Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma? - Spirituality Religion

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Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma?

Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma?

Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma?
Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma?

Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma?

Why Did Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Get Cancer?

 Was It Past Bad Karma?

 This question often circulates on the internet. 

So in this article, we shall arrive at the correct answer. 

Hello everyone,
I am Pulkit Mathur,
Founder of the Spiritual Bee and as we know, 
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, 
the great Avatar and guru of Swami Vivekananda became afflicted with throat cancer and gave up his body on 16th August 1886.

 He was just 50 years old. 
When people typically hear this they wonder, 
how could an Avatar, 
an incarnation of God get cancer
Did he do some bad karma in his past life? 
And the answer is no, 
Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa certainly did not do any bad Karma in his past life. 

He actually could not have.
 For in his previous births too he had incarnated as the Avatars Lord Rama and Krishna. 

Sri Ramakrishna had himself revealed this truth to Swami Vivekananda. 

He had told Swami Vivekananda. 
Now an Avatar, 
being an incarnation of God is absolutely incapable of doing any bad Karma. 

Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma?
Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma?
Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma? 
This, in fact, is one of the key attributes which distinguishes an Avatar from an ordinary person. 

While an ordinary the person remains trapped in Maya and is forced to be reborn again and again in order to work out their past karmas,
 an Avatar is under no such compulsion. 

In some distant past lifetime,
 when an Avatar-like Sri Ramakrishna first attained to Samadhi, he had at that moment conquered Maya once and forever. 

At that instant of his first Samadhi,
 all of Sri Ramakrishna's Karmas from each and every preceding past life had been burnt up and permanently destroyed. 

From that point onwards he became a free soul. The law of Karma ceased to affect him completely.

Instead of being a helpless slave of the law of karma, like we ordinary mortals, are, 
at that moment of his first Samadhi, 
Sri Ramakrishna forever transcended the law of Karma and became instead the ruler and Master of it. 

Therefore whenever an Avatar-like Sri Ramakrishna takes birth,
 it is not due to any force the compulsion of the law of Karma,
 rather the Avatar takes birth again and again out of his own choice, out of his own free will. 

An Avatar chooses to reincarnate only out of compassion for the suffering humanity - motivated purely by the desire to help liberate others too, 
from the karmic cycle of birth and death. 

Here it is important to note that apart from men there have been many women Avatars too. 

Thus Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa being an Avatar was born free, without any past karmic debt. 

In his present life to being an Avatar he did not commit any bad karma. 

So Sri Ramakrishna could not have gotten cancer as the karmic repercussion of bad actions done in this or some other past lifetime. 

So what then was the real reason why Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa got cancer?

Now before we proceed to answer this question, one point worth highlighting here is that - this idea that every person suffering from cancer or some other deadly disease is doing.

so because they have committed some bad deeds in their past lives, 
this idea itself is deeply wrong and flawed. 

Diseases as the sages tell us to have many causes, one of which is past karma. 

Karma is merely one out of the innumerable possible causes. 

What's more, 
it is quite impossible for an ordinary person to determine whether the cause behind their's or somebody else's cancer is truly past bad karma. 

In fact, whenever a person is going through bad times,
 it is not possible to know with certainty whether their suffering is necessary due to their past bad karma. 

This is because the lines of karma, 
of all past good and bad actions of a person, are extremely complex and interwoven with one another. 

They are extremely difficult to trace and hence simplistic and linear conclusions cannot be drawn and should not be drawn. 

Such expertise is possessed by God-realized sages - they certainly have the power to untangle the entanglement and know for sure whether past bad karma is the cause.
 Such sages, 
of course, are rare.
Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma?
Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma?
Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma? 

It is for this reason that the Bhagavad Gita has stated: 
Gehna Karmanogati - the law of Karma works in a deeply complex and indecipherable manner, 
far beyond the comprehension of ordinary human beings and therefore we must not commit the mistake of drawing simplistic linkages and blame past karma for each and every bad thing that happens to us or to others. 

The difficulties of life, 
in fact,
 have many non-karmic causes: 
For example,
 it may be the case that the soul of a person has purposely charted out difficulties in his life plan 
so that the person can grow and manifest the divine qualities which lie latent within and thus hasten their ascendancy to the realm of God-Consciousness. 

In other words, the inner self of a person can purposely invite difficulties, 
and use them as tools to quicken the pace of spiritual growth. 

When this happens, the individual himself will not be aware of this decision made by his inner subconscious self. 

Another example of life's difficult situations having non-karmic causes is when an individual becomes the victim of another person's evil thoughts and actions. 

When we are born on earth, we each take birth in a realm of deep ignorance - where we and others around us are all ignorant of our true divine natures. 

Thus we go about committing numerous mistakes, acts of bad judgment, and evil deeds. 

Living in this realm of ignorance, 
we can easily become the victims of another person's misdeeds. 

Consider for example the case of a farmer who is illiterate, 
and who routinely sprays pesticides on his fruits. 

A pesticide company whose executives are all highly educated,
 but morally weak - these executives blinded by the greed for profits,
 market their product aggressively to this illiterate farmer. 

The farmer being uneducated is not equipped with the knowledge to understand the harms caused by pesticide use. 

The government health officials have taken bribes from the pesticide Company and have consequently turned a blind eye to the scientific warnings of toxicity. 

As a result of all these moral lapses some consumers after ingesting the pesticide-laced fruits purchased from the farmer get cancer. 

Past Karma then cannot be blamed for their contracting the disease, 
because these individuals are in reality the victims of other people's
bad judgment, 
and immorality. 

Therefore it is very important for us to keep in mind that diseases and bad events in life have many causes and past karma is not always to be blamed. 

Furthermore, because the workings of the law of karma are extremely complex therefore it is not possible for us to pinpoint and know for sure whether somebody's disease or ill luck is really due to their past bad karma. 

In fact, it is a good thing that the workings of the law of karma are hidden and secret,
 for if they became knowable to one and all,
 people would immediately lose their empathy and become hard-hearted and cold to the suffering of others. 

So next time you see a person suffering don't immediately jump to thinking that Karma is the cause but remember the words of Sri Krishna from the Gita, Gehna Karmanogati. 

The workings of the law of Karma are mysterious and extremely complex, and therefore simplistic linkages cannot and should not be drawn. 

Now returning back to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, 
the question then arises that if past bad karma was not the reason why an Avatar-like him got cancer, 

what then was the real reason? 

Now, Sri Ramakrishna, has himself provided the answer to this question and it has been faithfully recorded by his direct disciple Swami Saradananda in his book: 
Sri Ramakrishna the Great Master. 

In this book, 
Swami Saradananda recounts an incident that took place after Sri Ramakrishna had contracted throat cancer. 

At that time Sri Ramakrishna had shifted from Dakshineshwar to a house in Calcutta for treatment when the sage had a profound vision. 

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was strolling back and forth in his room one day when he suddenly saw his subtle body emerge out of his gross physical body. 

Sri Ramakrishna observed that his subtle body was covered with sores, 
especially in the region of the throat. 

He was wondering at the cause of such sores when the Divine Mother of the Universe revealed to him that people who had committed various evil deeds had come to Sri Ramakrishna and had become pure by touching him. 

When people touched his feet,
Sri Ramakrishna out of compassion for their sufferings had taken their sins upon himself, 
and his body was now working out the results of the bad deeds of all these people.
 Therefore it had developed these sores. 

After narrating this vision to his disciples,
Sri Ramakrishna pointed to his throat and said:
 "That is why this cancer is there. 

Swami Saradananda recounts that when the disciples heard their Guru Sri Ramakrishna's words they felt an immense amount of despair and sadness, 
for they remembered all the times when they had touched Sri Ramakrishna's feet after committing various evil acts like lying, 
cheating, etc. 

And the great sage all this while was silently absolving them of the karmic repercussions of their bad actions by absorbing their sins into himself. 

Swami Saradananda particularly recalled one noteworthy incident which had happened: 
a man suffering from skin disease of leucoderma begged Sri Ramakrishna, 
that if only the sage would pass his hand over his body, he would be cured of the disease. 
Sri Ramakrishna out of compassion said, 
"As you desire, I shall pass over my hand. 
Your disease will be cured if the Divine Mother wills." 
And he passed his hand over the man's body.
 For the whole of that day,
Sri Ramakrishna experienced excruciating pain in his hand. 

Sri Ramakrishna said later,
 "The man was cured of the disease but the suffering was experienced by this body." 
So this is how Sri Ramakrishna took other people's sins upon himself. 

This phenomenon of a guru absorbing other people's sins has been further explained by Sri Aurobindo, another great sage and Avatar. 

Once Sri Aurobindo's disciple Nirodbaran asked him: 
It is said that Ramakrishna Paramahamsa got cancer because of the sins of his disciples?

 Is this possible? 
Sri Aurobindo replied: 
The Guru has to take up many things of the disciple. 

There was a famous Yogi who advised a disciple who was getting ready to become a Guru - the Yogi said to the disciple: 

"In addition to your own difficulties, 
you will now have to take up those of others." 

So a genuine guru takes up some of the past karmas of his disciples in order to hasten their spiritual progress.

 We must remember however that the guru, of course, does this only after determining the Patrata or the worthiness of his disciple. 

He does not bestow such boons willy nilly and for free.
 If you wish to understand this point better, then do watch the earlier video series on Patra. 

Continuing his conversation with Nirodbaran, Sri Aurobindo remarked: 
"No doubt if the Guru cuts his connection with his disciples, 
then this transfer of sins from the disciple to the Guru cannot happen, 
but then this would also mean that no work of spiritual upliftment gets done,
 and the sadhaks are left to themselves without any support. 

For this reason, Mother, here Sri Aurobindo is referring to Mother Mirra -took up many sins of the disciples because she united herself with the sadhaks. 

Now such a transference of Karma is not anything to be surprised about. 

Whenever two people meet, the interchange goes on.
 In that way one contracts a disease from another without any infection by germs. 

to think about what he was passing on to them! Even without a meeting, there can be mutual effects. 

Even though has power for good and evil. 
Bad thoughts may affect others. 

That is why Buddha used to emphasize right thinking." 
So to conclude, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa the Avatar did not get cancer due to past bad karma, rather he got cancer because he purposely took upon himself, the sins of his disciples, because the great saint wanted to smoothen his disciple's path and hasten their spiritual evolution. 
This is the truth. 

Now having understood this a follow-up question then arises - which is that having taken on his disciple's sins why did Sri Ramakrishna does not use his immense yogic powers to cure Himself of the throat cancer? 

Why did he have to go on suffering? Surely he could have used his tremendous Yogic powers to restore his health. 

Sri Ramakrishna Death - Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma? 
So why didn't he?
We shall visit the answer to this question in the next Article. 

Until then, take a moment to join our daily quotes service on Telegram and consider supporting the Spiritual Bee Foundation.

so that misconceptions and superstitious beliefs that prevail in Hindu society can be removed and the correct and genuine Vedantic principles are imbibed by the people. 

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