Consciousness and Self in Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda _ University of Michigan - Spirituality Religion

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Consciousness and Self in Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda _ University of Michigan

Consciousness and Self in Vedanta | Swami Sarvapriyananda _ University of Michigan (part_3)

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
I am I so these questions are there and it was actually said that this is a goal for everybody Dharma Artha kama Moksa pleasure wealth Dharma Philippines morality this is for everybody and moksha is
 the ultimate it was said to be parama purushartha the highest goal of human life so it was always recognized not just for a
 few mystics not just for a few philosophers but for everybody in life the gentleman there yes you yes please tell us your name thank you for your comments really wonderful rate and there's 
so much material there we could have another talk but I'm not threatening you don't make a run for 
the doors let me start with what you ended with 
the Buddhist world view correct do you recall what ice men shinned about sam harris the interesting intuition he came to that Advaita Vedanta ends option Buddhism both of them have a core of truth and he says it's the same truth here is an atheist a fierce critic a relentless critic of religion
who says we must admit that there is some truth to this now it's a very interesting subject Buddhism and Hinduism the Hindu schools of philosophy and Buddhist schools of philosophy had been at loggerheads for more than a thousand years of debate scholarly debate and there are records of this but mostly you will see it was a debate between some of the Theravada schools of Buddhism and 
the dualistic Hindu schools like the knee eye of a sheik Assange here Mimamsa schools until Buddhism sort of faded out from India now the Advaita School has a very interesting relationship with Buddhism if you look at 
the text when they refute other schools of philosophy they also refute Buddhism Shankara in the Brahma sutra vishakha mentioned the Brahma sutra boshy in one place it takes page after page to refute began about Buddhism the Buddhism which is very close to subjective idealism there's a school of Buddhism which is very close to 
the Berkeley and kind of subjective idealism to perceive is to exist like that Shankara takes page after page to refute that it cuts it down when it comes to Sunni Avada philosophy of Shunyata my dear maka Buddhism of Nagarjuna Shankara sort of strangely sidesteps
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

 the issue you know he just says in Sanskrit now I am nirahara Brahma Ganga core Maha we do not accept error without any reality without a ground of error it's like saying there's a snake which is false you know 
the classic Vedanta example is a rope which is mistaken for a snake similarly,
 Brahman is mistaken for this world that's what they wanted to say now if you say that we are mistaking it as a snake but there's no hope there's nothing 
there but you are
mistaking it as a snake that we cannot accept Vedanta Shankara says that there is a reality which is being misperceived and he lets it go at that but if you actually go to the Buddhist texts the original texts the texts of Nagarjuna Mula Magda macaque Erica which is the source for the entire to Nevada movement in Buddhism which is about 1800 1900 years old
 there he clearly says I'm not talking about the non-existence when I say Suniya shoonya means the void why does mean nothing what does it mean he says four possibilities are there this is Nagarjuna and I'm actually supporting him four possibilities are there one is illogical possibilities one is it exists that 
so there's 
some ultimate reality it exists another one is it does not exist the other one is it both exists and does not exist and 
the fourth one is it neither exists nor does not exist the four possible alternatives 
he calls it to chapter Scotty and what is right what is shoonya none of these four is it something that exists no is it something that does not exist no is it something that both exists and does not exist no is it something that neither exists nor does exist no chatter Scotty linear Muktuk to ammonium
 so what in 
the monocoque Arica a the classic text of Advaita Vedanta Shankara's teacher's teacher Gowda pada uses almost mirror language same kind of language to describe brahman the infinite almost the same language Nagarjuna the great teacher of not are they boys school of the void he uses almost Nandu Advaitic language in his beginning you know 
he uses proppant Yokohama shantung Shivam do I am what is Union the cessation of the universe 
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

the silence of the universe dropping super shallow Shanta peace itself at doing I am non-dual Shivam uses the word Shiva a dual Buddhist he means it as auspicious and in the Mundaka Upanishad in the seventh mantra be the highest reality is described what are the words drop enjoy Pasha mom's anthem Shiva Madhu item cessation of the universe the piece itself auspiciousness itself non-duality exactly the same terms used to describe brahman and shoonya 
the pure you know the way to understand this is the pure subject itself there is no object there it can be called the infinite it can be called the void it makes sense both ways I put it this way when you listen to way down 
the Advaita Vedanta it seems to be describing a positive thing it's a mistake it's not describing a positive thing something called an ultimate reality something called a witness is not a thing it is the witness of all things but it's not a thing in itself and when you listen to Narayana the Buddhist the school of the void mistake is it seems 
they're talking about nothing they are not talking about nothing Vedanta is not talking about a thing both of 
they are talking about nothing the best way you can indicate that is nothing swami Sahaj Ananda-- 
who wrote the authoritative biography of Sri Ramakrishna 
he writes a very interesting line he says what the Buddhists call the void Union we call the poornam 
the for the infinite the whole of the infant now this is one point of view dr. Radhakrishnan was also to some extent of this point of view server poly Radhakrishna some modern philosophers TRB muthi and others they agree but also to be fair classical nondualist sand classical Buddhist philosophers still at it I remember I was in a conference with a llama in Delhi he was a Buddhist teacher Tibetan lama and I give a talk on consciousness in Advaita Vedanta he gave a talk in consciousness in Tibetan Buddhism and after that,
 a lady stood up and asked it seems 
he asked she asked a llama it seems sir what 
the swami talked about and what you talked about this seems to be the same and he said no no they are not the same there actually there are differences and I said yes there are differences there actually 
the approach is different you know being a Hindu we always tend to synthesize they all lead to 
the same goal they're all true and if
 so I said there are different approaches but they lead to the same goal he was having none of that is,
 of course, 
well it's very very a sweet and gentleman 
so I said they all lead to the same goal immediately 
he said yes yes the same goal but afterward again different one just a little comment on but I agree entirely with what you said first one little comment on what you said to exist is to exist as an object Vedanta would reverse that 
the only thing that really exists as such is Brahman which is not an object it lends existence to every object a cart would call it the ground of being yes yes I love that the story I told it
 so many times Allen Watts was in the Bay Area in San Francisco in the 60s nobody reads much of up in 
these days but his books are a treasure really he's very humorous mischievous a little 
sometimes I mean he taught with Antan Buddhism in popularized it in San Francisco in 
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

the Bay Area in the 60s I think sixties young sixties seventies also so 
he says there that oh if religion is the opium of the masses then I must say that the Hindus at 
the inside dope but the story he tells is very interesting it sort of explains all of this very nicely and it's a child in child story he is made it of him he says what is all this what's going on and he says it's like this God alone existed from all time to it from eternity to eternity but being alone from eternity to eternity got a little bored 
so he wanted to play now who will he play with because only God exists there nothing else who will you play with so he thought about it and because 
he was God is very eyeing awfully clever so he hit upon a solution God pretended to be not God now God has somebody to play with who God playing with God pretending to be not God now the problem arose was because he is God is awfully good at what he does 
so when he pretended to be not God, 
he totally forgot that he was God and that is the universe it is God searching for God that's what's going on from eternity to eternity but it says a little faired like a fairy tale like a little fable but it's really deep I mean Advaita would agree with that entirely I think we have almost run out of time let's have one is your there yes the gentleman there you're asking what happened to consciousness 
what we data would say 
there is because of the tremendous sharped there at that moment your sensory system and mind maybe did get a shock and it did not register right 
so it was filtered out by the same a lot of data which is coming into the senses are filtered out at some level before it comes to our conscious experience 
so it did not come to conscious expense what happens often is
 when we are knocked out by anesthesia or by a blow to the head it's the mind which goes to sleep and hence
 we don't register anything in the world but the consciousness which registers 
the mind getting information from the senses in the world you know sidewalk car coming and all of that when the mind shuts down just like deep sleep the consciousness experiences no information coming in the blank and then again reminder X 
so this difference is just like waking dreaming deep sleep coma Anastasiya all of these effects are on the body and the mind and the consciousness just keeps revealing what has happened I'll write that out, at last,
 their gentlemen yes tell us your name and ask the question okay 
the second question is actually a very profound question the first one is what is mine how does function it's a general question every philosophy including modern positive psychology has its own answers and when and as I said precisely defines everything mind is a broad term Vedanta is very precise words for them for this thing well anticipate the subtle body and in Vedanta, 
the subtle body has actually three components 
the pranamaya kosha which you might consider to be like the battery of your mobile phone the source of energy and power literally life forces second is the manova Akasha which includes what we call 
the mind again their precise definitions memory ego and sense organs the sensory inputs and there is something called David Jeremiah caution which is 
the intellect itself and the sense of the character that a doer ship
 so those things are there each of them has precise definitions and functions that's one way of mapping what we call 
the mind there are other ways also second your question single witness or many witnesses that's really a good question if you follow what we did I am different from the world I am different from the body I am different from the mind 
I am the witness of mind-body and the world immediately you get the sensation that you get 
the intuition that in everybody there is a different witness but you would be wrong according to Vedanta it is one consciousness shining through different bodies and minds your question is you know in fact in 
the Bhagavad-gita this thing starts in this topic is 
there a thirteen chapters where Krishna speaks about the field and knower of the field the body is the field Chaitra and the witness within
 the field is the knower of the field the witness consciousness within how many of this witness consciousness is billions of bodies or billions of witness consciousness all is it one and Krishna in the 13 chapters in a very startling half of verse 
he makes a tremendous declaration Chaitra ganja imam with deserving Akshay Trisha Bharata or Juna no me alone to be the one consciousness in all these fields so in one the sentence he answers both your question and also gives the definition of God,
 in Vedanta, 
there is only one consciousness in all bodies and minds and that one consciousness in all bodies and minds is God all are saguna brahman in Vedanta now your question actually was how do you make that jump okay let me leave you with this thought why are there not different witnesses witness consciousness clearly bodies are different
you can see you can count clearly minds are different what you know 
I do not know what he has experienced she has not experienced Oh minds are different personalities are different physical bodies different subtle bodies different but witnesses consciousness is it different or not Samkhya philosophy would say yes Yoga philosophy would say yes Advaita would say no it is one common witness consciousness you know if you ask then prove it Advaita will say prove that they are different why do you say bodies are different because you can clearly prove it that bodies are different you can see the different differences in the bodies how do you say a mind start different you can show 
the differences in the mind show the difference in the consciousness you cannot why would you say consciousnesses are different because there are different experiences well different experiences are because of different bodies 
the Samkhya philosophy this long debate about this Samkhya philosophy says each person is a different pure consciousness and they defend it with arguments basically fundamentally five arguments none of them work you can knock them out right now if it is one consciousness then 
when one person falls asleep everybody were to fall asleep is that true what would be 
the answer you tell me body falls asleep mine falls asleep I but another body or mind falls asleep in this body and mind falls asleep consciousness might be 
the one illumining the sleeping body and mind here illumining the active body and mind this next argument the death of one would be the death of everybody no deck top one is the death of one body why would it be that of anybody else next argument little more subtle the liberation of one enlightenment of one would be 
the enlightenment of everybody no enlightenment and ignorance and enlightenment are in the mind they are not in pure consciousness mind is ignorant mind is enlightened consciousness itself in humans 
the enlightened mind and enlightenment mind just really realizes my real nature is consciousness it's not body-mind that's it
 so all of the arguments actually fail Samkhya gives those arguments because of some metaphysical constraint Samkhya has to give those arguments but really none of them stand that's a good point to end
 the oneness of all existence we are all one existence interesting Vivekananda said he has taught only two things that the divinity within each of us which is 
the pure consciousness we talked about and the oneness of all existence that it is one consciousness in all beings, 
in fact, 
one existence which is appearing as many it's wonderful to end on this note and you have been a wonderful and patient audience thank you very much thank you for having me thank you

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