|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-5) - Spirituality Religion

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|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-5)

 Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda

 Maya  by Swami Sarvapriyananda

 Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda

Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda Too many eat it up there's no use but it's enough to scare the fish and so this fish will go round and round and the quiet little shark chases them around and their fish become tasty now this development and we have heard the story of how if you try to help a cocoon and oh by opening it up and letting it in the butterfly can't fly because that exercises me I heard the stories 

I don't know-how true it is but it is true that the more you increase the power of enjoyment more refined more protected the more vulnerable the more weak the more prone to suffering and this is Maya some of the Vaikuntha says he speaks about he says a mother loves her child no end dotes upon the child it is her whole life the child is her whole life and the child perhaps son grows up to be a brute and abuses the mother and is a source of misery to her and yet she cannot give up the child and society perhaps praises her for it and criticizes the child for being ungrateful and yet the mother knows it is not really love it is something that she can not shake off it's a kind of obsession kind of weakness and she would perhaps be better off checking that thing off and yet she cannot and this is Maya some Vivekananda directly the drama of life we come into this life, not a blank slate very kinda says it like the poet said coming become trailing clouds of glory but he says some of us come training clouds of black smoke to sow some scars past life you have had many past lives and we live in this life in youth it is all golden full of hope and possibilities as we go grow older we become older and the mode is disappointed and bitter maybe wiser but bitter and then finally, death comes and sweeps us away from the stage of life we see in a stage of life we were kids dead one monk Dutch in our order he is from the Netherlands 
 Maya  by Swami Sarvapriyananda

 Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda

Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda So when his parents were about to pass of it or to die he went back to the Netherlands to see them for Lebon last time and he said later on he came and told me they were in an assisted living facility but he went to their family house and he said how interesting the same house where 

I and my brothers and sisters we grew up we played there in that garden we lived in those rooms other children are playing there other children are living in those rooms other dads and moms are living there the stage is the same the actors are different we are gone death sweeps us away and Vivek on Dad's poignantly victorious are defeated I do not know and this is Maya Krishna and Narada they're walking together and none of this is to Krishna same question o Krishna can you tell me what is Maya Krishna says ask me something else and now that this is no 
I want to know this Krishna says all right you asked for it but before that could you 
I am very thirsty could you go and get me a little water to drink now this is immediately I'll do that please wait here and he walks to the nearby village to the well there and he sees this girl drawing the water there when he comes near the young lady he is captivated by her beauty and he says could you give me a pot of water a jar of water and she says certainly sir and then he starts talking with her and they become friends and he's so enamored of her she brings him home and introduces him to her father and they like him 
so much and he likes them and he falls in love with this girl and he proposes marriage the father accepts him and gives him the family business and he settles down there and they are very happy they had their first child as years go by the second child and the third child and years later one day at night and he's a busy household or now with a lot of responsibilities a flood comes to a flash flood no alert those days mobile phone and water is rising in terror Narada gets up and grabs hold of his the baby child and the other child and the more grown the teenage child 
I mean the first child and his wife three kids and some a bundle of the possessions and somehow staggers out into the rising floodwaters, before he can do anything the baby, is swept away from his shoulders and the other child has swept away from his arm finally his eldest child and his beloved wife they're all swept away and he's thrown on the shore weeping and lamenting and he loses consciousness and he wakes up slowly and he is Krishna standing and looking at him this is Narada where have you wherever have you been it's nearly half an hour 
 Maya  by Swami Sarvapriyananda

 Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda

Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda I've been waiting 12 years of his life at first and it's been half an hour only and this is Maya very kind this is Sri Ramakrishna he gives the example of an of a monk induction issuer he says there's a wonderful monk who came to the temple garden abduction issuer and he would stay in his little room and he would never come out he would never mix with anybody he would never talk with anybody, he spent the whole day in meditation and prayer one day you know the Bengal monsoon dark clouds come and cover everything the whole sky is covered and the whole the tempo and the river and the city they all become darkened and gloomy and then a strong the wind came and blew the sky the dark clouds away and it'll blues shining sky again and this monk he for the first time came out of his room and he laughed out loud and he started dancing and then Sri Ramakrishna goes to him and asks him you did not come out all these days now what is it that you have seen that you are laughing and dancing and then the sad we said in his Hindi broken-in he said in Hindi he said he has some Sark Amaya 

I saw the Hey the Maya of samsara is just like that blue shining sky everything is alright suddenly dark clouds come and it's all dark and gloomy and terrible and then the wind comes and blows it away and it's all back and shining again this is the Maya of samsara Swami Vivekananda gives his approach to Maya he says our very being our life our very being is this contradiction these contradictions he showed a series of paradoxes and contradictions and this is Maya he says our very being in this is this Maya is not the theory is not an explanation of the world this is real Aviva Condors was very important we're 

 Maya  by Swami Sarvapriyananda

 Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda

Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda so far the non-duelists had been struggling to provide an explanation because they'd been asked for an explanation Maya is not an explanation not a theory to explain the world then what is it he says Maya is simply a statement of fact it's simply a description of the sheer contradictory Ness the sheer paradoxical nature of life just a simple description that is Maya he says this common folk in India they say all is Maya sub-Maya Hey and he says that I think that's as wonderful a statement as you're going to get about the state of things in this world all this is indeed Maya now there are two powerful objections to this approach one is Vivek and himself brings it up one is why are you saying that all this is Maya and this you should transcend this is this is paradoxical contradictory there is a school of philosophical thought very powerful Vivek and himself says in Germany certain philosophers have proposed he meant Hegel he actually meant Hegel that if you look at Hegel's philosophy, he says literally sound 

so Vedantic he says the absolute the Spirit is manifesting itself in this universe through lower to higher and higher manifestations until it will become the absolute perfect being 
so we are going from primitive manifestations to better manifestations, things are becoming better and better and better it's a progressive development Hegel's whole idea of dialectics comes from that and this is a very powerful idea and it influenced the course of Western thought from Hegel to you know to Marx is a direct line marks just removed the spiritual aspect of it took the dialectics and material delicious ISM and Marxism and all of that 
so very powerful development of Western thought comes from Hegel and Hegel's he says when you read his logic the very first line how pure being or order spirit manifests itself as non-being and from being and non-being this dialectical process comes this universe comes change and like that the Hegelian dialectic now where they can and the strongly opposes this by the way when 
I've read this first I was impressed by the but how Vedantic it sounded if you read the first few lines of Hegel's logic 
so there was a conference in the new school Hegelian scholar was going to speak a young Hegelians collar motor from from from Slovenia stiffen motor 
so I went to hear that in the talk and this day and they were very but if the philosophical crowd beards and backpacks and scruffy hair and intense looks and they've sort of looked at me I was weird enough to fit into that too 
so I when it was time for Q&A I asked the scholar motor that you know it just might be my conditioning but I see certain resonances between what Hagel has said here at least at the beginning not later on but in the beginning, what he has said and Upanishadic sought and remember the background is Hagel had a very poor opinion of Indian and Chinese the philosophy he said all philosophy there is there it's in Europe and there's no philosophy what the name in India or in China
 so but it seems very open-ended Vedantic and he said his response was very interesting he's a leading scholar of Hegel now it seems it's now the trend in Hegelian studies he said you're absolutely right Swami it's it's entirely from there it's that very thought from the open an indicator that the expression of brahman and said but maybe just they are echoes the resonances similarities then he said to me murder in turn the whole gathering in front of everybody he said you are just being polite Hegel stole it to his words Hegel stole the entire thing from there he says steal it from there my idea no credit to them because they couldn't have invented it they're backward barbarian says there's nothing there this I I thought this is I've never heard this but I asked I Gillian Scholar you know I own

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