The Life of Adi Shankaracharya(Part_2) - Spirituality Religion

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The Life of Adi Shankaracharya(Part_2)

The Life of Adi Shankaracharya (1/4) - Shubhani Chaitanya

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

our friends as our parents as our teachers as everybody don't think God is gonna come to your life just as Ramakrishna Durga-Lakshmi Saraswathi no way but the Quran doesn't only look like that he looks like you too you know when there's divinity expressing in you that's God when God comes as mud Anouk Raha avatar Bhagavad says I'm in a camp just customized for you just customized to help you that mud Anouk Raha avatar is called guru it's God coming just for you that's a guru 
so guru is nothing but an avatar of back upon him this is the relationship between guru and God they are one now what is param para GPS
 I retreat guru first word but embarrass second worth burning para means lineage or a succession plan like a proper plan from one to the other to the other you see some organizations they depend not on a succession plan they depend on one person and then what happens with that one person passes away everything is gone the whole knowledge is gone because at one person passed away but when you have a button para when you're handing things over from one person to the next then it's a succession plan that you have and when we do it well means the person who's handing whenever we're handing something to somebody
else we have to hand it in the cleanest clearest way possible don't think that I'm out 
so, whatever happens, 
is usually all your problem no our Dharma is we have to make it so clear so accessible for that person that they can take it and they just roll with it and the same way we choose to hand it down to it also has to be very capable we can't just hand it out and you're available here take this I hate the things you do that we have to make sure that they're capable of doing they know how to do it 

so this guru parampara we're so fortunate it's been handed down for thousands of years we are a part of it and it's like it still stands strong that's the beauty of it this is the knowledge that we're learning is not something that's like in Wikipedia or whatever it's like no but when there were like palm leaves even before there were palm leaves this knowledge was there and took 
so much care to hand it down and we have it right in our hands this is what is called param better I'm sure many of you know all of that put a guru Ji right we had that handover ceremony where Buddha Guruji handed over Chinmaya mission the being the head of Chittim a mission to swami Sri pan and lychee and when mocha Swami Ji spoke 

I don't know how many of you watched the ceremony but when he spoke he said don't ever say that Guruji is stepping down because Guruji is stepping up 
so beautiful you know he puts his guru always above him and he says no matter what happens he's at the head and 
I am at his feet this is param para not like how we are sometimes the boss is gone okay now I'm boss you bowed out to me huh you follow what 

I say you know per ampere is this we never forget where we came from what is our parent para 
so now I'm going to tell you where we came from there's another shloka you don't have to know all these but I'm just telling you 
so do you hear it and maybe someday when you're interested you Wikipedia na dhanam but the mob evolved a system shocked in chatbot put Tripura Sharam Jey the awesome Chicago Department on Govinda yogi Natasha Chien Sri Shankar Acharya Etosha Padma Pithom cha hasta malik um Josh ischium Tom taught a karateka Cara mignon a smile göransson that the mana those me an dhanam where did we start from a McGavin himself is a first guru but Mehbooba means Brahma the first is Vishnu then is Brahma then is fascista 
so Vasishta is the mana

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

sub but rather the child oh 
I don't say mental child I don't have a chance - up with potential Brahmaji is vasishta Vasishta there had a son Shakti 

so than the parent I was handed to Shakti then that put Tripura Shura Shakti son is called barichara then was handed duper Ashura then parashara had a son called Vyasa and handed it to Vyasa then after that they all they were all married having kids then it became all single Vyasa's son is suka suka Chhabria that it from Vyasa to sugar from sugar his disciple was gold Ibadan and from gold ibadah, his disciple was Govinda pada and from Govinda father to Shankar Acharya and from Shankar Acharya - his four main disciples tota Koch area but Mapa - area Suresh where acharya hasta mala kata hasta la Cuchara four of these and then from then on the whole guru parampara the tradition started hmm then we have 
so I'll now talk about it a little a bit later but from the spring Gary mud with of which Sri Racha og was the first acharya from sring Gary Martin we have Swami Sivananda we have swab pooja guru dev swami chin man and then of course you know we have pooja guruJi now we have Mookie swami 
so we've come from a long lineage, 
you know many times they have this um what do you call that the tree you have to trace your tree or whatever your ancestral tree but this is our tree of guru and shishya this is where we came from this is the tradition that holds us together now hmm what is a system 

so we did guru we did Barbara how system means there's an order 
so there is a guru there is a succession plan of how something is being handed over but it's also done in a very systematic order in anything everything is done a systematic order we can't just study you know math we'll algebra first and then multiplication tables later you can't do that we have to start from basics 

so even when we come to this knowledge there's a system of how to come to it so first we start with bra Karana grandpa's basic text like that of a Buddha at many their self and fold and etc then slowly we come into the depth of the Upanishads in the Bhagavad-gita 
so there's a way to study it many people study Vedanta or read Vedanta but they don't do it in a systematic way then what happens is the thought doesn't get built up now if my foundation is not strong enough I can't understand what's going on I don't have clarity than
 I can have to go back and then I'm gonna have to go back and then again I have to go back so when 
I do it with the proper foundation in the systematized way then I really benefit and this is anything in life when we follow a system when we follow the order that's been given there's a reason why it's done like this there's a reason why and puja 
we don't do Aarti first and we don't oppress them first and then after that, 
you prayed oh we don't do that right is a system is an order and when we follow that we benefit from it this is what is meant by guru parampara system there's such thought from where he came from when 
we reflect and revel in it then we really gain deep insights into all of this now what's adi Shankara choji's role in all of this where does he come into the picture 

so I told you the lineage of the Guru parampara so you know where he fits in exactly right from sugar to go to bother to Govinda pada then Shankar Acharya what makes him 
so special what makes him absolutely amazing is that he is our Basha Cara his other he people know him by the name Pasha karuppaiyah means commentary kara means the one who writes commentaries now what did he write commentaries on you see in our culture's the not Anna Delma we have something called pressed Hana prayer this familiar with all of you,
 yes you know Rosanna TRAI consists of three things Shruti Smita P ayah but very
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

 Shruti means that which is heard so Shruti means these are revelations to our great masters 

so when we think about what Shruti is it is the opening shot is the crux of the Veda you all know Veda has different parts right 

so there's one Veda there are four volumes but in that one Veda there is the kanima Karna and there's like jnana-Kanda karma Kanda has to do with rituals jnana-Kanda has to do with the knowledge part the opening shots is found in the jnana-Kanda 
so that's where it's from so when we talk about Shruti, 
we talked about the Upanishads when we speak Smithee's morality means that which is reflected upon that which is remembered these are authored texts see Shruti is not authored Shruti is a revelation Smitty is authored in this species in the pressed on atreya we mean Bhagavad-gita that's a smithy text then we have Naya Naya means logic and our text of logic is the Brahma sutras 

so if anybody you know people ask you o in your culture what's your book what-what-what do you follow you know we follow the Bible we follow the Koran etc first of all Gurudev says you come to our library we don't have just one book you know you know but if we are serious and sincere stickers these are the texts that we shouldn't be ought to study the Upanishads the Bhagavad-gita had the Brahma sutras now what is Adi Shankara Taiji's role in this he wrote commentaries for the pristine area 
so for the opener shots for most of the major opening shots or the major opener shots I should say he wrote commentaries there about ten Asia Cana Carter brush na Mundaka mandu Kia tight RIA hi Draya brother Anika chandogya all of this he wrote commentaries the Bhagavad-gita the entire Bhagavad-gita all of this he wrote commentaries the Brahmasutra there are about 555 sutras or their aphorisms he wrote commentaries and he wrote his commentaries are authentic commentaries meaning authentic he took the whole Vedic culture in mind when he was writing the commentaries  quote this is from another open Isha and this is not that he had all these books available this room is mine he brought all of this there and when you look at him and you see what he writes just you sure you're just in awe this is adi Shankaracharity this is his greatest contribution other great things that he did is he established Mattis institutions he institutionalized Advaita Vedanta Bhagavad via the aza was the proponent of Advaita Vedanta and after that, 
after he handed it down to sugar etc Adi Shankara Jaya Ji really took it forward and he made sure to establish Martha's in all four different parts of Bharat 

so that way the knowledge would go on and he you know he solidified everything he made procedures first to worship in temples he constructed temples he wrote various totems Ganga stotram you all chant here once in a while he wrote that your various totems 
so he really contributed so much to our culture and when we look at it and he lived only till he was 32
 I was in 32 years he did all of this you know when I was reading about him I said when I was 32 I said something I need to do something in my life 
I was you know reading while listening to him I was like oh my god nothing I said I better get out do something you really feel like wow 
I need to do some something at least I can do my father Shankara in 32 years did so much what did we do still you know 

I don't know if anybody can do as much as he did I really don't know but there's so much depth to it 
I will I'm going to read you a commentary just for fun just so you can hear what he has to say this is I brought new books so you can also
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

see you don't have to teach us about your kids this is for you this is you know this is an example this is you should have a co punish it 

so there will be mantras and the mantas are so short and one month rather read to you you read and you'll be like 
I don't know what you're talking about and an Adi Shankara tired he writes a whole commentary on each of the words what each of the words means how they relate to each other the relationship to other Upanishads the connection of this mantra to the next mantra the connection of this mantra to the whole entire opening shot my god like you do you have to have like a vast intellect to take up that kind of work you know we're 
so happy when we write a poem or a paragraph or so we write something for school while 
I did so great you know if you look at this you really feel like wow hey hey you don't know what you write I don't know what I write but what he writes there's something 

so I'll read to you one mantra and ishavasya Upanishad fidelity tonality ladder rate advantage a talent Terra Ceia Sarah Vasya tattoo service Jia Jia Bahia ha that a dirty me it moves something moves annuity but it doesn't move but doodie it goes for advantage a but it's really near that and para sea service yeah it's inside of everybody the do service see Ostia Bahia Taha but it's also outside now you tell me if you read a mantra like this won't you go crazy first of all what is it what are you talking about and then maybe your doll you know contradictions what is this what do you see how he write salary to you the at Matata yet Prakriti m-- and that means Atma which is what is being talked about in this open-ish the deity charity today Ava hmm the deity means it moves but it doesn't actually move it's as though it moves because we think that we're the doer,
 we think that was the enjoyer we think that we're the thinker but actually,
 that self in us never moves it's just the thought that moves but we feel like it's the self that moves Naida the sweater her nave eternity sweater her at Alam Ava Sat charity Eva Ethier Taha Anita t means it doesn't move 
so Atma is immobile it doesn't move because
 I can only move to a place where I am NOT right I'm not there so 

I can move there but Atmos everywhere where will it move then he says duty that Duty versa Kody shot a he appeared Assam a prop get VAT driver, 
he says for a person who is ignorant Ava Duchamp even if they tried a thousand crore years or a hundred crore years to try and gain this it's very far better luck next time it's not gonna happen but he says that one Takei but it's near EP Jada that one PK Sami pay at the end of May we Duchamp art methought Naka vellum duty ant acacia for a person who knows the self or who's a seeker it's very near as he is beautiful for ignorant atmos very far but for one who revels in the self who seeks self at Missouri near he says dad Antara that and that and aha ABI Antony as your service year here at Meserve and Raha and then he quotes Brad our Anika opening shot he says that Atma is inside it means it's the self of all just like what was said in Brad iron, 
your company shot and he'll tell you where and Brad are any competition and if you know Brad is gonna that it means a forest this opening shot which is like of its huge it's massive but he'll quote right there and he'll say I still said of us here Jagat are Nama Rupa clear art Mikasa the do a piece of us here aside Bahia Taha the abaca twat he says it means it's everywhere means it's all-pervasive like space Akasha but near at the Shia sukshma twat Antara 
so it's all-pervading like space that's why it's everywhere but it's the self of all

that's why it's inside Bragg neon Agana ava theta asana near Antara cha 
so this is how he writes a commentary yeah can you believe that see if you and I just read that mantra how confused would we be but like this there's 

so many puzzling mantras in our opening shots how you must have come across it cut open a shot I'll tell you a sherry I'm sherry ratio it has nobody but it has a body you know it's very very confusing but he makes it 
so clear then I will read you a few more minutes I will read Bhagavad-gita and then tomorrow I'll read maybe one thing this is the back of it Geeta this is what we're given and Sandeep any by the way 
so you can see we're giving a booklet and we're expected to read it huh very shocking when I first got something like this 

I was like oh my god are you kidding me and so I mean she was like yeah you'll read it 
I didn't believe him but he was right so this is what they give for each of punishing it for Bhagavad-gita all the shlokas are here and he writes the commentary 
so you'll see writes all the commentaries of each word what it means what it says everything he writes I read you one verse and then I'll explain what he says mmm you're okay are you bored okay okay 
I know it's a lot of Sanskrit but I want to make sure his men search comes across in the best way possible and it's hard to do in English sometimes hehe some special job huh gah hah doc Ionia Ava T identify a cone, 
not a surah Matt they put her it says here those sends those enjoyments those yeehaw ha ha ha those are those enjoyments which are spa some special aha which are born from the contact of sense organs and sense objects 

so those enjoyments which are born out of the contact of sense organs and sense objects they are due Colonia means they are the womb of sorrow why again Havant aha means they have a beginning and they have an end kaunteya is our genus name,
 not the issue Rama tape with her the wise never revel in them and what is the right he says Yehia smart some special Vishay Andrea some special yah Jadhav Hoga has bhakta you Duke Aiona a VAT an avidya credit pot he says there the wound of sorrow because they are based on ignorance means our interactions in the world to gain happiness from any object in the world is only based out of ignorance 
so it is going to result in sorrow, 
because we're not going to find joy there will never find permanent and the impermanent drishya nahi Adya mcaddy need Akane enemy pani eva yah yah loci that apparel ok a P et Gambia the Ava sub dot there's this word even if 
I usually means only he says the word only means what don't think if you go to some other world things will change it'll be the same everywhere you go sometimes you feel like if we you know if we go to some other place maybe we won't have less sorrow if we switch jobs or we move where we are we moved to another place maybe you feel less sorrow he says whatever is here is gonna be there it's the same thing exactly the same thing don't think there's an escape he said this my favorite statement Ressam sorry 

so cassia Gundam on trauma BST he says in samsara there's no whiff of any joy there's no if there's no even fragrance of joy forget about it it's not there and doesn't even think about it EP Budva Vishay America Trishna kya in Brioni never die yet he says what's it like it's like Mirage water it's like somebody who's running to Mirage water wanting to quench their thirst and what happens when they get to the water there's nothing there's no water he says sense objects are only like this when we ran after them with the idea that there's pleasure in their neck even imboca

Ionia ardent advantage ah-hah deva indriya some yoga huh bogan am untouchable Gaya he says it there do Keone and not only that but in the beginning,
 they have a beginning and they have an end you see there's du chí everywhere either it'll come in the beginning or either little come in the end we just have to wait sometimes it'll come in the beginning sometimes in the end if it didn't come yet weights coming he says after the end event aha and it there but the diction of Javed fat idiot aha that joy will only come just for a moment our acharya and our Vedanta course he told us something very beautiful he said joy is nothing but sorrow with makeup 
so you just be careful it's just covered up and he says kaunteya that they should be okay sure Rama tape with her he says the wise don't revel in it but what do you mean by wise Devaki the one who has discrimination avvocato Parramatta tattva ha the one who has realized this true at the anthem would Hannam a very vicious arathi he drew Shetty only the Buddha's we will get this name in Paju Covina only the fools will revel in sense objects thinking that they'll get some pleasure out of it yet Harper shudra has been AMA just like animals this is how he writes 
so for every word, 

he will define everything and then 
I won't read more but he'll explain how this connects to the next mantra then that's something the next shloka then this connects election oka explains every single thing I imagine without him we'll be like okay who's wise what do you mean by wise what does Ava mean or all these things mean we won't understand 

so we owe a great great deal to Adi Shankaracharya Ji now today we've done a little bit of the intro tomorrow what's his story how was he born where does he come from what was his childhood like how did he grow all of these things 
we will see tomorrow 




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