Secret of Concentration by Swami Sarvapriyananda (PART_7)
The secret of Concentration by Swami Sarvapriyananda (PART_7)
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Sarada Devi
The secret of Concentration by Swami Sarvapriyananda (PART_7)
He can manage the class the tennis player can manage the game also without too much effort after
sometimes what happens is she gets
relaxed about it and maybe even bored there he requires higher
challenges to end to enter into flow the basic idea the crucial idea
the point of flow the channel of flow also is dynamic as your skills
keep on
improving you must increase the challenge also to be in the flow
and the basic of the fundamental fact behind it it it is that 126
bits you must put as much of it as possible into that activity
so if
your skills are very high challenge is very low you need not put 126
bits into that with some amount of cognitive capacity you can manage
but that leaves the rest unutilized
so to have the flow to have the concentration you require a dynamic equilibrium between the challenge
you are facing and the skills and what is the learning for us what is
the learning what do you take away from it it's pretty obvious if you
want to be in flow you must look at your situation are you here do
you find the courses to demanding the class is too tough then you
must reduce the challenge and work up your skills how do you do that
you know you maybe have
parse the subject matter into smaller bits which you can focus at a
time maybe you need to get help from your seniors or your professor
many ways in which you can build up your skills and at the same time
reduce the channel challenge by taking it into smaller bits parsing
the material into smaller bits the opposite are you feeling bored in
a class are you feeling bored in a course then increase the challenge
I remember one Swami we were attending a class together in Bellaire mutt and I found the class boring and I found this other person sitting next to me taking extensive notes and I knew this person is his brilliant he's far more brilliant than me for him discourse is nothing but why is he taking such extensive notes when
I looked closely you know what he was doing the teacher was teaching the Acharya was teaching in English and this rather this novice he was taking notes perfect notes in Sanskrit he was translating that into Sanskrit and taking down perfect notes why because he was bored he knew all of it
I remember one Swami we were attending a class together in Bellaire mutt and I found the class boring and I found this other person sitting next to me taking extensive notes and I knew this person is his brilliant he's far more brilliant than me for him discourse is nothing but why is he taking such extensive notes when
I looked closely you know what he was doing the teacher was teaching the Acharya was teaching in English and this rather this novice he was taking notes perfect notes in Sanskrit he was translating that into Sanskrit and taking down perfect notes why because he was bored he knew all of it
so what will he do is to sit in the class as a
how does he get that flow he's not using this but very naturally he
is using this he immediately upped the challenge he pushed the
challenge up very high
so he's listening translating into Sanskrit and believe me, it's not easy we had a teacher used to teach in Sanskrit only and I remember any time you have to ask a question you have to ask a question in Sanskrit otherwise, he will not respond and if you ask a question in Sanskrit you know if you put together grammatical it must be correct by the time I asked the question he will find out two or three grammatical errors in my question and then he go on teaching him he will not come to the answer is unless you ask a perfectly correct question grammatically correct I will not answer it's not what the answer
so that's how he was getting flow okay now we come to the final part of this Csikszentmihalyi in that book flow psychology of optimal experience he says the similarities between yoga and flow are very strong he has also a few pages on yoga on Patanjali yoga, he has studied literature's from all over the world and he says in that book the similarities between yoga Patanjali yoga and flow is very strong and he calls yoga very thoroughly planned flow activity, in fact, he says one of the oldest and most systematic methods of getting flow is this Indian system of yoga he says that now I am NOT going to teach you yoga now but I'll give you the basic basics of yoga and how we can use it for attaining
concentration and the flow that will be my final point okay what does yoga say to get perfect
concentration according to yoga there are eight steps eight steps Yama and niyama these are preliminary disciplines asana posture pranayama breathing pratyahara withdrawing from the external
focusing on a topic and Dhyana meditation or unbroken focus and
finally the highest possible
concentration Samadhi remember this is not the point of this does not flow the point in the Yogi's used this for spiritual realization but they do get flow now in fact I was reading one of the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna he's talking about meditation when you get good meditation he says it should be effortless and one of the characteristics of flow is effortlessness before flow, there is an effort when the challenge is more skill is not not
concentration Samadhi remember this is not the point of this does not flow the point in the Yogi's used this for spiritual realization but they do get flow now in fact I was reading one of the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna he's talking about meditation when you get good meditation he says it should be effortless and one of the characteristics of flow is effortlessness before flow, there is an effort when the challenge is more skill is not not
so high then you get into an effortless mode which is flow without if the skills are high and challenges are low even there there is effortlessness but there is no flow because you are bored then
so when you have flow there's effortlessness okay now how do you use this for flow Yama and niyama would be Yama would be a moral life a clean life that's important Yama and niyama specifically a disciplined life rhythm is necessary for life for generating
concentration and focus there is a story about said G who went to Asami in the Himalayas I'm called john zika oaks achhi and the Swami started all right very good sit down first Satya you have to tell the the truth I am sorry should not hurt anybody Brahma chair yourself control Yama then the sage he got disgusted I said arrey Mahatma G I'm going diancie kya pranayama sin pronounced Kawika such bull night dude named Bill Nighy sub cassock aramco then that Swami said to Ashtanga Yoga cookie yeah week along yokes ago a Stanga is eight limp and weaker song means two limbs are not there you want to remove morality and discipline from your life just want meditation that is not Ashtanga Yoga that's fickle
hope it's not possible and then that Swami told that businessman it's
a story he said that black money per a sandwich Arcadia hoga you've
got lots of black money which are hidden under your bed and you put
anise on on top of your seat for meditation the UH Novica be never
so a certain amount of morality a moral life first a disciplined life second then third what is required for flow third asana asana need not mean that you've to sit in Padmasana whatever it simply means posture what posture they have found that sitting straight not rigid not like not like a robot and Sauron not like that relaxed but straight where the head and the neck and the spine which has turned the waist and the spine are more or less in one straight line relaxed but not drooping you can see the difference it makes in your mental attitude when you more or less sit up straight after you get flow one may concentrate on you know we are already mind is there that's not important but before that good posture is important pranayama there is a connection between breathing and
concentration positive psychology till today they have not talked about it is an area these are areas of research but there is a connection one thing you will notice the kind of breathing when you are you have when you are tired when we feel tired and sleepy and dull one kind of breathing often you will see it comes from the left nostril when you are excited angry or working physically hard-working you know physically doing something then right nostril very jogging or playing you'll see most of the time breathing comes from right nostril and they say in perfect mint in
concentration breathing
come slowly from both nostrils anyhow you need not go into all that
but basically breathing just of some amount of deep breathing helps
even physiologically it makes
sense if you oxygenate your blood and our concentration is better then pratyahara withdrawing your cognitive capacities from the world outside remember the snake with the with the hood cutting out the world pratyahara not thinking of other things and here you need to be little intelligent suppose I'm concentrating many times school students say this if I look at my book and try to concentrate I fall asleep or I am looking at the book half an hour later if you ask me what have you read I can tell you my mind went all over the world but I cannot tell you what was there in the page in front of me so many are smiling and think it's a common problem but not
so much here many of you have good concentration
so here you have to be little intelligent pratyahara withdrawing the mind from the world outside even from your own body you take the help of for example active reading you know what is active reading you underline take notes maybe you will never need to read the notes again but use your hand the moment you start using your hand it takes some more of the cognitive capacity from the world outside and puts it there uses a computer use feedback block out the noise you know in many ways you can concentrate your mind one very powerful way of
concentration is the curiosity you can arouse curiosity you know how powerful curiosity is and the train I saw a little baby crying I know many of you have seen this child crying like anything and when the mother or the father suddenly comes in front of the child and does like this or get some toy and swings it in front of the baby is screaming but in front of that suddenly some strange the thing you put stop screaming and looking wonderful at least for one the minute it looks like that will forget to cry curiosity is very powerful and we also have that power so how do you use Curie curiosity in Mara
don't want to read all these exams are there that's why I read I am
reading and don't want to know else all these things but you can
artificially induce curiosity by asking questions or setting up the problem, before you go into the material often what we do, is a mistake
we do is read the material then solve problems which is set up the problem then start reading the material then it's a voyage of
discovery it's not just learning something which will apply later on
so these are tricks which you can use to engage your cognitive capacities in the study material
so practice ihara has to be done intelligently should not be a struggle then folk karana is focus Hana holding on to that focus yes but they are I remember Swami Ranganathan and the G he used to come to IIT Kanpur campus long back I think in the 70s maybe or 60s I have seen his books in our villa room at the library the books he donated he was a voracious reader all of his books you can easily know it is Ranganathan G's books because they're all heavily underlined lot of remarks are there very agree is very disagrees where something reminds you of him some something else questions he has got everything he puts down now imagine the kind of involvement in that book the Bhagavad-gita also says this in one chapter sri Krishna's Arjuna be completely in you know concentrated on God
so I'm sure just like you Arjuna would have scratched is it then he says after each of the pure shock doses if you cannot do that also then whatever work you're doing you connect it you offer it to me
so the daily work which you are doing you're studying your work in the kitchen or your work in the office you offer it to God you connecting
daily work to God now you see how concentration is helping
concentration by involving other things in the world
so I mean
Abaddon and the Gone of the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna I read as
reminiscence by a young person he said when I was young I used to go
to visit Swami Abaddon and the G and he would meditate he was quite
old at that time and I would see he would meditate you know he would
sit for meditation he would rock his body back and forth a little bit
then as if he's a stone statue he will sit and that's it three hours
later he'll open his eyes like a rock he's sitting and this body
would ask Swamiji within 2 minutes I get bird how can you sit like
this without moving at all for three hours and he would joke and
Bengali would say boo Rashad Odin kena an old monk I've been
meditating for
so many years but it is this thing ability to pull everything out from the world and put it on the object of meditation swami Vivekananda it was natural for him in New York used to go for lectures and in those days you have tramps and on in San Francisco I think and he would go on the tram and he would get
so absorbed in this in his thoughts the try and would take the entire circuit of the city and come back more than once and he would be ashamed of this you know he would say that no you have to remind me
so many years but it is this thing ability to pull everything out from the world and put it on the object of meditation swami Vivekananda it was natural for him in New York used to go for lectures and in those days you have tramps and on in San Francisco I think and he would go on the tram and he would get
so absorbed in this in his thoughts the try and would take the entire circuit of the city and come back more than once and he would be ashamed of this you know he would say that no you have to remind me
have to go for the class the concentration tremendous concentration
was absolutely natural to him I have
so many stories about that and that focus Dharana is focused Dianna is the unbroken concentration depends into let's call it flows let's call it a higher kind of flow
so here I am breaking it up again moral life discipline life good posture deep breathing irregular breathing don't be like a boiler regular breathing withdrawing from the world remember the snake then haruna holding on the focus then unbroken focus flow this is what our Patanjali yoga also has to say about
concentration this is one key idea let me just sum up by going back to this idea remember you have 126 bits per second and you have to use that to get concentration or flow and it's always a function of matching your challenges and skills whenever you are out of flow and their characteristic are there you'll be bored or you will be under strain whenever you're out of flow you increase the challenges or the skills as the need may be these are the basic principles I think I'll conclude here
so many stories about that and that focus Dharana is focused Dianna is the unbroken concentration depends into let's call it flows let's call it a higher kind of flow
so here I am breaking it up again moral life discipline life good posture deep breathing irregular breathing don't be like a boiler regular breathing withdrawing from the world remember the snake then haruna holding on the focus then unbroken focus flow this is what our Patanjali yoga also has to say about
concentration this is one key idea let me just sum up by going back to this idea remember you have 126 bits per second and you have to use that to get concentration or flow and it's always a function of matching your challenges and skills whenever you are out of flow and their characteristic are there you'll be bored or you will be under strain whenever you're out of flow you increase the challenges or the skills as the need may be these are the basic principles I think I'll conclude here
have run out of time also thank you very much true clear goals you
have to have clarity about the goals swami vivekananda puts it very
beautifully make sure what your end is goal is then he says forget
the ends and concentrate on the means our main problem is we are too
focused on the grades and getting the iit degree now and and then
getting this high paying job big pay packet and now if you keep that
in mind most of the time or all of the time then you are not focusing
on what is in front of you that will happen if that is your goal keep
it there but don't keep on thinking about it it's no use thinking
about it once you have set up the goal times where they kind of says
you forget the goal what it says here is clear goals are necessary
for flow if your goals are not clear you will always be in anxiety it
will be anxious you if you don't know exactly what you are doing at
this moment you will not get that flow it's one characteristic of
flow that a certain amount of inner clarity has to be there what
am doing but the eventual goals you should keep them in the
background fix it keep it in the background there seems to be a deep
connection between mental purity and concentration because you will
say that that's not necessarily
so we know many brilliant people who will be they were nice but they are very brilliant true but you see there again if that person had more pure mind you believe it's a hypothesis that it seems to be like that a lot of people in your personal experience also you see if you have a clean life and uncomplicated life you can actually concentrate much poison it's that simple each other to truth yes I'll take two minutes to answer this yeah
so when we want results what is mentioned what is actually spoken about in the Gita disability you will have to do your work and don't ask for results it means the sense for ourselves and that's okay because most of us will be mean results currently pal we mean well power outage business problems now the traditional idea was what do human beings want,
so we know many brilliant people who will be they were nice but they are very brilliant true but you see there again if that person had more pure mind you believe it's a hypothesis that it seems to be like that a lot of people in your personal experience also you see if you have a clean life and uncomplicated life you can actually concentrate much poison it's that simple each other to truth yes I'll take two minutes to answer this yeah
so when we want results what is mentioned what is actually spoken about in the Gita disability you will have to do your work and don't ask for results it means the sense for ourselves and that's okay because most of us will be mean results currently pal we mean well power outage business problems now the traditional idea was what do human beings want,
are two things Tama would be pleasured any kind of sense pleasure you
want to party and make merry and all that kind of sense from having a the school are you listening to very defined classical music that's also
pressure octa money and IIT degree a big corporate pay packet
whatever money success Awards head of the department whatever
so all of that now these are what people want instinctively what people want instinctively what religion any religion will tell you is both of these that means morality not unlimited or thank um they follow the rules of the society they follow the rules of decency of morality of law - as much as possible they do - more or less they did do that there will be a very few people section of society few people who would like to chase utley and karma money and pleasure to the exclusion of eight decency or valid it just will not get caught by the police but through whatever means, I will earn money and I will never term you know
so all of that now these are what people want instinctively what people want instinctively what religion any religion will tell you is both of these that means morality not unlimited or thank um they follow the rules of the society they follow the rules of decency of morality of law - as much as possible they do - more or less they did do that there will be a very few people section of society few people who would like to chase utley and karma money and pleasure to the exclusion of eight decency or valid it just will not get caught by the police but through whatever means, I will earn money and I will never term you know
mean what freak out like have alike enjoyed life whatever
I want to do I will do and this kind of category you know which is which who just want these to earth and karma there is a term in Sanskrit called para para means an instinctive lowest uncultured kind of person an instinctive life what I want I wanted just now I wanted just now and this kind of life actually leads to unhappiness not only unhappiness even modern psychology shows that this kind of life such people do not go on to achieve much in life also but the because they cannot resist they cannot control themselves the kind of
I want to do I will do and this kind of category you know which is which who just want these to earth and karma there is a term in Sanskrit called para para means an instinctive lowest uncultured kind of person an instinctive life what I want I wanted just now I wanted just now and this kind of life actually leads to unhappiness not only unhappiness even modern psychology shows that this kind of life such people do not go on to achieve much in life also but the because they cannot resist they cannot control themselves the kind of
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The secret of Concentration by Swami Sarvapriyananda (PART_7)
you need to come to IIT, for example, many of your classmates did not
have that control
so you had to sacrifice quite a bit to slog you
know to put in that kind of work to be here today and that's because
these desires you had to rein into some extent immediate
gratification no let me work hard
will get more of this later on so some amount of control is necessary
so those who have all three Dharma Artha kama you know normally when we speak about artha kama and Dharma what is the phrase we never say karma Dharma we normally see there Martha Graham of option
so you always say Therma first Dharma does not mean only religion morality and everything all three, if you have then the term which we use,
I wish I person a worldly person but whose good wish I normally have a bad connotation it is a worldly person but actually dharmic I wish a person who is good moral you see most people in the world are like this they are good they are not evil people they are not lawbreakers but they want worldly things and they want to do it within the bounds of common good sense and morality now beyond this also there is there are people the term would be moksha or spirituality or whatever there's a certain group of people didn't he need not be seduced or sannyasis Anna Hazare somebody like that who is actually genuinely in it for welfare he wants good for the society Mahatma Gandhi if he wanted he could have been the Prime Minister the president for life if you live long enough but he did not want it at all but he wanted the welfare of Indians why Indians he wanted everybody's welfare who ever came into contact with him even the Englishman who came into contact with him so such people they are in this category what they do is they do not want these two but they base Dharma and moksha spirituality based on Dharma they want spiritual realization mat maganda says in one place in his autobiography my experiments with the truth many people think that I am a politician some say I am a freedom fighter but what
I wish I person a worldly person but whose good wish I normally have a bad connotation it is a worldly person but actually dharmic I wish a person who is good moral you see most people in the world are like this they are good they are not evil people they are not lawbreakers but they want worldly things and they want to do it within the bounds of common good sense and morality now beyond this also there is there are people the term would be moksha or spirituality or whatever there's a certain group of people didn't he need not be seduced or sannyasis Anna Hazare somebody like that who is actually genuinely in it for welfare he wants good for the society Mahatma Gandhi if he wanted he could have been the Prime Minister the president for life if you live long enough but he did not want it at all but he wanted the welfare of Indians why Indians he wanted everybody's welfare who ever came into contact with him even the Englishman who came into contact with him so such people they are in this category what they do is they do not want these two but they base Dharma and moksha spirituality based on Dharma they want spiritual realization mat maganda says in one place in his autobiography my experiments with the truth many people think that I am a politician some say I am a freedom fighter but what
am is actually a man a simple man in search of God I am doing it
through politics freedom fighting but I am in search of God that's
all I am that's his own idea about himself
so they don't want these two and you can see it in their lives they reject it when they have no interest in these two such people they work without any desire for results which result in these results what are these results personal gain and personal enjoyment they don't want it but they do seek something which is the welfare of everybody
so Swami Vivekananda many great Saints, they have worked for the welfare of others and them really don't want anything and you know I will tell you just one the small thing many people many of you will say the oh that's
so tough what a great sacrifice if you ask them it is no sacrifice at all to them it's no sacrifice at all to them they would not be doing anything that is the sacrifice I want to do that I cannot I am NOT doing it I'm giving it up and then
I am doing something so a mother
who could have a very good career in the corporate sector she gives
up a job for her children and she later complaints that you fellows
you have no gratitude
guess at rifice
so much for you because she has the feeling she has sacrificed something for the children truly she's she wanted that she did not take it up for their sake but in the case of Mahatma Gandhi or Vivekananda or whatever if you ask them a great sacrifice you have made there is no more sacrifice at all Swami Brahma Hahn and the once was asked by the president of the Ramakrishna mission Sri Ramakrishna's disciple Swami Vivekananda's brother disciple and the person who became the first president of the Ramakrishna mission he was once asked Oh Swamiji you have sacrificed so much you've given up everything for God you are a great yogi Swami Brahma Nanda bowed down to that man
so much for you because she has the feeling she has sacrificed something for the children truly she's she wanted that she did not take it up for their sake but in the case of Mahatma Gandhi or Vivekananda or whatever if you ask them a great sacrifice you have made there is no more sacrifice at all Swami Brahma Hahn and the once was asked by the president of the Ramakrishna mission Sri Ramakrishna's disciple Swami Vivekananda's brother disciple and the person who became the first president of the Ramakrishna mission he was once asked Oh Swamiji you have sacrificed so much you've given up everything for God you are a great yogi Swami Brahma Nanda bowed down to that man
bow down to a greater tally so why you have given up the diamond for
a piece of glass you have given up God for the world how great you
are your sacrifice is tremendous mine is nothing at all
so from their point of view it's no great sacrifice and it's not just very spiritual persons anybody who's doing work for others you will think it's a sacrifice if you ask them they'll say no I enjoy it I've met a number of social entrepreneurs and somebody was telling me Swamiji you have sacrificed
so much I said no it's not a sacrifice I really enjoy this if I have to do what you are doing it would be a sacrifice for me and I asked social entrepreneurs none of whom are Swamiji's and all of them said the same thing none of them feel that we have sacrificed our corporate jobs their big corporate jobs they gave that atom they came to this kind of life
so they are actually you know giving up the results and doing work it is in this sense in this sense okay give a fairly detailed answer to that one should we wrap up now afterward and they deep-fried children part of the initiative from each one of you to poverty I was truly listening to him with very bad prevention and
actually have a beard you're dipping it and I would like to show this
to my Oh models position is to hold on to their ability in fact I
must share with you my own experience I joined this business a little
over a year back and by the time I finished one semester I certainly
was getting extremely bored in the true sense of being bored and that
had decided that now I'll go back to my motivation the true a profession which is teaching and
I started teaching and somebody was saying that why are you doing this extra thing and my honest answer was an ease that I derive my strength from teaching whatever I do whatever we do everything and anything you need conditions - Stanley
derived my conviction my strength from being truthful to my own
profession and watching him delivery's lecture I was full all the
time wondering that why would assume they were complaining about a
class or lecture he listens to a lecture which is truly in the
Icefall moment and
so I certainly, see what exactly he was talking all at all, it's not a reflection of that
so I would request you to come back whenever possible engineer your time and knowledge with us we all basically in this set up in this academic center all that we choose to perceive knowledge and we have only one objective which is to either disseminate or share knowledge or trying general in knowledge it's not very easy to generate Thank You jeepers if any lectures but then essentially we tried to pursue at least at the end of every 20 page publications at the final conclusion but just a few words or maybe love a sentence that is truly a new knowledge that's worth reading that a person that's exactly what we pursue and we should always have such excellent examples before we
so thank you again and said if this beautiful conversation interaction stops here
seek your bodies from typicals something very very important instead
of waiting and I must attend to that
concentration whatever you're the situation is if you concentrate there on whatever you want to achieve what is in front of you then you get a richer experience the principle here is how much you concentrate and what you concentrate just now in this place, you know how much you are concentrating and what you're concentrating on there are
so many things here there is a
lecture going on also in your mind will be that child as to what
such-and-such things to do next now if you're concentrating on that
then your experience will be one of restlessness like can you
concentrating on that and you're thinking about it and how to apply
it in your own life you're getting a richer experience in the same
the environment you understand there are many elements what will I
pick out of that and how much I can concentrate on that will
make your experience very rich absolutely yes but that expect what we
have seen you know
so many stories of young boys and girls coming
from very tough backgrounds poor people educationally disadvantaged
and struggling and making their way up maybe coming to IIT and other
places you know Anand Kumar gave a talk their super 30 and how
many disadvantaged children are making it here to this campus and
other campuses and doing well not only academically even people who
are who are physically challenged and they're doing so well in some
areas of life
so from a very tough background, one can do well not
necessarily that they will do well most don't but they do
and again just the opposite from very privileged backgrounds how many
especially, teachers, I have been a teacher for more than 10 we knew
how many boys and girls from very privileged backgrounds parents are
highly educated they are well-off and they have got every facility
and it completely spoiled their lives
so the background is important but what is important is what you make of that background and how to do you make something of the background by choosing what to concentrate on and how much to concentrate on there's an I'll end with this Milton the famous English poet he says in one place the mind in its own the place can make a heaven of hell and a hell of heaven the mind in its own place, the mind by itself can make a hell of heaven and heaven of Hell how by this method by what you are concentrating on in your environment and how much you're concentrating there
so those boys and girls from very tough backgrounds who made it suppose to IIT if you ask them they had extremely you know disheartening circumstances in their life but that one area their studies and how it will open up better avenues in life and
so they pick that element to concentrate on and they ignore everything else I have seen people, young boys, and girls, completely depressed mental breakdown why because they had some genuine the problem in life it may be a relationship problem may be health the problem may be a grades problem whatever and what did they do they concentrated totally upon that they will say that how can
I not concentrate on that my it's pulling my attention it is not pulling attention it's a conscious the decision if you if your default setting is that you will be pulled into the depression in a cycle of depression and you know sadness and failure misery but it's a conscious decision that that setting it's
it's not you know a fixed set you can change the default setting you
can actually consciously choose what you are going to think about and
how much you're going to think about that okay and tomorrow we'll
take it up after the class tomorrow and day after the classes the
lectures will be very different not like this
we are going to be
serious concentrating on Vedanta very advanced Vedanta
so I'm not discouraging you I'm setting up a high challenge for you to get into flow does come to thank you
so I'm not discouraging you I'm setting up a high challenge for you to get into flow does come to thank you
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