|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-6)
|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-6)
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Maya by Swami
so he said yes this is a new line of investigation how much
did actually Hegel knew to know about Asian philosophy and how much it
took from there I,
in fact,
asked another philosopher whom you might
recognize the jack Slavoj Zizek he's a superstar crazy you just have
to look at Zi Zi DK
So he spoke in the Schwartzman building the New York Public Library here in Manhattan near Bryant Park so
So he spoke in the Schwartzman building the New York Public Library here in Manhattan near Bryant Park so
I went
to attend that because I I have heard him speak on YouTube and I've
read his work earlier
so I was very interested and he is in one word
so if you listen to him for 10 minutes also used
oh he says the most outrageous things for but he says it for effect
if you actually wait a little bit it's not
|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-6)
so outrageous he has got
he is actually saying something good for example outrageous thing
right here in the New York Public Library,
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Maya by Swami
he's giving his talk he
said this and even she was saying this can get me into trouble but
listen to the whole explanation which is a very good point he makes
he said Gandhi is actually more violent than Hitler looking
what how dare you say that and the people are only looking
like this,
I said wait I know him
|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-6)
so why he says Gandhi actually
destroyed the British Empire by his non-violence he changed the world
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Maya by Swami
what did it let change nothing the same old world more violence and
then it's tamed world continued after that
so Gandhi is actually
more violent than Hitler he speaks like that anyway
so that's why I
was a little hesitant if I go up to him a monk-like this and ask the question I don't know
what he will say I don't mind but
so I sort of
I went up to him and asked him the same question because he's
one of the leading scholars of Hegel in the world today
so I asked him professor Z Jake
so I asked him professor Z Jake
what do you think of Hegel's views of Indian
philosophy and he said he's a very strong Slovenian accent oh he's just
studied secondary sources he didn't know enough it didn't know enough
and this is somebody who remembers who is saying this his the background is Marxist and Freudian psychoanalytic and Marxism this is
the background from which he comes
|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-6)
so he is absolutely no friend of
any kind of religion or spirituality or order but he said Hegel did
an injustice to Indian philosophy but he also said something
interesting just as well as I shall share it I said
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Maya by Swami
what do you think
of the workshop an hour because you know sharpen our loved Indian the philosophy he said he read the Upanishads it was his favorite reading
every day in the night he would read a few pages of the opening shots
and go to sleep before that before going to sleep he would read the
few pages of the Upanishads he said I considered no other study in
the world as beneficial as the study of these opening shots the
translation except perhaps the original these Upanishads have been
the solace of my life and will be the solace of my death,
his masterpiece the world as will and idea the world has will an idea
in the first chapter,
he says
what I shall say in these volumes
Schopenhauer says
what I shall say in these volumes was best known to
the ancient Hindus called it Maya
so I asked Dziedzic
what do
you think of shopping out but he had an interesting point of he said
even I think even Schopenhauer westernized Indian thought right
interesting because
we awakened also had to say it has the same
|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-6)
so what is Vivekananda's objection the spirit is expressing
itself everything is getting better and better and better ultimately
it will reach perfection Hitler loved that by the way,
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Maya by Swami
it's expressing
itself and now the best expression now is the state and of course in
the state it means the German state and of course in the German state
means the Nazi state and of course,
the best expression of that is I
so the ultimate expression of the absolute anyway Viveca
others objection is this any kind of expression is a limitation right
to actually
what is expression name and form time-space and causation
a thing no matter how beautiful a thing no matter how advanced
something it's still a thing it is one thing and not the other thing
if it is an expression in time-space and causation it's a finite thing the infinite can express itself only infinite things
|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-6)
so any
kind of expression no matter how wonderful
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Maya by Swami
we'll still be finite the
infinite cannot be expressed as the infinite this is the deep the fundamental flaw in Hegelian thought that ultimately it'll become the
absolute no it will become an imitation of the absolute
so then
is the answer Viva Condor says the answer the ancient vedantins found
was not in the flow of Maya but against the current that the infinite
is expressing itself and experiencing itself in all these ways and
finally realizes that true peace is not to be found here true
fulfillment is not to be found here completion is not to be found
here infinity is not to be found here and then begins the movement
inverts Vacanti says two words probability and everything but
everything means circling outwards wider and wider circles into the universe never Italy means circling inwards and he says true
spirituality begins with this inward movement he says renunciation
therefore is the basis of spirituality,
not peace is not to be found
in a thing out there peace is not to be found in the object it is to
be found in the subject
so the source movement back to the source to
Brahman that is a spirituality that is Vedanta another objection the second great objection comes he says which is more common here in the world today very few of us seriously in Manhattan if you ask are you
a Hegelian or something is
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Maya by Swami
what they look at you strangely and walk
away from you
so very few are Hegelians but many people are
so very few are Hegelians but many people are
might be called very condors he says the second objection agnostics
we really don't know all this absolute expressing itself maybe maybe
not who knows all
we know is this life and try to make the best of
this life somehow muddle through try to you know make hay while
make hay while the sun is shining yes while the Sun shines Vaikunta
says this position has a great flaw the flaw is this it says to take
life - the ideal component the moment
we have a life moment
we are here
all of us
we seek to transcend it
we want more
we want
we want
something transcending this world
we want God Nirvana moksha
transcendence fulfillment the moment
we have something
we seek to
overflow life overflows it
so this ideal component which has been therefrom among immemorial times from the primitive societies up to modern times in all our religion of spirituality or idealism agnosticism seems to say that just take the material aspect of life,
so this ideal component which has been therefrom among immemorial times from the primitive societies up to modern times in all our religion of spirituality or idealism agnosticism seems to say that just take the material aspect of life,
just the commonplace aspect of life and leave out all of that
that's a very limited point early it might satisfy you it will not
satisfy the next person why religion or spirituality scientific quest
all of them seek to go beyond
we already have how can you say
that this much only is life
so agnosticism has this great great defect it takes a very limited snapshot of life and leaves out there it cannot fulfill your heart you will go beyond it
so agnosticism has this great great defect it takes a very limited snapshot of life and leaves out there it cannot fulfill your heart you will go beyond it
what is beyond it
the quest for freedom beyond Maya it has always
been there something within us says not this Nathan 80 there
is something higher than this freedom Vivekananda says that in the
most primitive of religions when you have all this deity is the God
of Thunder the God of Sun or the rain,
we have these ideas these gods
who are these gods that personified ideas of our freedom I cannot do
these things I am subject to death disease and hunger here is a God
who is free of these things beautiful perfect immortal the
polytheistic religions began that way with multiple multiple
manifestations of our conception of freedom freedom from Maya as
religion advanced
we came to the idea of one ultimate reality beyond
Maya this ultimate reality beyond Maya being time-space and causation
who creates this entire universe this is the god of the monotheistic
religions that one God the great insight that the religions in The Middle East had and the Abrahamic religions that there is one God
that one ultimate reality rules over this entire universe beyond this the universe and there be monotheistic religions stopped whether it's the
Jehovah of the Jews or the Father in heaven or Allah or the theistic
religions in India with Vishnu or the Divine Mother or Shiva but
Vedanta begins there
we kind of said that's the beginning of a hunter
that is,
in fact,
dualistic Vedanta Vedanta goes further that
God who's beyond time-space and causation is also within the time
space and causation as the imminent reality of this entire universe
everywhere in this universe is that one react to one reality within all
beings in and through all these existences an imminent god
transcendent and imminent god every sarvam Calvin Ambrym all this is
indeed that divinity Spinoza as God the great philosopher 17th
century Spinoza Einstein here,
by the way,
I mentioned Rebecca
she's one of the leading authorities on Spinoza
so she in In her book in a talk she mentioned Einstein,
so she in In her book in a talk she mentioned Einstein,
in fact,
Einstein said here
in Princeton he was here he said the only God I believe in is
Espinoza's God the God who reveals himself through the orderly
workings of the universe as this universe,
not the God who concerns
himself with the doings of mortal man and then he wrote a poem
Einstein wrote it's available if you see Einstein's poem on Spinoza
full love,
he says this holy man he says to an admiration of
Spinoza Spinoza is God a pantheistic a little bit of injustice to P
no static of Spinoza to call him pantheistic pan and T stick would be
a more precise word but anyway God has this entire universe as
appearing at this universe and yet this is not non-dualism all this
is brahman if you literally take it
|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-6)
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