|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda(Part-2)
Maya _by Swami Sarvapriyananda
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_by Swami Sarvapriyananda, Are ignorant you cannot say that it is seeing that once you become enlightened it is not one Swami put it very beautifully this question about Maya why all this how did the one become the many ones Swami said very beautifully he said on our side of enlightenment when we are not enlightened on our side we have the question there's no answer and on their side after enlightenment they have the answer there is no question
so sad I said Mohammed in
Virginia, it you cannot say my eyes and ultimate reality because after
the Enlightenment there is no Maya for you the
enlightened person but you cannot say that it does not exist either
but seeing that we see all this our entire life is lived in Maya
you cannot say it is not such I said beyond a
near version,
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_by Swami Sarvapriyananda I am cannot be expressed as is or is not the second thing is trigonal maqam this is Maya what is it composed of can you say what is Maya made of and the answer the non-dualistic from this Sankhya cosmology three gunas sattva rajas tamas separatist Thomas I will not go into all this we discuss it again and again but this is something that we have borrowed from Sankhya cosmology sattva rajas tamas three Gunas Maya's made of three Gunas then very important Jana v-rod he Maya is opposed to knowledge opposed to knowledge is must understand carefully Maya is that which is destroyed by knowledge it's a fancy way of saying that knowledge removes ignorant
so what you are ignorant about what I am
ignorant about I need knowledge about that if I do if I don't know
chemistry and then I need I am ignorant of chemistry
so I need
knowledge of chemistry yes if I don't know French I am ignorant of
I need knowledge of French and that will remove that
particular ignorance if I do not know my real self as a trait of a
land claims I am ignorant of my real self then I need knowledge Ganim
of my real self and that will remove ignorance
so ignorant is Guiana
V rotate is canceled by knowledge are negated by the knowledge that's
another characteristic of ignorance of Maya then the
next one is Amparo BAM these are all very controversial bhava rupa
it's not an absence ignorant is not just an absence of knowledge it's
a positive something why a positive something because in Advaita
Vedanta Maya has two functions it does two things
one it obscures the reality, Brahman, it veils the reality it does not
allow you to know yourself as you are one this is called a Verona and
the second one is the wick shape big shape a means error it projects
the reality as it is not it's not
so difficult to understand I do not
I see a snake by mistake it's a rope
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_by Swami Sarvapriyananda I did not know the rope as a rope veil and next what happened because I did not know the rope as the rope I mistook it for a snake because you can miss mistake it for something else also
so you mistook it for a snake so that is
projection error that is called wick shaper the two functions Sri
Ramakrishna in his beautiful the example he says one of the functions
of Maya is our Verona it hides the reality and it
gives a beautiful story from Ramayana where Rama and Sita and
Lakshmana are on their way to the forest in exile and Rama walk walks
ahead here Rama is Paramatma the supreme self and Lakshmana is Eve
Atma the individual self we and Sita is the Veil of Maya,
so she is in between and Rama is in front and us we the individual
being select Maya is at at the back and Lakshmana
can see Rama only if Sita graciously steps aside and lets him see
that's Sudama Krishna's beautiful example in fact when I was
preparing this the talk I looked up what Sri Ramakrishna had said
about Maya and really that's a subject in itself we
should have a separate lecture of on Sri Ramakrishna on Maya very
beautiful things we have discussed it from time to time he speaks
about the serpent the Cobra which has poison in its mouth little bit
of that poison is enough to knock out a mouse or a frog but all the
poison is in the mouth of the Cobra but it doesn't do anything to the
Cobra it's the power of the Cobra Sri Ramakrishna says Maya is
the power by which we are all deluded we are trapped in samsara but
the entire power is wielded by god Ishwara Simon a Brahmin but he
sure is not trapped by Maya
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_by Swami Sarvapriyananda so that's an example he gives another example he gives his when the water is muddy he says it does not form a good reflection of the Sun or the moon the Sun of the moon is not reflected properly in muddy water but it was clear then the reflection is good similarly he says in the mind deluded by Maya art massage shot car the realization of the self it's not clear that man is right here but it's not clear covering this is our and a veil another very simple village example he gives for this you have to see villages in Bengal there are lots of these little ponds they are called cuckoo, in fact, Salama Krishna's birth, please come out cuckoo it's a pond a village pond and you remember you must know that Bengal is a very fertile the place I mean it's always overgrown it's luxurious there
the ponds are often covered with a kind of creeper a water plant it
covers the surface of the water Panna isis's hyacinth its hyacinth
and Sri Ramakrishna says you can't see the water when you go and push
it aside then the sparkling water underneath you can see but the moment you let go it dances we said it dances back and cover
everything similarly it says that when you are no contemplating
Vedanta when you're in the holy company when you are meditating and
praying it seems to disappear samsara goes away but the moment you
let go it dances back into you again
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_by Swami Sarvapriyananda so these are the examples he gives the two functions of Maya wick shape an hour and availing and projection how can it have two functions if Maya is nothing it must have some kind of positive entity remember I'm talking about the five characteristics of Maya in volant is also one characteristic is power room it has a positive dimension that it is a positive entity there is something called Maya it's not just an absence of knowledge when you say ignorance you can say ignorant is an absence of knowledge but no the non-dual is told that this Maya is not just an absence of knowledge it's not that I don't know that's it no there is a positive force which has these two powers
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_by Swami Sarvapriyananda so it's called bhava rupa as if it exists and then finally the last one yet clinched it's a mysterious something what do you mean some mysterious something there that the description is that you cannot characterize Maya as it is this in Sanskrit edom it thumb it is like this you cannot say that about Maya it is it kind it's hard to pin down and that's the very nature of Maya
Ramakrishna talks about this he says that it's like a man possessed
by a ghost, he did not know he was possessed by a ghost until he
thinks about it and it leaves him immediately we say it you know it's
a figure of speech whatever possessed you we say
so when you
contemplate upon look upon it suddenly disappears
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_by Swami Sarvapriyananda so my eyes like that yet kingship which does not bear the light of reason if you focus if you reflect upon it if you concentrate upon it vanishes in ultra-current in the inner The Himalayas the Saudis have a saying the monks I was saying about Maya about again we say in Hindi first a Bianco pratishta political party streetcar negotiation Nakashima's mafia gang coca tea don't try to establish agora ignorance try to cut a cut down ignorance don't try to establish that ignorance is by these proofs you can never do that and that's not the point of non-dualism the point is there is something which we do not know let's try to know it that's the thing
so these are the five
characteristics and I will come I'll tell you why I'm saying all this
we are getting up a taste of what the classical analysis of Maya was
what is the classical presentation of Maya this is
from Vedanta Sara which was written about 700 years ago and this idea
of the nonduelists came
heavy attack by the other schools for nearly 500 years and the
non-duelists responded
so to get a taste of the kind of attack and
that came from the other schools Ramanujacharya who lived
about a thousand years ago
who wrote the commentaries laid the foundation of vashisht at Dwight a qualified monism
so he attacks
non-dualism Advaita Vedanta he attacks non-dualism in his masterpiece
Shrieve Hashem
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Maya by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya_by Swami Sarvapriyananda so there the style of debate in ancient India was that if we are going to have a debate if you say something before I reply I must restate to you what you said to your satisfaction is this what you said do you have to agree yes then
I can reply you can see how
many quarrels it would prevent most of the time when we are very
arguing it goes into the quarrel develops into degenerates into
quarrels because I'm not really listening to what you are saying I'm
thinking of my reply you know like a tilde this reply is going to
blow you away I'm really not even listening to the other side I'm
just listening to nowadays it's like that they call it an echo
so we just listen to our point of view and then keep giving
replies without listening to the other people look here you have to
restate to that other person's satisfaction is this what you said and
then I can I'm allowed to reply
Ramanujacharya when
he's attacking Advaita Vedanta in the classical style he restates the
position of Advaita Vedanta what is Advaita saying non-dualism saying
they are saying this
so in that in his book, it's called maha brown
Paksha the great opponent who's the great opponent the non-duelists
and he does such a fair job of it and often when people argue you set
up a straw man and knock it down and say I've won the argument but
here Ramanuja gives a very fair statement one of our swamis was a great scholar of non-dualism and a very staunch non-duelist he admits
that Ramanuja is a gentleman he measures he does a fair job of
stating our position is
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