Secret of Concentration by Swami Sarvapriyananda (PART_6)
The secret of Concentration by Swami Sarvapriyananda (PART_6)
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know tremendous focus on that so mental bearing down on a subject the
book or the instrument of what which you are doing focusing the mind
on that mental bearing down on the subject second the hood flaring to
block out all distractions the hood of the Cobra flaring to block out
all distractions, of course, the Cobra does not flare the hood to block
out distractions or anything like that but this is the meaning which
you are giving to it have you noticed how little children study why
little children and last year I was in AI year before last
was in IIT Kanpur I was in the library as many of the boys and girls
they're studying and they also do the same thing you ever noticed how
they study or how you many of you study like this book is there a
place what are you doing there unconsciously you're basically cutting
out the world so that's another part of concentration you are pulling
out as much of the 126 bits per second which is scattered here and
there you're pulling it out basically and putting it here so it's
very natural this hood flaring to block out distractions and holding
steady in your unblinking focus a few seconds of that anybody can
manage a couple of minutes of that anybody can manage but hours and
hours and hours of that holding steady in your unblinking focus these
are the three elements engage your mind to pull out the bits you have
scattered all over and in your life, you know different subjects in
you're the life you pull it out and pour it here and hold it like that
mathematician Swami eight hours 10 hours 12 hours on one problem I
was joking with him you know did you leave the students to them for
lunch break he said no I said he'll faint said okay once the cover
recovered consciousness they can do maths again along with this one
more point which is not mentioned as yet by tricking me
I am
positive psychology but Swami Vivekananda insists on this he says
along, we must develop the power
of detachment, we must learn not only to attach the mind to one thing
exclusively but also to detach it at a moment's notice and place it
on something else
you see many of you have good concentration
otherwise, he wouldn't be here but there is an ability that if you can
pull your mind out from one thing and then put it totally into
another thing that's a tremendous ability it seems
read in Napoleon's life once you know he could do so many things at a
time writing letters back to Paris about the construction of bridges
writing about the new financial system writing letters about the direction of the military forces in battle and so and so forth
writing to his wife Josephine somebody asked him how do you do all
that and he said see I have this cabinet is a time before computers
so I had this cabinet in my mind dryers so when I want to talk
about when I want to work on the army I opened that dryer and shut
all other drawers but
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want to talk about finances I shut the other drawers and open the
drawer about the finances and so and so forth and when I shut all the
dryers I go off to sleep he had the ability to go to sleep and
anytime he wanted that's a tremendously organized mind but it shows
the structure of the mind it matches with what we have been studying
here and Swami very kind of a misquotation education is the concentration
of mind, if I had to do my education all instrument I could collect facts at will another aspect of flow is
feeling in control if you know a person who's playing tabla and him
gets flow anybody who plays musical instruments sometime or the other
you would have felt it musical instruments or singing
sometimes you know you are in the flow and you must know how to play that
instrument pretty well there must be a sense of control if you don't
know what you're doing you'll never get flow it will just be
straining a little bit it'll be tension and strain loss of self
awareness which spoke to a spoke about this we just leave this one
out for the time being another aspect is the transformation of time again
we have experienced this there is a time distortion when you are in
flow hours seem to pass by very quickly you know when you look up and
you see the clock and you find that already two or three hours have
gone you don't feel that you have been sitting there for two or three
hours that is the nature of flow with
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concentration times T seems to fly if you don't have deep
concentration then time seems to drag I have often you know I was
talking to some students in a college somewhere else and I was
speaking about the way I saw the boys and girls in the IIT Kanpur
library studying and I said to see this when on Sundays they come and I
saw some of them studying from the morning till afternoon till night
sometimes they do all Nydia studying not just one or two many of them
they do that especially will I heard before examinations a lot of you
are up and doing obviously you have to now one of them said one of
the boys were sitting there he said oh how boring I said no it's not
boring in fact if you like the subject and if you're immersed in it
if you cut away everything else in life then it starts boring
actually because when you get the flow is very enjoyable it's
deeply satisfying of course because you're an exam and you have to go
upgrades and all its tension but otherwise, it's deeply satisfying
you know what is boring what is difficult if you give only a part of
that one 26 bits may be 50 bits and 60 bits and the rest of it is
still free then you can think about the good time you could be having
watching TV or playing video games and you're still doing physics and
then you feel how boring and irritating this is are you know you're
sitting in the same kid who sits and watches a cricket match for hours
together he does not complain about how hot it is how much Kito's are
biting him does not complete but the moment you put that kid within
front of his homework he'll say Que Se Puede Jeremy amateur how can
study what happens is because out of that 126 bits almost all of it
is absorbed on the cricket match he does not feel the discomfort of
heat or mosquitoes or whatever but when he's doing something he does
not like it most of his cognitive capacities free and it will go to
whatever pulls his cognitive capacity you know like it may be a
mosquito or whatever I remember when we meditate in Bellaire mud the
mosquitoes have a free rein you know and especially when you are
meditating you can't do anything about the mosquito even one mosquito
can spoil your meditation and sometimes I've seen other monks and
what they do early in the morning so they'll have this each other you
open it and put a sort of cloth here like a veil so that mosquito
can't enter and if one mosquito enters that then you are in deep the trouble really like somebody's fighting in that you will see and I
was reading out Swami Vivekananda Girish Ghosh the famous dramatist
he narrates how he saw Swami Vivekananda sitting in meditation and
his face is black covered with mosquitoes it does not feel it he's
gone deep within so much that nothing is left over, of course, you will
feel it when he comes out maybe face will be swollen pit mosquito
bites but at that moment does not feel it so this is exactly what
happens to us in a lesser degree maybe when you are studying or
working on something that absorbs most of your cognitive capacity if
you are studying without that flow without that concentration it's
much more strenuous then every few minutes you will feel like going
and having a coffee break or going and taking a walk whatever because
you there is that excess cognitive surplus left or which will remind you are suffering you are doing something boring please get up
when that is not free you have a very good time actually you've
forgotten time moves faster
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was no but I moved slower, of course, both are an interesting one surgeon
was telling me how hours six-seven hours they have to do this
neurosurgery six-seven hours so how is it possible such concentration
for such a long time he says I don't feel I'm doing it for five or
six hours after the operation is over I'd see it's five or six hours
so time has moved very fast just the opposite I heard from a fighter the pilot sitting in Airport and this gentleman is retired, Air Force
pilot, he's not retired but he is in the Air Force now at one time he
was a fighter pilot and he was telling me how he ejected from a plane
which was crashing and he spoke to the air traffic control gave a
mayday call and he's saying that I'm ejecting at such-and-such
position and he says I was feeling irritated at that moment why is
the traffic control air traffic on to the military air traffic
control why are they are taking so much time to respond to me I'm in
an emergency where seconds count later on when the court of inquiry
they have a board of inquiry after the crash there he saw they
we're laughing at and he said that Vyas ponded within a second or two
seconds but for your time seems to be dilated because at the time at a
point of death you know you could die at that moment every fraction
of a second seems to be living and you it stretched out and dilated
so when you are in flow both effects are possible but the common
thing is a distortion of time takes place so these are the
characteristics of flow quickly let me run through it you feel
completely involved in what you are doing focused on concentration
concentrated second happiness sense of ecstasy in any kind of flow
Csikszentmihalyi interviewed people who were scholars who were
athletes who were musicians even monks and nuns
are meditating all of them whatever the diverse activities but
wherever they found flow he found joy they feel happy being outside
everyday reality ecstasy great inner clarity moment to moment you
know what has to be done and you are doing it and you're fully
absorbed in it and forth knowing that activity is doable your skill
is adequate to the task but challenged a sense of serenity you have
no feeling no worries about yourself an intrinsic motivation whatever
produces flow becomes its own reward see people who get flow in music
or study or whatever depend to repeat it they tend to do it more and
more they like it other people may find it very difficult they will
say hey our job is going tape our idea in the boring or sectile it's
not boring for you then timelessness you've suddenly focused on the
there's a spelling mistake there on the present hours seem to pass by
in minutes if there is anything that I would like you to take away
from this talk, this is it this is the central finding of positive
psychology about concentration let me walk you through this diagram
then we'll relate it to yoga and conclude but this is central what
does it say the basic idea is if you want to attain concentration there
are these two dimensions you have to take care of one is your skills
whatever the activity your capability and the second one is the challenge facing you so he takes the example of a tennis player who
is a beginner so at when you're beginning tennis when we start
playing it's just a great thing just to return yourself you can't do
much more than that and if you play against a state champion or a national champion then what happens the challenge is too many skills
are very low and the result is you have a worry or anxiety you can't
face it's too much a teacher who's teaching may be something
differential equations something first time he goes into class is a new teacher may be an assistant teacher his skills teaching skills are
not all that great and he's facing a class for the first time and the challenge is pretty high here are IIT students so he feels worried or
anxiety but as his skills improve as
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as the tennis players practices or the teacher keeps on teaching what
happens is his skills improve challenge remains the same and this
comes down this anxiety becomes you know arousal in the sense that he
is ready to face the challenge and then it comes to flow it is equal
it is a challenge here is a channel where skills and challenges are
matched now the tennis player he can return the serve and he feels
happy when he returns to serve he feels happy it gets a tiny bit of
flow at that point so there is a child there is a channel here where
your challenges and skills are matched if your skills are pretty high
and the challenge is low skills are pretty high you are a state
champion in tennis and you just have to do net practice then it's
very very easy for your mechanical and you feel apathetic there is no
response inside it's too easy for you or you feel bored and as your
challenge increases you come back to flow now you see this entire
spread here is the desirable Channel when you have flow if you if you
see the teacher who is teaching for some time he gets the hang of it
now he starts enjoying the class because he can teach well and the
class is also enjoying it and he gets the feeling of flow after some
time what happens after a couple of years or two or three years it's
in control without putting too much effort into it
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