Siddharth_Gautam Buddha's Life Story in English | Moral Values stories in English for kids
Siddharth _Gautam Buddha's Life Story |
Gautam Buddha's Life Story Kapilavastu
a beautiful place blessed by nature king suddhodana ruled the country
one day his queen Mahamaya had an amazing dream what happened
Mike Reid, I experienced a beautiful feeling a dream light rays from
the sky the bright light approached our Palace and from that light, a white elephant appeared with four tasks and danced before me blessed
I and it fused into my stomach in a light phone the next day
Donna asked the wise men of the court to interpret the Queen's dream
and the reason for it milord the Queen's dream is literally a sign of
prosperity Queen
would bear a son who would become a great man and
the whole world would be benefited by this special child the news of
the incredible child brought great happiness to the royal family the
Siddharth _Gautam Buddha's Life Story |
as was the custom began her journey to her mother's place after
traveling for a while they wish Lumbini a garden Queen wished to take
rest in the beautiful garden after sometime queen gave birth to a beautiful child this special child was called good when he was
enlightened everyone was amazed to see the child immediately the child walked by these bursts of boredom the whole world was benefited
when he was enlightened Queen returned paths with her son the whole
kingdom celebrated the birth of a great man
so Dothan is named his
son as synth heart everyone in the palace was celebrating the birth
of Siddharth while a great saint Heceta came them he was an old a hermit who had given up all worldly pleasure and led a lonely life in
the forests the royal couple greeted him and treated him respectfully
o king, he's not an ordinary boy he is born to rule this world not as
a king but as a spiritual teacher no evil rule this kingdom this the world as a king and not as a teacher not only that Queen
Siddharth _Gautam Buddha's Life Story |
I am sorry
to say you will leave this mortal life in a few days who's there sent
this hermit away as Heceta told Queen died in a few days her sister
took good care of Siddharth as a room child day passed Siddharth
grew up to become an intelligent boy his guru who taught in that one
day met the king soon thrown up my lord I have taught him everything
what I know he knows everything and all the more he has taught me
many things which even I do not know pseudo the knock felt proud when
he heard this Siddharth was not like other boys he did not enjoy
playing or fighting with other boys and spent much of his time alone
he played the animals and birds in the Palace Gardens one day he was
sitting in the Royal Garden suddenly Siddharth gently picked up the
Swan and slowly took out the arrow while he was gently stroking this
worn he said dot that bird is mine give it to me don't kill living
being it's a sin don't talk unnecessarily that's my kill
Siddharth _Gautam Buddha's Life Story |
so it
belongs to me you don't have any right to hurt or kill any living
being so leave it both of them kept arguing to put an end they went
to a hermit who was sitting there telling me to buy it what made you to
come here both femme narrated what had happened God has created every
little beat live no one has the right to kill the other
so the swine
belongs to the Savior rather than who hurt the birth Siddharth this
belongs to you you can do as per your wish and you should also
forgive David exactly what he had done both of them together accepted
the verdict the hamat who solved this changed into a snake and
disappeared into the forest girls passed suit hearts grew as a famous
and the lovable man he was a kind-hearted man who loved the peace and hated
violence the king was worried about his son's nature what is this said
that is too gentle and sensitive I want him to be a great king Kings
must be strong and powerful his mold twisted and sitting by himself
in the garden than learning how to be a ruler do not worry my lord
Prince should be married to get him out of a dream and into the real the world your problem will be solved if it gets a beautiful and
intelligent wide what he says sounds good okay let's see make the
necessary arrangements
Siddharth _Gautam Buddha's Life Story |
so though Venus sent the message to his
neighbor King super Abaza but he told him that there were many young
men who want to marry his daughter and therefore the prince should
compete among others to marry his daughter Siddharth who took part in
the contest excelled in Schwartzman ship post riding and archery and
won the hand of the beautiful princess you're sure there are
Dothan has presented three beautiful palaces to his son as his
wedding gift all the three were situated in a beautiful garden it was
surrounded by large walls to prevent anything unpleasant from coming
near the prince was given delicious food beautiful musicians
and dancers to keep the prince away from the outside world for many
years Sid thought through lived a luxurious life and was totally cut
off from the real world time passed like this soon they had a son
Dracula the king was happy that his plans for his son were working
Siddharth _Gautam Buddha's Life Story |
so well after dinner, the prince would relax by listening to sweet
melodies one night after dinner Siddarth heard a beautiful melodious the song was about the beauties of the world and happy people
who lived in the golden cities father I would like to see the world
beyond the garden balls please allow me to go out my dear you're a the very kind-hearted person the reality will hurt you please drop the idea of going out I want to see our people see the real-life can feel
it I like to enjoy the world which is spread beyond this palace
please allow me, father, okay as you wish at the same moment ministers
tomorrow Sadat is going to visit the city
Siddharth _Gautam Buddha's Life Story |
so this should be very
careful everyone in the city should be happy to decorate the houses aged
people sick people and the dead ones should not be sick keep the city
clean this is the King's order announce it in the city ah what's this
who's he is an aged man friends 8 means everyone will have to
cross the stage Oh Prince stop Doug go, Busey, why is he crying he is
sick and waiting to face his death means the last stage of life
is death everyone has to face it for everyone do you mean ok for me
for a sudra Prince, in that case, this body well kingdom relatives
everything that I have enjoyed all these days is only an illusion
Siddarth return to the palace after seeing all these incidents he
could not concentrate on anything his only thought was to find an end
for all the sufferings one night an unseen force made everyone go
into a deep sleep at the same time Siddarth mounted on his horse and
left the palace he rode to the forest Siddharth started his journey
with a decision to put an end to all the sufferings in the world he
removed his royal attire hair jewels and walked into the forest as a
hermit he met many Hermits on his way days passed you reach the
forest in Magadha kingdom there he may alter and became his disciple
after a few days what I have learned till now does not bring an end to
all the pain
Siddharth _Gautam Buddha's Life Story |
so let me search on my own again he started his journey
he reached a place called Gaya there he performed a rigorous painful
penance mm-hm for six years without eating and sleeping he continued
his penance he looked like a living skeleton during that time a woman
Sujata herzman wife who came there gave her food to sin tart I have
made a mistake I should not have suffered
so much for the six years
mother thank you very much your food has given me the energy now with
the strength I will continue my search coming to a decision he sat
under a Bodhi tree and started meditating mara name given to evil the force that disturbs people's mind appeared if he finds to be too
alone sufferings what will happen to us so let me disturb his
meditation mara tried in many ways only to be unsuccessful he shot
arrows but they turned into lotus petals and fell at his feet
Siddharth _Gautam Buddha's Life Story |
that there is a prince home truths world as a king would you suffer
yourself but of enjoying the royal life for all these things
Siddharth did not answer but won him with his silence than he
continued his meditation slowly son Todd found the answer he realized
the truth the reason for the suffering is desired the way to get rid
of suffering is to follow the middle path he became Buddha he slowly
opened his eyes and felt the surroundings to be calm and quiet he
decided to teach his findings to the people in the world
so he
reached Banaras there he started his first preaching then he whizzed
in many places and his preaching started to spread many became his
followers once but I was walking through a forest hey stop my son be
calm I am going to kill you and take your tongue child why don't you
be very kind to others Buddha started preaching to him and Angulimala
realized the truth he fell at his feet and worshiped Buddha his
preaching attracted elders old one's emperors and everyone in the
country not only in India but in Singapore Malaysia Sri Lanka
Thailand Philippines Japan and China Buddhism has spread its wings
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