Amazing How to deal with problems? - Spirituality Religion

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Amazing How to deal with problems?

 Amazing How to deal with problems? for 

How to deal with problems? | Anandmurti Gurumaa
How to deal with problems? | Anandmurti Gurumaa

Amazing How to deal with problems? for | Anandmurti Gurumaa

If we are facing trouble then we must try to get rid of it on our own Nobody else can help us in that If nothing seems right around me then what should I do? 

There are two options There is one option. Its name is Crybaby Meaning this is wrong, that is wrong. this is wrong this is also not right, that is also not right, this is also not right What shall we do? 

What shall we do?
 What shall we do? 

This is called the crybaby syndrome Second is that whatever there is,

we deal with it Whatever the problem is,
 we understand it And find its solution And if no solution comes up then sing 'Hari bolo,
 Hari bolo' When nothing can be done,
 then what to do then? 

See, if there is the problem then its solution is definitely there There is no lock that exists without its key And you know,
 the key is made first then the lock Are you aware of this?

 The first key will be made and then the lock is created Its not like you create the lock first and then you create the key No, no, no 

The key is created first then the lock is made Means the solution is the first problem comes later on So we have to know our keys well We have to know our keys well How will we know our keys?

 To know the keys we know need to know our mind This whole game is of our mind The entire game is of the mind What is your name? Harsh Do you remain 'Harshit'? 

Harsh, Harsh is what you said?
 Harsh means joy Do you live joyfully? Doesn't seem like it Where are you from? Dewas?

 From Rewari Haryana boy Good Why do you not remain happy? 
Happy or not? 

But it should also reflect from your eyes See 'This is my name' this has been told to you by your parents Right? 

So the name is of the body understood by our mind that 'this is my name' Like when you observe a toddler he doesn't know that this is his name So slowly and slowly how does he learn his name?

 For example, 
Harsh Little kids would often say 'Harsh wants to drink water' Have you seen this?

 Toddlers They won't say 'I want to drink water' They would say 'Harsh wants to drink water 'Harsh wants to take a nap' 'Harsh needs mummy' 'Harsh wants to go out for a walk' 'Harsh is angry' So he never says 'I am angry' He doesn't say 'I want to sleep' You know this is a very, 
very beautiful thing And actually that is

because of the reality of your presence, 
of your existence And the reality is that this body is given to you 

You are not a body The body has been given to us We are not this body Like this the hall we came in Right?

 We will leave the hall after some time Similarly in this 'body shaped hall' we have arrived And one day we leave You must have heard somewhere That a baby was born at somebody's house but it was stillborn Means it was dead Complete. A full baby is formed but it's dead 
There is no life in it So right from the mother's womb the child is taken to the graveyard Now what has happened?

 The full body is fully formed but the breath is inactive Sometimes the brain is under-developed sometimes the spine is incomplete Everything was all right but the heart did not pump, Right? 

The body is there but in it,
 there is no life We can say that although the room is ready but the one who was to live in 
the room he never came. So the room remained empty That is called the stillborn baby The body is nice, full, 
absolutely beautiful but there is nobody inside there Then we can say that the body is like a house and we are living into it Right?

 And when we are born we are named A name is given Mother father grandpa grandma someone keeps it People who visit me In In some families when a girl is born 
they ask me to name her So I named quite a lot of them But anyone can name anybody So some give a name then they tell him This is your mom your daddy your grandmother 
They keep on repeating The baby just gives a blank expression Grandmother goes insane 'I am your grandma' 'I am your grandma' The poor baby is not able to speak otherwise 
he would say 'Stop it please' 

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How many times will you repeat 'your grandma' 'your grandma' 'your grandma' Your spit is falling on my face End it now It's enough 'I am grandma' 'I am grandma' 'I am grandma' Have you observed small kids whose grandfather or father or uncle are clean-shaven and when 
the fresh beard begins to grow on their face They lift the baby and kiss him And the baby keeps getting angry Which thorny bush has touched me? 

Why doesn't anyone prune it? The poor baby cannot speak But have you seen the baby?

 He observes everything Is very keen and is learning everything and is seeing everything and checking everything And this the way he understands that they all are addressing me then this is my
How to deal with problems? | Anandmurti Gurumaa
How to deal with problems? | Anandmurti Gurumaa

 family So residence This body has been given to us as our residence In it we came then all the relations they build-up But let's go little in reverse order When we were not in this body then where were we?

 Make all the guesses give the answer As many as you can make them once and for all When you were not in this then where were you?

 In some other body One answer and ... Which enlightened Mahatma has graced the occasion today? Okay. Any other answer One said everywhere Anybody else? Never existed? 

When you never existed how come you appeared now?

 Guess Where could we have been?


 Why are you dreaming of France?

What mistake did you do?

 Trance Trance Trance of who?

 That's why I said keep guessing Nice one Anybody else?
 Where were we?
 In Chetna What is Chetna?
 Is it some girl who has come here? 

This is also a strange affair In youth retreat especially Applications are being received Many times phone calls are received And requests are made Please allow us Please allow us And I wonder what the matter is 

So then, I am mentioning this because we got to know that somebody came in last retreat friendship happened and they planned to meet in the next one But now since 24 age limit is crossed there is no entry 

So they request a lot Please do something and allow Please allow us We will do anything Will sit outside 
the door will be a volunteer Please allow What's the matter?

He is definitely not coming for me For whom is he coming?
 The answer is We were in the Chetna Whose Chetna? 

The question is that What is Chetna?
 Chetna when translated into English means Consciousness Right? 

Now question added question B question of the A question is What is consciousness?

I'll answer you very soon But we need to know that at 
the moment We are just guessing Don't know where we were No idea where we were Sometimes one who has little bit read or heard about the reincarnation or may have seen 
the fresh movie then it may seem that it's possible that we were at some 
the place Have you ever felt this that sometimes you go to a place a new place And you have a very strong feeling that you had been here Doing you have that? 

Its a very, very strong feeling as if you know this place you had been here whereas you are coming for 
the first time Behind this there are two reasons One It is very much possible that in some birth, you had been there Possible Very much possible And our likings for a place because of 
the incidents which happened there Sometimes some event happens Very good or very bad

So in our minds its residue remains an impression stays due to which with that place a deep connection builds up But there is another second reason Neurologists say that our brain takes a certain time to analyze what is being seen and heard And when there is a little laid back response of 
the brain hence you feel what we call as Deja-vu Like I have come here before or this has happened before too 

So sometimes it is your brain whose analyzing procedure there is some delay happening in it The actual thinking that is happening in 
the frontal lobe in the front part But our deep memories are in that limbic brain the back part It's very much complicated 

So information from back to front the time it takes to travel that feel can arise out of it too But it can also come because at some point you have stayed there You have been there before Like recently, I went to Badrinath and a lady had come from England was telling me that in my lifetime 
I have come to Badrinath for the first time But the moment 

I arrived here I felt very convincingly that I had been here before Not only did I come but stayed here too I have stayed here before This, very strong feeling, I am getting Coming to the point 
Before this body to we were somewhere for sure Right? 

We were in somebody for sure We were in some country for sure Today we are in this body How long will we stay? 

Maybe 90 years Maybe 100 years Maybe 110 Maybe just 30 or 20 years We don't know Really We don't know We really don't know Its a very pathetic thing but true We don't know, Right?

So this means one day, again, we will empty this residence which is our body Initially, we were not in it and this body did not exist Then again someday we will abandon it When will we leave, no idea But one thing is certain that we won't stay forever in it Right? 

So this means your true reality what you really are that is without the body you have bodiless existence What will we call it? 

Bodiless existence We are not the body We are without the body and even when 
the body dies we exist We do exist And our existence behind it there is a simple rule There is no special knowledge There is no philosophy in it But this is 
the truth Let's say when a baby is born then its weight? 

It can be of 2.5 kg or can be 2 kg or can be of 3 kg Right? 

When you were born you were so small that you could be carried in both hands even in one hand only Right?

 But now you have grown up So your body has changed Okay, let's go into this When you were really small the nearest memory yours
How to deal with problems? | Anandmurti Gurumaa
How to deal with problems? | Anandmurti Gurumaa

 whichever time it may belong to the feeling that you got at that time Is it the same feeling or has it changed? 

The body has changed but I am talking about feeling Think Yogis have given their experiences that even when they were 2 years old were of 6 months even then they were able

to understand everything But was not able to speak yet were not able to tell anything But we're able to sense everything and their memory chart was absolutely clear And even today they are able to remember everything And they say 'When I was 6 months old then this happened

'When I was 2 years old then this happened' 'When 3 yrs old then this occurred' 'When 4 years old then this occurred' Body is new but the mind is old The mind never changes Mind remains the same, old one

 So one who all his life has practiced yoga now when he gets a new body then the body will be new but the mind is the same, trained one Very clear Very integrated very concentrated And very wise very, very wise But normally If you, a little bit go back then you Of which age do you have the recent most memory?

 4 years? 5 years? 6 years? 

from when? 
your Who all remember their pre-nursery. ? 

Few people How many remember pooping in the nappies? 
Ok, so now a bit grown-up wore underpants but still... To a child to control his bladder and raise 
the alarm that he needs to use the washroom all this has to be taught So sometimes some children learn it late Right? 

Does anyone have any memory of that time?
 that everything became wet And others would say 'Hey, what did you do?' 

Nothing Does anybody remember or not?
 Say it. What happened?
 All have done this At some point in time What's the problem?

 Okay, do you remember when you went to the nursery class?
 K.G More clear, right? 

1st standard?
 Much sharper 2nd? 
Got more clear, is it?
 But The more we go back the more our memory becomes fuzzy. It's not clearly 
Don't know what Means its not that never went to pre-nursery Also, it's not that you were never 1 year old It's not that you were never 2 years old But its clear-cut memory is not there Right?

 The body has changed Even mind is changed It's not the same mind A few changes have occurred in 
the mind too But 'I am' This feeling is the same as before You just have to think more I am I exist This the feeling is 
the same Although the body has changed mind has changed, Right? 

So even after the body changes, I do not change That is why Lord Krishna says You are 'Atmaswaroop' You are not a body Lord says na tv Avraham just name a team name janadhipah na caiva na bhavisyamah sarve vayam atah param He says, "At some point of time, I did not exist and you did not exist and these kings, too, did not exist their physical bodies never existed before And he says, '
A time will also come when all these bodies the ones you see, Arjun all these bodies will die All these enemies would die Your friends would die Your brothers would die too Such time would surely come Earlier they never existed Again, a time would come when again we would become non-existent So we can say never before never in future only in between we have the body for some time There is life Right?

But when the body was not present I still existed When the body dies I will still exist And even now I am not the body Right?

Now I without my the body I am called the bodiless What am I called?

 Bodiless I am bodiless Body is just like my accessory But I am bodiless Now I This 'I' whom we call the Atma Atma is in Sanskrit in Hindi it is 'I' In English, it's called the real self What is it? 

Real self So in my real self I am immortal Immortal means that never dies Invincible means one who never loses Indefeatable one who can never be defeated And who is this?

 You are Who are you? 
Immortal Who are you?
 Invincible Who are you? 
Non-changeable Who are you? 

Conscious But when we forget ourselves and identity with our body then what is the feeling?

 'I am so small' I am feeling scared from who?

 Feeling scared of the darkness Feeling afraid of the Mathematics teacher feeling more scared of the science teacher One kid in school while going was praying 'God please, please please do it" 
'God please, please please do it' One of his friends wondered why he is speaking God, please, please, please do it He asked, "What should God do?

" He said, "Let my science teacher get loose motions" "Why are you saying this?

" "Today he will take the exam" "I haven't studied" "And upon failing our teacher rebukes us" "She ridicules a lot" "Makes fun of us" "God please, please, please" Means you don't study and for the science teacher you pray for such things How is it a good thing? 

Another good thing that comes out of it is that whatever you say nobody is listening to that I am saying it because that nobody is listening because the blabbering of an ignorant person is not heard by anyone at all If someone blabbers in sleep then do anybody listen to it?

 If somebody chatters in a drunken state then does anyone give value to it?

 Nobody gives attention Similarly when we are in
How to deal with problems? | Anandmurti Gurumaa
How to deal with problems? | Anandmurti Gurumaa

our ignorance when we are in the Aryan then no matter what we speak nobody listens That's why there is no need to talk unnecessarily Study well for your science test Don't do 'Please, please God' A teacher was telling me that their 12th class question paper 
It was his duty and he was checking the answer sheets one, completely blank Nothing not even a word has been written empty sheet and this was written on it Dear Examiner Next month is my marriage If I failed then it will be a great shame for me Please Please Please give me pass marks Now tell, what should the examiner do?

 How will he give pass marks when nothing has been written on it?

How can it be done?

 There should be something So for God when someone prays then within him there should be something If there is nothing then It's just blabbering Nobody will listen to that So when we identify with the body we view the physique then lots of fear come to us "Oh what will this be?

 Oh, what will that be?

'' But if, from our body, we move back a little and view our true self, our reality than my reality or should I say What is your reality?

 You are immortal You are truth You are the embodiment of Ananda That is your reality So if you remember that then in every situation and every condition there is no chance that you will feel scared You won't ever say 'Oh, 
what should I do?

' This will never come in your speech Why? 

because if you always remember you're true self This is your reality that never changes Body changes mind also changes but the true self never change And our reality is this that we are the non-changeable truth And how did I begin today?

 'Hari bolo' 'Jai bolo' 'Hari bolo' Why?

 Say it because The word 'Hari' means who is in each and everyone 'Har' means Omniscient who is at all the places Right?

 One of Krishna's names is also Hari Vishnu is also called Hari and the Nirguna, formless Parabrahm is also called Hari. And Hari is in everything And I belong to Hari So when I said 'Hari bolo' then actually I am telling you to remember yourself who you really are. When you identify with the body then there will be fear For sure But when you view your true self then you wouldn't be scared There can be no fear Why?

 I do not die with the death of my body And when the body was not there I existed then too And My relationship is with God And God cannot leave me and go away 
So this 'I' and God have a deep relationship We are one We are together And this body for this the journey of life has been given to us by God 'Go and watch the fun fair of the world' Go and enjoy yourself But remember This is not your true house is not this world But this world is a beautiful gift for us 
So I belong to the Parmatma Parmatma is mine I am Hari's child I am Hari I am the Hari 'Me and my Lord is one' said Jesus Christ to Pontius Pilate the Roman officer when he asked, "Who are you?

" He asked Jesus, "Who are you?

" He replied "I and my father are one" "Who is your father?

" He said, "My father is truth" Later on, don't know whose brain went topsy-turvy They built up some strange story that God On a big throne there is an old man with a big golden crown He is God This is just a story Jesus says it himself "
Who is my father?
"   this properly then any fear Then be there any science ", "Oh what will we do?

" "I have done my 12th. 
What shall I do ahead?

" "Oh!  Have your cake and eat it too It will be that situation You have to always remember you're true reality And have to understand this Guru Nanak was asked: "

Who is Paramatma?

"  Truth What does Guru Nanak say?

 Truth Veda was referred to as 'Who is Paramatma?

 Where is He?

 How does he look?
 Veda declares "Satyam Gyan Anantam Brahma" Who is He?

 The truth Truth means The three stages of time, one who is beyond them And one who is present in the three stages of time that is the Truth Right?

So what do we say?

 Paramatma is the truth And He is our father So the way He is, the same way we are If He is the truth then we are also the truth Right?

So I am the embodiment of truth with this outlook when we live then no fear can come near us. And when there is no fear then every problem gets solved easily Right? 

So never allow fear to come close to you Fear means ignorance Fear means?

 Ignorance means not knowing Ignorance means 'we don't know' So today 
I have started off with this statement that gets to know yourselves first that who you are Rest of the knowledge 
I will continue to give Don't worry about that First clear your own concept Who are we?

 We are not this

 body and we are the embodiment of truth This is our reality I am not making this up for you Not making any imposition This is what your truth is 
I am not making you the truth You are truth Right?

 So I am the truth Paramatma is truth One name for Paramatma is Hari then my name to becomes Hari Hari means one who is truth Hari means one who is ever conscious Hari means one who is pure bliss Now this reality whose mind it comes into for them, the journey of life becomes very easy  

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