Five Verses on Enlightenment Sw. Sarvapriyananda - Spirituality Religion

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Five Verses on Enlightenment Sw. Sarvapriyananda

Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley

Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
Today we have an additional part many
people actually requested us over phone
and emailed us whether we have any Q&A
session or not yesterday we did not
organize our arrange for Q&A session but
today we will have humanization
question-and-answer session after the
doc few things for Q&A session there
will be 40 to 45 minutes talk and then
there will be 15 minutes questions of
answer for question and answer
we need only bullet questions and you
know that there will be only 15 minutes
question-and-answer session so we cannot
take we know there will be thousands of
questions but we cannot take all the
questions and if you like you can email
to New York Center and Sarvapriyananda
will be glad to reply to those emails those
questions so please do that he's very
firm to reply to the email so without ado I
request Swami Sarvapriyananda to continue
his talk and please welcome him with
heavy applause
 whom leaders from the unreal to
the real leaders from darkness into
light leaders from death to immortality
own peace, peace, peace,
 Good Evening Everybody welcomes back and welcome to those who
have come for the first time this
the evening I offer my pronounced and my
deep gratitude revered Swami person
Upland Ji Maharaj for affording me this
the opportunity we have a lot of work this
the evening before us so I'll get right down
to it yesterday we saw the first and
only the first of five verses on
enlightenment and you must be thinking
enlightened but that was the central
verse the most important verse and what
was accomplished in that verse is that
not the mind on what principle not
Trisha was too I am NOT an object I am
NOT a thing the subject is never the object so whatever this is a technique of
practicing Advaita Vedanta whatever you
can designate as this you are not that
whatever I can
cognize like this, I cannot be it because I
am the one which knows this so this book
am I a book of course not
this body this 
so I cannot be the body
this bread is clearly the spirit I cannot
be the breath because this thought
I cannot be the start to because this
thought this understanding even this
Vedantic understanding it's also this
it's a function of the intellect I
cannot be it as you go beyond push back
as far as you as we can you hit a
blankness black nothing but this
blackness I cannot be it what I am
really what we are really can never be
designated by this and yes you cannot
say we cannot say that we don't exist we
do exist but not as an object so I am
not there but the body why because this
body and not the brain this breath and
not the mind  this mind notice that we are not saying that the body does not exist of the mind does not exist of course it does
it's there the world is appearing the
the body is there - there but I am NOT it
this consciousness why are we calling it
consciousness even because one thing is
undeniable whatever I am that one is
aware of all this 
so I must be in some
sense consciousness or awareness not in
the normal sense in which we understand
our thinking processes because that's
also this but the awareness the norm
objectified will subject that I am that
was step one biggest step that's most
essential but then the next thing that
Shankar Acharya says sings about in this


Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley

five verses in the first verse he says
from if you remember from the highest
god from Brahma till down to the merest
end I am the one conscious in all beings,
 not just one consciousness
in one body and mind but the
consciousness is common to all bodies
and minds we are one reality see we're
the tremendous claim that is far deeper more
radical than all our claims of
brotherhood or sisterhood that's almost
always returning but here it's a claim
as we are in fact the most fundamental
the fact of the universe about ourselves is
that we are one consciousness whether
one accepts it or not one understands it
or not even to conceive the fact that
Shankaracharya is saying it's an
the accomplished fact we are already one and
forever one it's beautiful to think of
somebody once wrote to me and say keep
taking these detours but time permitting
but anyway it's interesting it's
relevant to Do you remember that
Malaysian Airways unfortunately they
lost two airplanes a few years back one
who has got lost completely and
there's a funny story about a very
the unfunny incident they used to have an
advertisement that flies with us and loses
yourself it was an advertisement lucky
they discontinued it anyway
it's not funny there but the other plane
they lost was if you remember it was
shot down by mistake or something but
people, they were all people died and
then somebody wrote to me the plane was
from I think Amsterdam or somewhere and
somebody wrote to me from Amsterdam I
was in India at that time that my
girlfriend was on that plane and she
died there can I ever you know can I
know her last thoughts there's a big
touching kind of little email and I said
what is advocacy so I said that fighter
does not say that we can
the last thoughts or any type of
another person unless you are a telepath
a Patanjali yogi might be able to know
the thoughts of another person but
whether that person the yogi will be
able to know the thoughts of somebody
else at a distance and the last thoughts
that's doubtful but Advaita Vedanta says
something deeper but you and your friend
who perished whose body perished in that
a tragedy you and your friend are forever
one at the deepest level of our being we
are actually one so in that sense we are
always one with all those who are
beloved to us but Advaita Vedanta says
all of those are not relevant to you
you're also one with them so there is no
likes and dislikes here we are one with
everybody in the universe so that was
the second step was the first step not
body does not mind beyond body and mind
witness consciousness second step one
consciousness in all beings but now
notice one thing at first the subject
object distinction was to begin with at
our level is I am the subject here and
apart from this everything is other for
me you all and everything else is
separate from me after Vedanta this the
pedantic discussion this kind of
analysis now when are we the world of
course is separate from me but this body
is also not the main mind is also not me I
am the pure consciousness now when we
have only done is we have moved the line
of separation first, it was at this skill
now we have moved it back to
consciousness now it still not
non-duality has you noticed that it
still consciousness and not
conscious universe I am the one
consciousness in all beings but then
what about the rest of it what about the
world what about the bodies what about
the minds what are they do we appreciate
the problem the position we are in now
right now it's still not non-duality
it's still not Advaita because now
there's a difference
earlier there was a reference between me
the person and everything else now
there's a difference between me the one
consciousness and everything else the
world body-mind and all of this so real
non-duality will now be established in
the second verse the whole teaching of
non-duality will be complete here in the
the second verse I'm going to chant the
the second verse and then translate Bromham
Jessa column china Travis Terry Tom
servo Jaya he Jaya treguna yah Shh my
uncle's Pritam youngest children Amati
suka Terry me ta / a new male Chanda
allows to so to do was to guru 88
harmony Shama Brahma homonym java casa

columns in mantra histórica what does
that means
I am Brahman and this entire universe is
an appearance of I the pure
consciousness pure consciousness
this didn't master consciousness alone
literally, if you translate Ching Mothra
means consciousness alone I am
translating that as pure consciousness
and this pure consciousness in brahman
are the same thing so don't be confused
by the words I am Brahman I am this pure
consciousness when that's good that's
what we got yesterday but now what
what's the new thing that you are saying
this the entire universe this physical
universe out there including this body
and the mental universe thoughts
feelings emotions the external universe
the internal universe all of this is not
separate from me the consciousness I the
consciousness alone am appearing as the
object of consciousness, you see a big
step has been taken now instead of
saying this is apart from me well all of
this is nothing but me how is it is
we have experiences which by which we
can understand for example our dreams so
you meet people you go to places there
is space and time and people and events
in our dreams the moment we wake up we
realize all those people that nothing
other than the dreamers mind my mind
alone projected then all those places
the space and the time and the events
all that I dreamt about them and nothing
apart from my dreaming mind is that not
true exactly the same in as an example
exactly in the same way, not that Advaita
is saying that my mind is dreaming of
this universe no that would be
subjective idealism if you think what
subjective idealism you're living in
Berkeley subjective idealism is
connected to Bishop Berkeley afternoon
is the University in the town name dr.
Bishop Berkeley yes yes
so this is space is named after the
greatest the subjective idealist of them all
Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
So everything is a projection of my mind
just like a dream so that would be
subjective idealism but are doing those
not subjective idealism it is saying
that even the mind is a projection in
consciousness so mind and body and the
universe they are all appearances in
consciousness just as dream the objects
in my dream are appearances in the
Dreaming mind like that example just as
all the people and the objects in the
Dreaming mind do not exist as a second
thing apart from the dreamers mind
similarly this entire universe which I
experience does not exist as a second
thing apart from I the pure
consciousness not either mind I the pure
consciousness so the whole thing appears
in consciousness not as a second thing
apart from it somebody asked a teacher
in the Himalayas
wait a minute they're asking in Hindi
wait a minute you are saying that I am
every man in this entire universe I
spread I am all over but but I'm so
lonely I'm here I'm not even there
how can I be everywhere how can
everything be in me I'm just sent right
here I'm not even there and the answer
was the teacher said ah but here and
there are they not both in your
experience what does it mean imagine if
we were dreaming and my dream suppose
I'm standing in this big church and I
clearly see I am Here I am not there but
then I wake up what will happen the
entire church and here and there would
have been in in my mind only so all of
time and space notice that it is all
experienced in awareness consciousness
this is non duality Brahma Muhammad
amjad qourshah columns in Madras the
rhythm the entire universe is an
appearance in consciousness you take a
step back and think about it what is the
relationship between consciousness and
its objects let's put it in the most you
know most scientific way we can do it in
today's world what is the relationship
between consciousness and matter here is
matter this is matter bodies matter and
I am aware we are all aware what is the
relationship between the two are they
the same does one come from the other
are they different so there are
different answers which we get from in
in Indian ancient Indian philosophy the
first one is that consciousness comes
from matter one one option consciousness
comes from matter the second one is
matter comes from consciousness third
one is neither come from the other they
are parallel realities they all exist
together the fourth option is both are
both our Wyatt and the fifth one is the
Advaita gumption let's quickly take a
look at each one what do they say what
is the first one that consciousness
comes from matter who says this the
materialist says this the ancient Indian
materialist said the body is made of
elements and somehow it produces
consciousness now our modern materials
say exactly the same thing in a much
more sophisticated way that here is the
living body and in that there is a
nervous system and a brain and somehow
the nervous system and brain are
producing consciousness so that's the
state of art explanation of
consciousness in today's world and you
might say why should we not stop right
here what the neuroscience is telling us
stop there why go on to all these
ancient philosophies the problem is that
we don't have the slightest clue how
this body and this living brain produces
consciousness you might say no no just a
minute the neurons are functioning and
the neural activity of the neurons
produces consciousness yes but now if
you ask neuroscientists the answer will
be there they've got something called
promise le materialism promise Airy
materialism is that it is matter which
is producing consciousness and it is
true that we don't know how but we will
know give us 30 40 years we know this is
really the answer then have got from
some of the leading race leading minds a
philosopher who is also a biologist in
NYU heat only this that I am firmly
convinced that it's living tissue
produces consciousness living brain and
nervous system produces consciousness
how it is also truly he said that we
don't know exactly how but his example
was this let me put it to you and very
interesting example
by some of the leading scientists today
material reductionist scientists who
want to reduce consciousness to matter
the argument is this interesting
argument a hundred years ago life was
considered to be a mystery and it was
thought that nobody can explain what
life is it's a great mystery and then
the scientist and philosopher he told me
today we understand life the processes
which we call blanket turn life that
those processes are understood down to
the molecular level so we understand it
now 100 years ago we did not understand
it now we understand almost a great deal
about about how life comes about in
terms of absolutely material very
sophisticated activities going on in
living tissues what is called life we
understand that similarly right now we
don't understand how neurons firing in
the brain can produce consciousness but
give us 30 or 40 years we will
understand promise early materialism
what would we learn to say to that what
would a great to say to that advaitha
has an interesting in immediately the
answer will be what you sale about life
and what you are saying about
consciousness they are not not on
parallel they are not it's not a good
example it's what is called in
philosophy and category mistake why is
it a mistake notice but the clue which
Shankaracharya just gave us anything
that you can designate as this you are
not that now on life can you designate
life as this life yes
so this life is explained here is like
very good this life is explained in
terms of this matter so this explains
this no problem one higher mental
the material the process is explained by a lower
level material process and update the

made on to understands this perfectly in Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley

Advaitha made on the life is prana and
that's also material and objective but
Chaitanya pure consciousness can never
knitted by this so when you say I will
explain consciousness in terms of brain
brain can you collect this brain yes so
brain is under the category of this
object and your consciousness in in the
category of subject can never be
objectified you are claiming
philosophically speaking it's a big jump
we are making that the pure subject
which can never be objectified can
somehow be explained by objective
processes in neurons big bling you have
to walk the talk show me how it is done
and I am NOT alone luckily at this time
if you google hard problem of
consciousness this is exactly what is
called the hard problem of consciousness
in fact the term was coined by David
Chalmers who's the head of the mind
brain consciousness unit in NYU
and he's right there he says how can
broadly objective processes just like
what's going on in this building in the
similarly things are going on the body
how can they explain speakers
first-person experiences subjective
experiences none of these objective
items have inner feelings and
perceptions and yes you do I do
how so he calls just a hard problem of
consciousness and his answer is I may
come to his answer but he says that see
you cannot explain it by objective
processes it just google it it's a very
big thing the hard problem of
consciousness now of course it's very
divisive because there are a lot of
people who are against it the scientist
whom I spoke to I said what do you think
about David Chavez hard problem of
consciousness he said no David Chalmers
he comes up with one idea each worse
than the earlier one
not true but anyway so it's a huge
debate at least it's a debate it's not
just something in ancient India 5,000
years of or 1400 years ago in Shankar
Acharya, it's a very current cutting edge
cutting edge debate in consciousness
studies today we cannot explain
consciousness in terms of matter that's
one position I'm gonna those who say no
we can but how they don't have an answer
like yesterday I gave the example of
step 1 2 3 4 5 Step 1 2 3 lot of
mathematics that fight a lot of
mathematics in between step 4 is a miracle
America is so conscious in terms of
matter very difficult to reduce
consciousness to matter step 1 is
one option the second option was the matter
is produced by consciousness that stays
that who says the matter is produced by
consciousness all theistic religions say
these theistic religions say that matter
is produced by consciousness when did
they say that one common feature of all
theistic religions Christianity Islam
Judaism in Hinduism you have my stove
ISM same ism shaktism all the religions
which are God-centered you know what one
the thing they make God is the creator of
this universe what does it mean God is
the creator of the universe all that we
considered to be matter and energy and
time and space have been created by this
deity now if you ask make it
philosophical is this deity is this god
of yours, the claim you're making is this
God is a conscious God and an unconscious God
everybody means me no no no no God is
conscious so consciousness is created
matter this is the theistic model the
the third model is that neither has created
the other they are consciousness exists
fundamentally and matter and time and
space and energy also exists
fundamentally who says this Sancha
preclude the purusa Prakriti is nature
literally means nature
time-space matter energy their eternal
realities and purusa means
pure consciousness that's also an
eternal reality and the to exist really
matter exists
time-space all of it exists and
consciousness is also present all over
and this is also David Chavez's view if
you google he is talking about tan
psychism he says that we have to be
ready for a crazy idea what's the crazy
idea that as matter-energy time and
space is fundamental similarly we had
to be ready for the idea it's quite
possible that consciousness is also
fundamental in nature not made out of
it exists by itself it causes in tank
psychism he's talking about it now the
21st century and cupola and Patanjali
talked about it five or five thousand
years ago but the same idea and psychism of
course he is heavily criticized for it
he does not face him in one one
interview he says that if you think
about the hard problem of consciousness
long enough you end up either being a
pan cyclist or going into administration
so that is the third option
consciousness and matter energy they all
exist parallelly not one from the other
the fourth option is the Buddhists and
Toki I was talking about yesterday the
Myakka Buddhists in the line of
Nagarjuna they say consciousness in the
sense of self is also empty and the
object side mattered time space energy
is also empty soon near the void what
that emptiness means that I am NOT going
to go into but that's another point of
view and the last one is the Advaita
option where it says consciousness alone
is the reality in which time-space
matter-energy appear now I am going to
prove that you have the consciousness
are the reality and whatever you
experience as this appears in you the
consciousness not here the body, not you
in the mind but you
the consciousness will see two
approaches to proving this but before we
go into the approaches let me give us
the simplest proof the simplest proof is
this that what is your experience
whatever you have experienced as an object
have you not experienced it in your
awareness from any kind of

experience it's always possible only in Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley

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