Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lectures 2020 - Spirituality Religion

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Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lectures 2020

Purposeful living with Vedanta |  Swami Sarvapriyananda lectures 2020

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Purposeful living with Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda lectures 2020

subject to this party is purposeful living with Vedanta now I think an hour and a half sort of defeats the purpose 

so let's have an hour of not more than an hour of the top followed by question answers that will be better we can have more of interaction in that case now purposeful living with v-not then it's connected deeply intimately with the purpose of life 
I was leading Houston Smits very nice book the religions of the world and it's a very nice chapter on the early for the Hinduism and he says it's one way of introducing Hinduism is that Hinduism states that you can have whatever you won't let us use that as the key to unlocking into it some places very nice approach interesting approach you see from the very beginning Hinduism says what do people want what is it that people want this day is a lot of development in the field of positive psychology especially the last 20 years or 

so the American psychology Association has done a lot of work in positive psychology mainly due to the efforts of one professor Seligman Martin Seligman and his own work has been in the field of happiness 
so he has studied what is it that makes people happy what is it that people need to be having a very interesting subject and everybody's interested in happiness 
who would not want to be in everything and what he has concluded this professor Seligman and others also let me just present in summary, he has made this little equation he says happiness age age happiness is equal to P plus e plus M small T small Y and small M what is P this is the first thing that comes to our mind maybe thinking about happiness is pleasure 

so nice food a party the company of friends and all sorts of things you watch a movie whatever gives you pleasure that that is the first thing that comes to our mind when you think about happiness 
so he says definitely it is a component of the happiness he starts with that P but he says there is something more then that a pleasure there are some problems with it first of all it does not last when you don't need professor Seligman to tell us that this is the first insight that Indian spirituality got thousands of years ago that pleasure does not last after some time we want more of the different varieties of it otherwise we don't get the same pressure any economist will tell you the law of diminishing marginal utility more you consume of a thing the less and less you utility the satisfaction you get from it so and there are many other problems pleasure 
is habit-forming you get used to it there's a lot of trouble you are not going to get things which are measurable to you and sometimes when people are addicted they go beyond the norms of the decency of morality or the even of law and so on so many problems this is there another source of happiness people find happiness in worth in carrier what they do 

so engagement ii because it engagement it may not be pleasurable a person 
who's a doctor was working hard hours and hours treating people may be performing surgeries it's hard work it's not pleasuring a blessed but it gives satisfaction and gives deep happiness in fact if you stand the doctor you go sit and watch a TV serial on doctors and you can actually go there and work in the hospital which one may give you more happiness it's actually what watching a TV serial may give you pleasure but had more satisfaction comes from actually doing something which you would love it may not be work some people get it from hobby somebody, like started in somebody, likes classical music to cultivate that hobby and slowly they get a deep sense of satisfaction program somebody said that if you get paid for doing what you love to do then you are most fortunate so she will love what you're doing in your area in t
he job you're running your livelihood at the same time you love doing it also and you very much shouldn't you love doing what you do for a living a pilot in an interview said 

I have a very fortunate person, they pay me for what doing what 
I would do without any money also and love like so engagement in any field with your doctor a scientist a housewife a teacher some people love cooking 
so different kinds of activities give us that satisfaction and it is more satisfying than pleasure and it is more lasting than the satisfaction it's a deeper sense of satisfaction and then he says there's something more than this option he calls it engagement and meaning in life M a solid meaning in life what is meaning in life me you see beyond engagement also beyond caviar also when you do something for others, for example, I'm selfish but 

I don't want anything from it I don't want an hour and I don't want to title nothing I just like doing things for other people maybe you teach in a school for underprivileged kids maybe you donate to society peace is doing good work something it gives you a deep sense of satisfaction and then even says see they are not equal pleasure and engagement and meaning is not equal in giving happiness you actually get deeper and more  
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

such is deeper more satisfying experience through career and work and engagement then through pleasure 
so engagement he gives more happiness than simply P and if you are lucky enough if we are lucky enough to find a purpose and deeper meaning in life that gives much more happiness than engagement for example 
I've met a few interesting young men in India all of 
who are highly qualified you to know IIT graduates 
I am graduates somewhere working in Silicon Valley here something waited for tuning the dot counting 

so someone millionaires and after those experiences what do these people have done is they have given up these careers but in lucrative careers in very engaging care satisfying barriers and got back to 
India and doing some work for one a person is teaching pulpits in Karnataka one person set up an organization to gather used clothes 
so that you can give it to poor people 
who do not have money to buy curves other than the person is teaching young students 
who don't have money for good coaching classes, the only industry of the coaching industry is there that you trying to get into IIT so this person 
I meant he takes only children 
who cannot pay for it and he teaches them for free and he has made a lot of publicity recently has been given super 30 they call it even but none 
so he takes twenty kids every batch and all 30 get into the idea to the horror of watching in the description they take thousands and thousands million we said there is this eternity and you know the point is these people have moved from engagement to meaning in life they are not earning as much as they were learning earlier it's not such a glamorous job a Silicon Valley Chavez Munich that but if you ask them this it's not to sacrifice we don't really are sacrificing we are actually much happier you can see that meaning component is heavier has got a greater contribution to your total happiness than the engagement component when I read about this very well know a lot of work is being done 

I was immediately reminded of the traditional structure of push Arthas in Hinduism you see that Montecarlo moksha make me speak because everybody knows these terms we all know these terms but we never reflect upon it think about it can you not down map it pleasure directly when math - Karma Artha kama means pleasure in any sense pleasures anthem literally, it means well but it also means success in life power achievement name and fame all of that you can put into editor can you can easily map it into engagement and it's some stretching you can map Dharma into meaning in life Dharma is a word which if you look at a standard dictionary even have a wide the spectrum of meanings 
so one of the meanings is of course religion but it comes from three the root meaning is to what or it's a person gives entity integrity so the third one when you do something beyond this mode self, something more that's also trouble now you can easily knock them calm only one thing religious see in India 
we never put it in this way pleasure engagement meaning we don't say karma Dharma what do we say non-vertical yes we always say that the gamma function 
so what does it mean the idea was that Dharma provides the basis you see there's a very interesting classification 
I think it is in which asaram what complete adroit them few hundred years is just a couple of hundred years ago this children's there he has an interesting classification he says, people 

who only change pleasure or reproach is only pleasure and money wealth and success because they will be given them a name constant power it's an abusive word in Sanskrit and if some Indian language is also power it means a person who lives an instinctive life 
I want it down so pleasure if a person is addicted only to pleasure and there are such persons and 
I like a drug addict just want that shot of just them that's all they wanted 

so that still lowest category says those who just follow their senses, in fact, to move from gamma to alter but be submissive even if you want to succeed in life if you want to get a degree then you want to get a job by the holder job and move ahead in your career in your business a lot of effort a lot of sacrifices necessary thought of not what is necessary 

so that time power together most people who see this is what we want now he says religion does not have much to say to such people because they see all they want is a pleasure and we're not the money to get that a treasure that's all you want then 
who they then go what is the way out for such people God is gracious those who have hearts of conscience for them religion stands for those who do not have a conscience we just I just for what whatever 

I can get right now and first of all, so God has made an arrangement it is called the law of karma the when we do the harbor the result is mutiny and the result is hooker when we do other but the result is power but the result
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

 of that is no car so by suffering such people learn by suffering that this kind of lifestyle is not sustainable and we feel dirty we see it all the time those 
who are much addicted to pleasure-seeking or just money money money very soon they say this kind of life is not sustainable this is something more in life 

so then they come to come back to morality decency and religion somebody said that is the concept of Antonia me god is a conscience within and god controls from within there's a small voice which tenses this is right doing this is wrong don't do it sometimes we listen to it sometimes we do not listen to it and you don't listen to it well God has made an arrangement external women do not normally hear the term behavior yumminess controller 
so external controller we don't hear the topic basically God operates through he says you know out of time we learn to it's harsh experiences externally except blows if a person does not listen to the voice inside what we teach from, it's just like parents if the child follows the rules of the house very good parents are loving well it's cold and may punish a child not out of anger out of the same love if the child is not autonomously dissipated 

so generationally impose an extra that is already good at the same thing so the Hama starts when we accept that religion morality decency they all continue to or happens they are not limiting our happens that's why in India we'll see the first thing they said not that karma is no virgin no more anthem but Rodman should be the basis of karma and artha basically what does that word - puts a circular Dutchman drink around our activities, this is what you will do this is what you will not this is what you can say this what you should not say this is what you think that is what you should nothing if you want happiness if you want to be some fine 
so it starts with that this just ask is this classification only pleasure karma and only money or job he calls it power instinctively but if you accept thermal all the basis of that, if somebody seeks pleasure in life and wealth and success in life such a person he calls upon weaker wish 

I what any person atomic emission target emission is a model, decent good person 
who wants only success only pleasure about the matter and most people are like these most people are not powered otherwise society would break down in society most people you see around you are they want what we the pleasure they want worldly success but definitely they would like to think of themselves as he said to be good people moral people 

so the Harbach Abishai now in that article essay of Hinduism Houston Smith says time comes after you have enjoyed many things in life after you have got some measure of success in life after you have done something for others also after that another time comes you see even this moving out of this Mahler self to alert yourself which Dharma does for us you see everything in life teaches us to and he'll even say marriage for example before marriage a person is thinking about instead Ferguson the moment you get married you think you have to think about one more person moment you have children if you think of someone persons you are expanding, in fact, most married people their lives are for the children mostly you see most of the time you are not chasing Tao what you are doing is Arthur you're harming and mostly time is spent on family and for the people around you so you are expanding naturally you would like if you follow model human life teaches you to expand this as an assignment modern society there's some limitations to in it what our modern world tense us is that you will get you'll be happy if you chase pleasure if you earned a lot of the money you will be happy 
I have seen so many people at around our age The 40s in around that time some of my friends 

who were brilliant students, then they got into multinational jobs they got married and had children some such people they come and ask 
so how many now we see then more or less our life has taken on a pattern and we see this is what is going to happen in our lives now we are fixed into a particular path of life marriage children and until these children grow up please see this is what we have to do next 20 30 40 years in what we give satisfaction in our modern world if you look at the advertisements you will be happy to buy this iPhone 6 or something people have you can see that it is they brought in and they're smiling 
so they are happy and that's the subliminal message coming to us and this gadget you do you will be happy if you are not happy anymore what is the subject given by the morning world when the next iPhone will come along will be an appearance are you will for this vacation if you've already been there done that 

so you need to do something more a variation on that there seems to be no other answer if you are not happy with our tank armor the only hands are provided by modern societies more and more different variety about
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

 right now but the insight which our sages had very interesting and a certain stage in life such a maturity mate comes to life then you need to move beyond comment 
so in such people come I say simple solution instead of chasing now the same part I try to repeat you see if you keep on repeating something and expect a different result that's the definition of insanity same thing I'm doing at one time it gave me happiness and now it is not giving me happiness 

I keep repeating it still not get the happiness you're doing the same thing you get the same the reason it's called cause and effect of causation now what you need to do is something different now try doing something for others any social cause then you can help somebody 
who needs your help you will see it gives you the satisfaction you see this is the interesting paradox we work for our own happiness we are happy you are totally happiness of others, you will be happy it doesn't seem counterintuitive if 

I give my time energy money and all for others they may be happy but how will I be added but it works you see you do that for others you will be nothing so that expansion from now into that one but as 
I said at that point also after doing that the question arises is this all in life he transmits says after even determine what's all about the highest products of culture Western culture is me after this also the human person asks is this all in life very soon has become old and finished is this one let our Shastras they say at this point it's like you go to our shop and show me if 

I don't know if they don't do it here supermarkets here but in India, if you go to say clothes shops so there is some people roll out these clothes in front of your club in front of you and if you say them me 
I come I don't like this if you buy it annoys of it are like it is the name which any kind if you have got it some other kind of material show it to me and he's a sure thing you've got you to keep on resisting some people will say okay you come to the back of the shop but only many choices which have we gave you but generally not and we don't show it until people ask for it similarly the Vedas our Shastras say if you're not satisfied with that agama beyond pleasure engagement and meaning if you ask for something they aren't that they come they've got something 
do the Vedas are divided into roughly karma-Kanda jnana-Kanda karma is when we want certain means to get certain events we want to do this we want pleasure we want the engagement we want to mean v1 gamma this is what we want karma Carter tells us what to do beyond that if you want to go then it says is something called Jana condom there's something beyond this beyond this mundane human life which we see what is that you see the essentially the core idea of spirituality the core idea of operations is expressed 

so beautifully in this mantra shriman to be schmayaway the sutra 
I in harmony the theater school I mean here we did talk to me sis Upanishadic monitor it expresses the core of the idea of spirituality so well saw me moving out of them when he came to this country more than a hundred years ago 
I should have a parliament of religions after that he toured this country in the United States in many places when he gave talks he would chant this in Sanskrit and then translate into English what does it mean the over idea of spirituality the core idea of no conditions and 

I would say the core the idea of any religion is an essential idea listen to the children of immortal this America Sierra children of the immortal bliss you see the one fact that we all know about ourselves is that we shall die one day we turn our face away from it we turn our face away from it we neglect this idea but we know everybody dies we forgot the sage so powerfully Kings die and beggars do

 learning people die and the ignorant that the richest of people die and the poorest of people time Saints that simmers also time and of the body is inevitable and here human tells us a little shift rod your children of immortalizing first-rate and it even says in heaven is also if there are gods in heaven stay with us you also listen because what I am going to tell you what the message assurances that even you know those got in this the fast cycle of births and deaths they do not do the secret is in Hinduism never the very grand view of this universe and life

 I was remembering this is you know this is Carl Sagan in this country it is beautiful TV serial cosmos and we grew up in do - it is to show it 
I remember they had vertical English programs into attrition those days there was 
I Love Lucy Star Trek the old or silly of Star Trek and cosmos now in this book here certainties of across the cosmos this is written that modern science has revealed to us such a grand picture of space and time which ancient mythologies ancient man had no idea about it, for the universe was created a few thousand years

This lecture is Swami Sarvapriyananda


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