Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for - Spirituality Religion

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Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for

 Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for 

Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for
 Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for 
I know not survive EDM cutter Baba hey be just be nominee Thomas to love it Bashar bhai shiny shiny shiny day we've all assembled here for 

the occasion of Guru Poornima what does it mean what is its relevance in our life is it just doing a puja having a function and that's 

the end of it and we're back to our mundane humdrum living or is there something that 

we can learn from it these ancient masters our forefathers who sacrifice their lives sometimes dedicated 

their entire life to the research culling of knowledge about ourselves 

the world and how we can relate to the world in such a way that 
we become successful happy and reach that elusive state of perfection or excellence is the theme and this theme is more relevant today in 

the 21st century than it ever was before because as external development worldly development success and prosperity comes to us which it should come the greater is 

the need for internal enrichment to balance it otherwise that which is a blessing becomes a curse 
so what is its relevance in life today first of all

 we have enormous potential that potential the best among us at Don Bradman words were Shakespeare Einstein luminaries like this have barely touched upon five or ten percent of our potential not to speak of the rest of us and 

so, therefore,
 speaking of incremental growth is meaningless from five percent if you go to 10 percent 15 percent it has no meaning what you have to look at is exponential growth today in 

the world people believe that you achieve success excellence and you grow to your level of incompetence this is a Western concept the Vedanta concept as you is that you grow to your level of perfection 

the very fact that they conceived of human perfection and that they told us that our birthright is to reach that state we are born in the

 world not to die like mere mortals but to somehow find our way to perfection to excellence 

why the Western world believes that you reach the level of incompetence is because somewhere down the line we lose focus you look at examples like Maradona

 fabulously talented footballer what happened to him what happened to Shan Wan what happened to all 
Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for
 Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for 
the greats they reached a certain level and 

what happens is along with that excellence come the fringe benefits and they mistake the perks for the job and they get carried away by it that's how we lose focus 

so therefore you have people like Michael Jordan who thought he could play baseball yet with the Williams sisters who started walking 

the ramp and designing jewelry you had other sports people opening restaurants and when they lost focus they lost their competence they lost everything therefore it is the gurus in the past the greater the talent of the student 

the more they protect them protected them from media glare protected them from public adulation and the greater the incubation 

the longer the incubation period the more the studentship the greater was the achievement of the student today nobody has the patience to persevere with it persevere with studentship 

so the first thing that we learn is to think big Noguchi we is being small-minded small-mindedness is when a person decides to leverage his or her talent for personal profit and gain and that's the end of 

the person's talent instead if you think big and decide to reinvest redeploy offer your talent and gratitude to that divine providence that gave it to you in 

the first place what great achievement will you'll achieve 

Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for
 Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for 
so what we Donte tells us what these great masters the Guru spoken is sought the infinite and a by-product of that seeking of 

the infinite is that you will gain the finite mind you the byproduct of just the seeking never mind the achievement and 

the case study that we have before us you know modern management speaks of case studies case study

 we have before us is that of nachiket us Netta caters and Lord Yama formed a formidable team they said they were 

the Guru Yama was a surely of octa a wonderful teacher and the student was Cuccia Halabja was a clever student a topper you see today's concept of a spirit of spiritual life is that when a person feels in every other Avenue in 

the world and he has no other option than he takes to spirituality this is absurd how can a person was failed in 

the world succeed in spirituality which is far more difficult what you need is a person who's achieved the best in 

the world crucial alumni and this combination results in a lasting benefit to humanity proven by 

the fact that today many thousands of years later we are discussing this modern education has boiled down to as u.s. the survey said information transmitted from the notebook of

 the minds of either have boiled down to education today this is not what true education what he speaks off is 

the Guru does not instruct he inspires he doesn't merely transmit information and data but he illumines 

the soul of the student and such was this wonderful team of magic APIs and Lord Yama now we have to go into 

the background of the story because you may or may not know it nachiket his father was vada shave who performed a sacrifice the Vishwas Accra Files and in 

the sacrifice when you perform a sacrifice you're supposed to offer gifts and badges shava nachiket his father offered as gifts he claimed that he'd given everything he possessed as gift but 

the truth of the matter was he gave cows that were completely useless they were 
Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for
 Most Successful Invest In Yourself - 01 for 
so old that they had lost the capacity to reproduce they lost the capacity to heal make they were completely useless and this sounds familiar doesn't it what kind of gifts do we give all 

the useless things that you have you accumulate in one corner in one cupboard and whenever there is somebody's but they are dividing anniversary or something like that you pick it up to give it a nice aking and the fancier the gift-wrapping 

the bird useless is the gift that opens a church says joyless is the world's to which he goes who give such gifts remember that and nachiket 

the sees his father do this and he's filled with deep compassion for the father because he knows what the result of this is going to be 

so he keeps asking him he says I am also your possession who are you going to give me to father he asked once and 

the father disregards it the second time he asked ignores it the third time the father gets 

so irritated we also get irritated with children and say things that we don't mean 

so did he says I'll give you to rock your death the only difference between us and him is that his son at Akitas took it seriously 

the father regretted the decision but he said remember you're 

the ancients remember your forefathers who honored their commitment and fulfilled it doesn't matter what he said 

so he goes in search of lord Yama fearless pursuit of truth and the first thing is what helps him to on this path is Shraddha Shraddha is faith in one's infinite potential faith in the goodness of truth faith in the power of 

the infinite Furniture says the opposite of faith is cynicism we say call such people self-centered personalities with ailments and grievances ever complaining that 

the world does not satisfy them as against this a person with Shraddha is a person who as Joe Goldsmith says has belief in a thing which you do not know until you come to know what you believe in which is Atman 

the spirit we don't know it and yet deep within us there is something which tells us there is there's got to be something beyond 

the world and you perceive it until you come to know it until you become one with it Rabindranath Tagore says faith is like the bird that sings while the dawn is still dark and Shankar Acharya says Shraddha is 

the capacity of the intellect to take in knowledge to absorb it to integrate it into your system until it becomes an inseparable part of you and with this Chaka he gains what is known as nakshatra MooMoo chakra is 

the desire for liberation comes when there is an awareness that you are imprisoned what is 

the difference between a home and a prison is you also go into your home but it's called a horn because you have 

the freedom to move out of that home whenever you choose to and reenter a prison is one in which you are condemned to remain you've lost 

the option of moving out and this the wonderful personality of ours the body mind and intellect we have converted it from a home into prison because we've lost by our own volition our own choice we've shut out the option of operating outside 

the body-mind and intellect and therefore it is that it's become a prison and when you become aware that you are imprisoned that is this urge for liberation every creature has it in 

the morning if you go for a walk and you see a dog being brought out for a walk what how much does the dog pulls at its leash to break free every animal has that 

so does the human being but then this questioning this quest comes to all of us 

the problem is the pressures of mundane living squashes at all and we're back to our humdrum mundane existence completely shut out from 

the mystery and the wonderment that makes life so meaningful and on occasions like this we revived this questioning mode it's exactly like taking your car for servicing

 the car that is in perfect condition nothing is wrong with it and yet you find 

the pickup is slow it starts jerking it says some little problems come up and when you take it for service in a couple of hours it comes back absolutely fit what a difference that is our personality 

so every time you go out into the world you lose this you pick up your energy your enthusiasm all that wanes away and it comes back when you re-expose yourself to these higher values 

so this boom except for the awareness that you are imprisoned and 

the desire for liberation when that happens netiquette as goes to heaven in search of Lord Yama and he has to wait for three long days for Yama to return

because Yama is very busy with the London bomb blasts 

so he waits then he says how people in Yama's household are very perturbed because they have to make a brand a brahmana boy wait it says a brahmana guest comes like fire in those days they had immense respect for a sattvic individual something that we don't have today that it the punish up cells 

the foolish man who doesn't give to a brahmana gets destroyed where are 

the sattvic people today in it is the stalk people who maintain society, not commerce and yet we have no respect for them the scientists the thinkers this 
the authors the poets the musicians 

the philosophers and if in any society has no respect for them that society is doomed is what the Upanishads says 

so anyway then they had great respect so when Lord Yama comes back they tell him this is Brahm Brahmin boy has come and he's waited for three days

so Yama goes to him with great respect Yama himself has great respect for him he says obeisance to you O Holy One and he says I give you three boons now if you and I were given three boons what would we say make me a multi-millionaire you know there was a government officer who once in his tours in 

the district found an old jar and he rubbed it by mistake the genie popped up and the genie said I give you three boons exactly like Yama 

the government official said make me a rich man I instantly became rich second boon take me to the most exquisite holiday resort in 

the world straightaway he went - where is it Langkawi third my third wish is that I should never have to work again you know what happened straight back to the government office he went 

so magic Etta's wasn't like this what are the boons that he asked for you see nevermind the guru from the shisha we learned 

so much the student nachiket as a young boy right brilliant oh it's inspiring to just read of the boons that he asks what are 

the wounds that he our number one when I left my home my father was most disturbed can you imagine the state of 

the father who by my mistake in a moment of weakness 

I give you tomorrow Tia and this boy actually takes his word for it he was most disturbed he says please appease my father's agitation because it's not his fault that has to Yama granted that boon and his father was instantly appeased ii teach me Agni fire sacrifice look at

 the way he goes about it the first obligation is to your family having completed that next to an obligation is to society to the nation to 

the world how many of us think in terms of contributing to

 the world and here is a young boy when given three boons all he had to say was teach me ugly sacrifice and Yama was thrilled at it he taught it with to

 the last detail and nachiket has learned it and fulfilled it so magnificently 

so beautifully that Yama was 

so pleased he said I give you a bonus extra the boon that henceforth this ugly sacrifice will be named after you nachiket us it will be called 

the nachiket our sacrifice and he gave him a garland then he said now ask for your third boon he little did he realizes what netiquette is was going to ask for a third boon teach me brahmam it they are that about which 

the greatest of human beings have doubts they don't know where they're going to go after death they don't know what's in store for them they don't know anything about their life that is what I want to know that's when Yama was completely taken aback not because he didn't have 

the knowledge not because he did not want to teach but he wanted to make sure that natchok ëthis was not coming on a mere whim or fancy that he really wanted it now what we learned from this is just ask him for bhrama with you are not gaming it just asking for it look at what he gets in return Yama says choose sons and grandsons who will live a hundred years you will have cattle elephants horses gold immense territory you'll live a long life you will become a ruler of 

the world you know you don't understand this it has to be interpreted in our language what he means is you will have 

the fortune of Bill Gates Aishwarya Rai's Beauty Roger Federer's capability what else Mr. Shekar sends captivating voice all of that he gives him netiquette as is least interested he sits there waiting patiently 

so Yama says that you get I'll give you something that is very difficult to get in the world all these heavenly joys will get the pleasures that are difficult to get in 

the world the damsels in heaven you'll get by now navigators is has reached 

the end of his patience 
so he replies Schwab Rafa Marquez si identity all these are transient temporary or Antico death what a fabulous statement imagine if you were offered to forget 

the whole world this KBC - is coming up suppose you were told guarantee to cross you will get you will say forget Brahma whaddya forget everything focus he had he refused to budge he said all these are temporary transient what are you offering Miyama schwa bhava means that which is here this moment next moment it will not be there for a young boy to understand that and to stick to it and then he says serving Rihanna J&T Teja it takes away the ways of 

the vigor and the vitality of the indulgence of the senses a peace serve to give them album ever also all life is short and the last nail in the coffin is survivable hasta bandha Tahiti 

so keep your horse's dance and song and give me Brahma medium when he says this Yama is thrilled to bits a hope with him at Ottawa oh what a fabulous intellect you have magic Atlas he himself admires him he says even

 I settled for heavenly pleasures
 I just got a young ugly sacrifice and 
I got the heavens George Yeo is refused even heavenly pleasures then he started why Yama did this entire exercises to make sure that it nachiket s was a qualified student number one Viveca the capacity to discriminate between 

the permanent and the impermanent which educators have amply demonstrated all of these qualities vairagya disinterest dis passion for that which is temporary shed sympathy 

the six ethical qualities of sense control mind control 

the teacher endurance Parati withdrawal shrug toss a Madonna all of these magic ëthis has and the difference between a well-prepared student and an in a prepared student is 

the difference between a dry matchstick and a moist one now in the monsoons if a matchstick gets moist wet however much you rub nothing happens with an in a prepared student that's what happens 

the Guru gives all his might everything he knows there is no reaction from 

the student whereas if you are well prepared to do like all of you are I can see it on your faces slightest suggestion is enough to spark off that illumination and nachiket us proves that and 

so the first thing that Yama tells him is even to hear of it is 

so difficult in the world nowadays he is talking about then Satya-yuga what must be our condition why is it you see generations and generations of Indians were brought up on a diet of great stories stories of Rama exploits of Krishna Sudama Janaka Sita shibori which inspired people to live up to at least aspire for that state today what are children exposed to cartoons 

the whole time Cartoon Network's will become a network of cartoons Swami Vivekananda says the touch of 

the soul can paint the demos Jerry place into the brightest of colors it can throw a sweet fragrance into 
the vilest of places 
so that touch of the divine is what is this thing nowadays and in the Mundaka Upanishad he gives the imagery of two birds one 

the two birds the friends they are sitting on the same branch

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