|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-3)
|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-3)
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_ by Swami Sarvapriyananda This
what you said let me say yes ah now listen and then he proceeds to
shred non-duality and non-dualism to pieces over the next few pages
his main attack is on Maya Maya gets a
poor rapid rep you know Maya's not all bad Sri
Ramakrishna says Maya is of ADEA Maya and
with dia Maya avid dia Maya is that
which traps us in samsara he says calmly or crows the lust and anger
and greed and jealousy and pride these are of it the Amaya
the Maya of ignorant but there is with
Diya Maya, there's the Maya of
knowledge also which is very kind vairagya the conviction that there
is an ultimate reality the dispassion for temporal things and trying
to eternal
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_ by Swami Sarvapriyananda so vidya Mayan, in fact, the way out of Maya is also through Maya Swami Vivekananda says you cannot escape the machine you must learn how to work the machine then it will set you free
give up via video Maya take up with the Amaya which
is basically what we call spirituality and that then The machine sets
you free
I am not all bad but Ramanuja trains his guns on Maya Sevenfold
objection if you listen to the objections your whole understanding
your whole faith in non-dualism will be shaken the whole house of
non-dualism begins to tremble and that and crumble under these
tremendous attacks what are these attacks seven subdivide Honoka
party the seven great inconsistencies in Maya he
says what are they just as a taste I haven't started yet but if you
if you know this it will give you a good insight into what
Vivekananda was doing when you when he is beginning to see and this
is Maya and this is what are the seven great
inconsistencies in Maya Maya itself is
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_ by Swami Sarvapriyananda so what are the seven great inconsistencies in the theory of Maya first he says the word he uses is a new property means inconsistency or illogicality
first one is called our Shreya no poverty the locus of Maya where
is this precious ignorant of yours is it in brahman but how can
ignorant be there in Brahman Brahman is the absolute reality it's
like saying there is darkness in the Sun can't be but it can't be
therein in the Jeeva in the individual being there only two places
where ignorance can be in us or in the ultimate reality where is it
but it can't be in us also because of Brahman according to you the
non-dualists Brahman alone is appearing as the Jeeva because of
ignorant must precede the existence of the Jeeva where is your
ignorance dear sir this is our shreya no Parvati the next swarupa No
and what is this ignorant is it real is it unreal what is nature
of this ignorance swarupa and there's a very powerful attack there
then the third one you our answer was if you now remember it cannot
be said to exist it cannot be said to not exist such as abdominal
Virginia the third one is unknown in Virginia no Parvati an attack
directly on this what you are saying is a logical inconsistency the
thing is I either true or false in logic there is the law of the the excluded middle you can't say it is both true and false you can't say
it is neither true nor false no
you cannot say on in Virginia that it cannot be expressed as sin is
not and in Virginia no property third fourth T Road on a new property
it says Maya obscures Brahman Ignorance obscures
Brahman how can the absolute existence consciousness bliss how can it
be obscured how can you think of anything hiding makes it dawg a
hahaha means disappears vanishes how can Brahman vanish because of
something like Maya it's impossible you might as
well shut your eyes and say the Sun has vanished No
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_ by Swami Sarvapriyananda so the impossibility of Maya obscuring or veiling Brahman zeroed on a new property and then it goes on to speak about the bhava rupa to opah bhakti you said Maya is a positive something because of it remember it as a function of obscuring and projecting yes our and of in shape but that's not reasonable ignorance is simply the absence of the knowledge you know or you do not know is this absence of knowledge you that's the absence of knowledge is not knowing what is this positive not knowing bhava rupa to a no-party then the sixth one never Takano Parvati what will remove this
ignorance according to you the knowledge of Nirguna Brahman, I
am Brahman what kind of Brahmin Brahmin beyond all attributes all
qualities all adjectives but according to Ramanuja who is atheist
the ultimate reality has many qualities you can't talk about an
unqualified reality because there's a very logical point here
anything that you know must have certain characteristics otherwise
how will you know it as it is like this so it
means this list of characteristics
near guru Brahman Brahman without any characteristics are impossible
there is no such thing only Brahman Brahman means God God has many
characteristics omnipotence omniscience omnipresence all loving all
benevolent and
Maya_ by Swami Sarvapriyananda so
and so forth Ananta guna Gana Kalyana gonna he says in Sanskrit
brahman is a repository of infinite auspicious qualities
this because there is no such thing as net guna brahman there is no
knowledge of net gonna brahman possible and
overcoming a Jana is not possible never Takano Parvati and finally he
says never it T&O Parvati there is no possibility of going beyond
if there is such a my I which you are speaking about
beginningless Maya there is no possibility of going
beyond this my if it is there you are finished you are forever
trapped in it and there's there are reasons why Sevenfold tremendous
attack if you actually read the objections in detail you'll be
convinced it's gone non-dualism it will he's gone I remember and it's
not related but funny many many years ago when we become monks and
these young people who become monks immediately it arouses tremendous
opposition among parents and especially more than the parents the
uncles and auntie's and
often they come charging to get their boy back from the monastery
that's there's a story of how true it is somebody came I want to talk
to the person in charge here we went to the main monastery because of I
have a runaway without my permission
I want to talk to the person in charge so that he will send my boy
back who is the person in charge oh he's a general secretary of the
order but no good talking to him why because he also ran away from
home here without him know why I'm saying this is once when I was a
novice noob Ramachari in the place where I joined another prematurely the young man joined from the same place I had come from a place
his parents came looking and his father was a big man in the police the department he came with a detective fully convinced that his boy had
been kidnapped now the Swami in charge he said I'm too busy to he
didn't want to speak with him and then he said you speak that
language and told me you speak that language go speak with them and
the by their son disappeared he didn't want to speak with his parents
didn't want to confront them
I was facing this really furious mother and father luckily they
didn't seek the detective on me but another parent had come with all
sorts of arguments why you should not be a monk and why you should
come back in to back home and they couldn't tell their son from whom
they'd prepared all those arguments
they got hold of me and they tried out all their arguments on me, why
should why shouldn't be a monk and go back later on in the evening
the Swami asked me how did it go I said I don't know about that boy
but I'm convinced I told them you even if your son doesn't come back
I'm sold I'm coming back with you and in spite of the fury this might
you will be scared if you read this these tremendous attacks on
non-dualism you think that's gone but wait there are answers to all
these questions remarkably good answers, in fact, it's available in
English too there's a book seven great untenable professor John
Grimes, he's in Canada in Alberta he has collected these all these
arguments and given a very lucid English translation
and it's useful if you read that you begin to get a deeper
understanding of non-duality if your position is attacked and you can
defend it successfully you have understood your position even more
you get a much deeper understanding of non-duality when you face
these questions and then you understand Maya in
depth now all this is very philosophical tremendously dialectical
logical what Vivekananda does is you will see some things the same the idea of inconsistency contradictory Ness paradox he brings it to our
life and it points out in our life instead of talking the language of the logic he points out the language of life and shows Maya in
our lives one by one and this is my I am this is Maya and
this is Maya I counted 17 times 17 times let me give
you some examples of powerful language there is the tremendous fact of
quoting him there's the tremendous fact of death everything dies all
our progress our wealth our achievement our knowledge all goes to
death cities crumbled cities are overtaken by forests in India we
have a saying a thousand years a city a thousand years of forest same
the place he says mountains crumble to dust planets are blown and
into dust and they become parts of the atmospheres of other planets
these are his actual words and today we know tremendous explosions of
supernovae and entire solar systems wiped out death the poet
Rabindranath Tagore says a leaf dry leaf falls from the tree into a
pond setting of ripples these ripples spread out into the universe
among the stars and galaxies change and death everywhere Vivekananda
says Saints die and sinners die kings die and paupers die the learner
die and the ignorant time all must die and yet there is this
tremendous clinging to life we know it is certain that we will die
and yet the most
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