|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda
|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda
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|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
lead us from the Unreal to the real lead us from darkness unto light
leaders from death to immortality Oh peace peace peace good morning
this lecture today is the second in a series of talks on Swami
Vivekananda's Gani yoga
so the first one was last month I think it
was called our real nature and this one is Maya
I have never spoken
on this subject earlier it's perhaps the most difficult subject that
I have ever taken up so be ready to go away with a headache Brahman
is very simple
Maya is complicated swami Vivekananda devoted three
whole lectures on Maya in his series of talks on gana yoga in London
in fact, the house where he gave those taxes it's still there and
you go there they have a blue circle system than in the United
Kingdom there it's a heritage place it says the Hindoo philosopher
and the monk gave talks here in this house it's there in London man motto
not Ganguly one of three of one of Swami Vivekananda's disciples
approached him once Swami Vivekananda was very happy with him and
said ask for something and I'll give it to you and Monument asked me
a question so magnets are not asked I have read your lectures on Maya
I want to know about it more fully from you please tell me what
Maya and Swami Vivekananda said ask something else but man mater
persisted he said
if I cannot know this from you from a guru like you
then I will never understand it in my life I have got a guru like you
and this is something that I want to know in my life then Swami
Vivekananda started speaking and Monmouth has his reminiscences we
learned about it from there he started speaking after some time man
mother said it's as
if literally not even as
if literally the world
started spinning around him and it dissolved he says he gives an example I don't think it's there in the English translation of his
reminiscences in the original Bengal it's there that when you look at
a fire and just above a fire that is you know
if you see the that's
because of the heat is a shimmer the world seems to come in and out
of focus so the room around him the place around him seemed to
vibrate come in and out of focus you know it's as
if it's
disappearing after some time Vivekananda himself disappears his own the man mutters own body has disappeared he's just hearing the voice of
the Vacanti and then he bursts out he says he burst out in a high-pitched voice he's saying all this is
Maya even you what you are
doing all this Ramakrishna mission the monastery all your work this
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|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
all Maya and Vivekananda
so he says this and suddenly he realizes
in Bengal in Indian languages, there are different ways of ways of
saying you in Old English also there was au and you
so you say apni
to somebody who's senior
so GU reckoning this is guru he should have
said apne but he said to me means you when you say it's too
somebody who is your inferior or to a child somebody in any way not
certainly not your guru he realized he had said to me to Vivekananda
the moment he realized this you know the sense of difference comes
and all the world snapped back into place and Vivek and is there
sitting at him and looking sitting and looking at him and smiling and
where they can't I said you are right this is Maya and
if you do not
like this play of
Maya then go into the Himalayan fastness and
meditate and merge into Brahman but
if you cannot then come and
help in this work unfortunately what we have currently is said
monolith has not written that down
so I don't think I can deliver
that to you today to make the world disappear but I think I can
reasonably promise you a fairly intense headache today but Vivica
andis lectures are there the talks on Maya
so today's talk is
based on what Vivekananda said about Maya in three lectures I'll try
my best to summarize what he has said Vivekananda spoke about Maya
in you know the refreshing new way in a very direct way those who have
read those lectures you will all never forget and this is
and this is Maya and this is Maya to understand his approach the
refreshing the new the novel in his approach to Maya one must first
take a look at the classical approach to Maya now Maya is an ancient
word and it is accepted by all schools of just about every school of
Indian philosophy Hindu and Buddhist but the way the non-dualistic do
items talk about Maya that's what we are going to talk about today
that's unique that's different from the other schools in general the
schools of Hinduism the Tantra the the the wise novels they all
Maya as the power of God Shakti
so the power of God to create
and it's real power and God's creation with Maya is a real creation
here is this universe God has created this universe this is the way
it is understood in the other schools but the this Maya takes on a
unique approach in the approach to
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|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya in a greater way Dante is
unique in class Advaita Vedanta what is Maya let's quickly take a
look at it and then we will go on to Vivekananda's approach to Maya
from the literature on Maya is vast is, in fact, there's more
written on Maya than on Brahman there's more written on falsity than
on the reality we the unique approach to
Maya in Advaita Vedanta is
encapsulated in the central teaching of Advaita Vedanta Brahma
Satyam Jagat mithya Jeeva Brahm Havana para brown man alone is the
reality the absolute existence absolute knowledge absolute bliss
absolute is the only reality then what is this world this pluralistic the world this variegated world which we see spread out before us what is
so this is Jagat mithya it's an appearance this metria is
another name for
Maya that it's an appearance of Brahman
it's not real in itself what are we then are we real or an appearance
Jeeva Bremerhaven opera you are none other than that absolute you do
not know yourself if you really knew out yourself you would realize
ah hum Brahma has me I am there absolute of which the universe is an appearance
so this is a unique formulation the nonduelists have this
Advaita Vedanta and it got the non-dualistic into no end of trouble
because they were immediately fiercely attacked by the other schools
the Orthodox schools of Hindi Hindu way other schools of Hinduism the
Duellists qualified monist and
so and so forth, in fact, it led to a
tremendous flowering of philosophy
if we look back upon the history
of Indian philosophy, you can see three periods of glorious
development tremendous flowering and richness one is at the dawn of
Indian philosophy when from the Vedas philosophy emerged darshanam -
means philosophy literally means to see Darshana
emerged that was the age of the sutra Cara's those who wrote the
sutras the aphorism the Naya sutras of Gautama the vaisheshika sutras
of Kannada and the yoga sutras which are very famous even now they're
studied you know the Patanjali yoga sutras the Sanka sutras of Kapila
which are lost the Purva Mimamsa Sutras of Germany and the Brahma
sutras of Piazza badriyah Piazza
so this the age of the sutras that
was the beginning of the different schools of philosophy the next great period of development in Indian philosophy came a few centuries
later with the emergence of Buddhism so Buddhism was such a strong
challenge powerful challenge Petrova Paktia powerful challenge to the
Orthodox schools of Hinduism
so that set off a thousand-year debate I
kid you, not 1,000 years from about a couple of hundred years after
the Buddha till around the time of Shankar Acharya just after that
nearly a thousand years in which the Buddhists attacked the two most
precious beliefs of the Hindus the belief in an immortal soul Atma
and the Buddhists said uh not man no self and God that there is a God
is shorter the Buddhists are agnostic about it they maybe who knows
not interested doesn't matter
so this huge debate it's part of for a
thousand years the Hindus trying to defend the theses of an immortal
soul and of an eternal God all-powerful creator and the Buddhists
attacking them relentlessly and both sides developed it was like a
philosophical arms race both the logic developed the philosophy of the language developed the methods of interpretation of the scriptures
developed on the Hindu side the Naya School and the poor were mallams
a school with the two primary schools which developed a lot of
philosophical literature at this time but that does not concern us
the next burst of development of Indian philosophy was after Shankar
so when the Duellists not it's within Hinduism the duelists
attacked in on duelists
so this continued for about 500 years after
Shankar Acharya where they tried to attack the non the adroit an
andouille school and most of the attacks were concentrated on the non
duelist formulation of
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|| Maya || by Swami Sarvapriyananda |
Maya Samaya they immediately saw this is the
weak link and this is where the attacks have to be concentrated
what was the ad weight of formulation of Maya what is Maya when we
started studying at greater Vedanta our introductory textbook was
Vedanta Zahra which is a rather boring dry little book of its like a
book of definitions it gets used but it gives you a solid foundation
for studying classical non-dualism classical Advaita Vedanta in that
there is a definition or a description of Maya
so you have to we have
to be had to learn it memorize it remember in that way the point of
view Maya is at its core
Maya is nothing but ignorant Ghanim
Agana means ignorance of what our true nature we do not
know we are Brahman and hence all the problems so you have to know
your Brahman ignorance is the problem
Maya and Ghanim knowledge is
the solution
so the definition of Maya is the definition of ignorance
in Vedanta Zahra and it goes like this Al-Ghanim to ignorant is or
Maya is 5:5 things Serkis at bahaminy watch animal explain sadhus at
BR Minerva tritium Tribune art mahkum Gianna VOD power open yet king
it what does it mean this Maya
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