idea life afterlife of the Hindu cosmology now if somebody says that if there's something beyond this I understand many lives many experiences but beyond this also interest something there's this a cartoon 
I saw in a magazine and in this country have born-again Christians 
so the person is when an American is telling you to see have the burning industry I think in the Hindu is looking at him and saying well I am a born again and again and again Hindus have amenities the lira she says there is a secret which you do not know something beyond this is there what is that there is an infinite existence pollution of anthem an infinite existence system that 

I have not made our evolution does not mean man without male it means a being an infinite meaning is there what is that like all in the rhythm blazing for like the Sun luminous like the Sun, not a material lighter not with a life like this, it's a light of consciousness as they are in curiam an infinite consciousness is there all right supposing it's there what's it like Thomas our forests on forever beyond death and disease and darkness and sorrow you know Collinwood this entire quest was there is suffering indictments are going to come there is a cause of suffering, he's deadly awful what is it doctor - why did he become the victim she was searching for a way out of suffering 
so here is the answer no conditions and there is something beyond suffering and infinite existence it is there right now so what do we have to do the behavior we did it by knowing that alone by realizing that at all I think written to me v1 goes beyond death and suffering and limitation not only that any kind of human limitation one goes beyond that 

so that realization that goal that that pursuit is God function it is beyond Seligman sobs no pleasure engagement meaning what step beyond that beyond Herbert Kurama that goal is moksha it is called final illusion the highest goal of life once you experience the things of life one is supposed to have sufficient maturity to start seeking that what is that like it's defined as in Sanskrit are tentacle to calibrate the param on the practitioner complete transcendence of sorrow and attainment of infinite bliss you see all the all one to be happy even a process elements such as in positive psychology for happiness but is a human happiness unchanging eternal happiness possible because people think it's not possible can be completely overcome 
so most people think our sorrow will be there you can minimize you can avoid it that's the level of that's the level at which karma Kanda operates conventional religion tries to show us how to lead a good life 

so that you mostly get good experiences happy life minimize the suffering that is conventional religion the law of karma tells us the secret of happiness you see today bookstores if you go self-help  
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

section maybe full of how to be happy how they may have been seven days or seven steps to have you know something like that let me show you and 

so when you book after power when Hinduism way not as a simple formula you want happiness to find out what causes happiness according to Vedanta it is governed by the law of karma governed by the law of karma good result in Sanskrit the army Capella leads to podium and pornea is terms we know for nearly toward suka if you want happiness if you want 
so god you must deserve it the discerning is called for near and Bernier comes from the avocado Thurman Thomas we said 

so hard we confirm appearance to generate this podium which makes us deserving of happiness and a series of desire for the events in life if you want to have been family life if you want good health if you want material prosperity to have a lot of volumes it will give rise to those things in life deserve it and the other way around is a hard liquor step outside the bounds of the morality of decency Adama Cohutta it means to gobble up a three-minute Orson demon it 
so we don't deserve a bit as we get visited think it's so dope so the equation is very simple Dharma for India Sokka you want to come you need to help you how do you get put in you do a lot of misery you want to reduce misery nobody wants to come how do you reduce Mississippi you reduce the Bob in your life and we must do we must avoid reducing the power we must avoid at Herman that which our conscience tells us is not good ever in time that is the idea but supposes now we want

 something more than this more than minimizing the unhappiness and maximizing happiness more than that we want because of this indeed this in Chapter this has been going on for long enough we want in truth about this universe we want to go beyond this law we want to transcend it completely over cups of suffering and get permanent happiness apartment enjoy that deal of that what cannot give us 
so I mean they may come and there is a beautiful poem song of sannyasa he says good bad and none escape the law now you can understand he means to laughter good bad man and unless we love you see it's very interesting it's 

so much difference between the different sects of individual and taken though ISM I suppose it's a notion they you know is a massive hole there's so much difference between but this Buddhism does not accept a permanent aqua does not accept a permanent God 
so this difference Jainism Sikhism but all of them except the law come to one Swamy the Prophet is to say is so it's never limited the law of karma this is something worth thinking about this does a law of karma come here that one it's a very profound truth I was reading this book on the problem of evil why is there suffering in the world 
so every religion is talking sir if you believe in God if not survive God permits suffering so every religion has an answer to the problem of evil it is Professor Arthur Harmon he has this book our problem of evil 

Indian philosophy and there he has collected 23 answers from different religions different philosophies and he says finally comes to the conclusion of the most rational satisfying the answer is the law of karma Indian philosophy how other explanations and God is asking us God is punishing us all those unlimited explanations they have got a lot of defects but the most rational plus technically satisfying accent Aloha but one can go beyond the north come on Sonny Vaccaro says but he says none escaped along whosoever wears a firm must wear the chain a chain he means product the problem there is a Karma which has produced this body it will give its reception of the skin from it but here's the solution he says hard the artist name and Hall is Atman ever free hardly on this cause and effect body effect of car effects of far beyond this earth is Earthman ever free no coward and sannyasi Modi's is no doubt at all in his beautiful point there is something beyond this world of cause and effect our didn't ever dumb Thomas upper stuff beyond this world of cross-certificates yearnings and means beyond to attended there is something is infinite existence all right supposing you such a thing is there supposing then what did we do tell me about with each one has realized that you can do it you can experience it you can experience it you see Swami Vivekananda already comes here and one question not whether God exists and questions him God has you seen come not only that the cortex is no Theory no belief experience of religion 

so he used to go around asking and she David Tagore and many others all luminaries of the bank are Vanessa Calvert and those days even when asked and somebody told him his English professor told you there is a misty in the duction issue attempt with the called Ramakrishna Paramahamsa he goes into this transitional you avoid asking him so there is another
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

productive end to this priest of the Kali temple induction enjoy remembering he was a Brahmin who did not believe in image worship and all this classical Hinduism did not agree to him he goes to this simple priest a representative of traditional India whether or not that there is a different representative of modern India India of which we are all products he goes and asks the question to traditional Indian have you seen come and he got a toilet first time they got a straight answer Ramakrishna Paramahamsa straight up in origin yes I have seen God just as 

I see you more clearly than that and not only that I can show shortly 
I can you can also see God you ask and that moment the transformation started into swami Vivekananda Romania we did talk it can be realized you not lecturers are giving not what you read books it is a vivid living realization that it exists an infinite existence an infinite consciousness and by realizing that what goes beyond saw beyond book attains permanent place that is the final goal of life, any other way is there any other way question is waste in another two books of Sankhya 

so I'm here coming up first-person any other ways there are 
so many solutions you want to be happy why take up all this Vedanta go to a temple on a nice Saturday morning now there are other ways of being happy why not watch a TV serial or why not go for our notice for a long weekend many people have gone on vacation 
so I don't know for that that is happiness why do I listen to the lectures answer is none fun-tana there is no other every other because these are there every other we will give you some design the over basal take a lot do Indian sweet put it in your mouth it will be sweet it will be nice and very smooth within 20 seconds is calm everything else in this world is like it may give you some little bit of happiness for that you have to work and 

so when you are trying to get a little bit of happiness very soon it's come it's only when you become tired of this repetitive cycle then you want a permanent state of joy a permanent solution to this problem 
so Navi there is no other way to this to sell it to the solution to the human condition so you need to be in good condition 
I was reading this book on existentialist with the book card at the existential New Moon published Sarah big credit 

so she says the Dead Sea at the root of all these movements in philosophy in this were in France in the 1930s parties jean-paul Sartre and others I went in high regard basically two questions and then she says what are we and what are we to know that those are the core fundamental questions of life 
so they struggling to find out and here the answer is Narnia there is no another path to answering these two questions accelerators is it a fundamental questions in the spiritual life who are we and how we live this life what do we do in this life the master in spirituality is that there is something not God but a woman each word Allah whatever you call it it's something some infinite reality if you realize that your problem is solved if you realize that 

so that is the answer to this question who are key and then you live in the light of that you live a life in the light of that realization you see very interesting Swami Vivekananda the, in fact, Sri Ramakrishna in the gospel of Salaam addition there is enough of the who has returned across across denominational the second time he made the first time he could not have been any talk which the opposition a second time he went to Sri Ramakrishna induction even the first question she asked two questions he asked the Steeda questions they are the fundamental questions of spiritual life he asked the first question he asked Sri Ramakrishna walls how are we to keep our mind on God anyone was bigger than the spiritual life that's the question everybody knows how can I think of God all the time that's the first question and the second question is how are we to live in this life to a statesman what is the answer even my spirituality that there is this infinite lyric that is what has to be realized and then how would live in this world 
so these two the agency asked Sri Ramakrishna so the first thing is how to realize this the infinite reality you see in Tamera we do opportunity by realizing that one goes beyond all suffering 

so immediately our question will be how do we realize it how do we do it here is something interesting here to pay attention here they are seeing see what have they said there is an infinite reality calling from one or whatever infinite consciousness by realizing that by knowing that you go beyond all suffering now don't you see something strange here there is an infinite reality by doing that 
I will go the order of suffering how is that possible that infinite reality card from Allah whatever you call it that is we are not suffering no doubt I am in this world I am a limited creature I'm going it whole like over your self if you see a darshan a vision of God 

I see domination assault on okay suppose you see God you may get some joy but how will you

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