How many types of pranayama are there? I Pranayama Potion - Spirituality Religion

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How many types of pranayama are there? I Pranayama Potion

How many types of pranayama are there?  I Pranayama Potion | Yoga With Adriene 

Pranayama Potion
 Pranayama Potion

- What's up, everyone? Welcome to Yoga With Adriene. 

I'm Adriene and I'm comin' at ya from London, England. We are here at the Adidas Brick Lane Studios. 

It's such an honor and a pleasure to be here. 

I've taught a couple classes here and because we're here for a month, of course, 
we have to make sure to shoot some free yoga videos for you. 

So thank you so much for being here and today we're gonna focus on a little diddy I'm calling,
"Pranayama Potion

so hop into something comfy and let's get started. 

(gentle music) Alright, my darling friends, 
let's begin in a comfortable seat of your choice. 

So I'm sitting up on a little block. 

You can get a little blanky or a little towel,
something to lift the hips if that feels good in your body.
 You can even do this first part in a chair. 

As always take a moment to just get settled in.
We rush around all day and all night and this time is the time that you've so beautifully and nobly taken for yourself so no need to rush. 

As you get settled into your seat today, 
try to find length up through the spine. 

So if sitting up tall feels a little hard today just notice that and just focus on it as we continue this practice, 
as we evolve this practice together just focus on finding length through the spine. 

What are the steps of Pranayam?

Pranayama Potion
 Pranayama Potion

So I say it very carefully because sometimes when we're told to sit up tall 

we kind of come into a rigid state, 
a rigid energy state and that's not what we want today for our Pranayama Potion. 

We want to kind of take it easy and relax the body, calm the nervous system, and find what feels good. 

So just take your time finding length through the spine. 

And wherever you've come to sit, 
see if you can bring your palms to face down either on the thighs or on the knees, 
whichever feels best for you and your body today. 

Sweet, and then the hardest part is over, ah, we made it, we're here. 

So let's make the most of our time together by really focusing on the breath. 

So as you're ready take a deep breath in through your nose. 

And then empty just nice and easy out through your mouth. 

Again, just like that. You can close your eyes or soften your gaze now. 

Deep breath in, and nothing fancy, just a long, long, long breath out. 

Then one more time, a big inhale, and this time as you breathe out relax your shoulders down. 

Just drop a little weight down into your elbows.
 Again focusing on bringing length through the spine as we progress through our journey here together. 

Alright, now come into stillness as best you can. 

Close your eyes and if you're not comfortable closing your eyes for whatever reason you can just soften your gaze gently past down your nose. 

Gently down past your nose. 
(chuckles) I'm getting into it already.

 How many types of pranayama are there?

Pranayama Potion
 Pranayama Potion

So take a second to just notice where your thoughts go. 

Notice your current energy state. Check-in. 
And then be open to your current energy state evolving and changing throughout the course of our practice today 

so that hopefully when you step off the mat and into the rest of your day or night you can feel a little different, a little better.

 Definitely more present. 

Whatever that means to you. 

Again, just noticing the thoughts that are coming up here. 

Taking a moment to check in with your current state of affairs. 

  • And then as you gently bring the palms together,
  • Anjuli Mudra, 
  • at your heart or at your chest,
  • just do this with this idea of accepting where you are today. 

So no matter how the brain is and how the body's feeling or what your energy level is, take the palms together and just take a moment here to accept exactly where you are today. 

Alright and then bowing the head to the heart. 

The mind intelligence to the body intelligence and starting to notice your breath. 

Starting to notice the sensation in the back of your neck, the muscles of the neck. 

And then just by bringing our awareness to the breath, hopefully, you start to breathe a little deeper and a little more fully. 

Awesome, take a deep breath here. 

Won't take a moment to connect to all the people practicing with this video around the world. 

And then as you breathe out on your next breath just nice and easy, hands return back to the knees or the thighs. 

We'll relax the shoulders down and we're just gonna start with a little warm-up in the neck and shoulders. 

You're gonna draw small circles with the nose one way and then the other reversing your circle. 

Continuing to gently deepen the breath. 

One way and then the other. Really listening to any sounds that the body might be offering up. 

And continuously, again, returning to that invitation to find length up through the spine. 

So you just might notice that as we start to add tasks or layers to the practice 

we start to kind of forget and come back into a pattern of maybe slouching and it's all good. 

Alright and then when you're ready go ahead and drop your right ear over your right shoulder. 

Start to lift up through your chest, and take a deep breath in. 

Exhale, relax the shoulders down. And then all the way through the center. 

Left ear over the left shoulder, deep breath in, lift your chest up just a bit. 

And use you're exhale to relax your shoulders down. (whooshes) Alright, come on back to the center. 

Now we're gonna take left fingertips all the way up towards the sky. 

Big stretch, feel that length up through the side body and then up and over as you take just a nice, easy side body stretch. 

Again, think about finding length through the spine here as you breathe in. 

And dropping the shoulders away from the ears as you breathe out. 

Nice and easy, come back up to center, same thing on the other side. 

We'll reach the right fingertips all the way up. 

Find the length, create space, inhale, and then exhale nice and easy over towards the side. 

Using that inhale to find the length. What are pranayama and its benefits?

Pranayama Potion
 Pranayama Potion

So remember the neck is an extension of the spine you wanna create space. 

And then using an exhale to drop the shoulders away from the ears. 

Oh yeah. And then we'll come back to center, hands come back to the thighs and the knees. 

Inhale, think about an upward current of energy through the front body, and as you exhale think about a downward current of energy through the back body.  

And really in a lot of physical practices, even in strength training, 

we talk about this loop to kind of brace the body to be strong and flexible at the same time 

so just start to lift up through the front body a little more, ground through the back body a little more.

If this is new to you, this idea of currents of energy, awesome. Keep an open mind. 
You're doing great. 

Alright, now let's breathe.  What is pranayama yoga?

So we're gonna start with an inhale for two and an exhale for four. You can use Ujjayi breath if you're familiar. 

This is an audible breath, listening to the sound of your breath. 

We have a whole foundations video just on Ujjayi breath in the Pranayama series so if you want to check that out, you can. 

But for now, let's just experiment together.
Trusting that whatever we're supposed to get out of this practice will come just by participating and staying open. 

Okay so we're gonna inhale for two, I'll count us off, and then a nice, slow exhale for four. You'll pause at the end and then we'll repeat. 

To begin we're just gonna take a big ol' inhale in for nothing. 

Here we go! Find that length through the spine and then big exhale out for nothing, relax the shoulders down, and here we go, we're gonna inhale for one, two. 
Pause, and retain your breath. 

And exhale for four, three, two, one. Awesome work, that's it. Pause.

 Inhale for one, two. Finding length, pause. Exhale for four, three, two, and empty on the one. You're doing great. 

Here we go, big inhale for one, two. Pause. Exhale, relaxing the shoulders for four, three, two, and one. 

Soften your gaze now or close your eyes as you breathe in for one, full breath, two, pause. 
And out for four, three, two, one. 

Pause, awesome. Here we go, breathing into the belly for one, two, pause. 

Exhale for four, three, two, one, pause. Big belly breath for one, or two. 

Four, three, two, one. Stick with it, big inhale for one, or two, pause, and retain the breath. 

Exhaling for four, three, two, one. One more round like this. 
Big inhale for one or two. 

And release four, three, two, one. 
Now letting go of the ratio, just notice how you feel. 

That's why we're here to really come to terms with what is going on. 

Don't forget, you know, often what's going on in your outer world is a reflection of what's going on in your inner world.

(giggles) Love you! And vice versa. I can think of it either way.

We're gonna inhale for four, slow, and controlled exhale out for six. 

You got this. We're here to experiment. 
Okay, the same thing as before, big inhale for nothing.

 Exhale for nothing and then we'll begin.
 I got ya. Here we go, big inhale. 

Exhale to relax the shoulders down, keep the chest lifted here, heart lifted. 

And inhaling for four, 
here we go. 

Inhale for one, two, three, and four. Pause. Exhale for six, five, four, three, two, empty on the one. 

Beautiful, here we go, breathing into the belly for one, two, three, four.

 Pause, exhaling for six, five, four, three, empty, two, empty, one. Pause.

 Inhale for one, two, three, four. Pause. Exhale for six, five, four, three, two, one. 

Option to put the hands on the belly here. 

Breathe into your hands for one, two, three, and four. Pause. Chest lifted, heart lifted. 

Empty for six, five, four, three, two, one. Awesome control. 

Here we go,

 big inhale for one, two, three, and four. Exhale for six, five, four, three, two, and one. You're doing awesome. 

One more round just like this. One, two, three, four. Pause, and retain your breath. 

Heart lifted. And exhaling for six, five, four, three, two, empty on the one

Awesome, now let it go. Try not to fidget too much here. 

Do whatever you need to do but try not to fidget if you can. 

Just notice how you feel. Nice easy breathing here. 

Just taking this time to be still, to gather yourself.

Connect to what's going on in your inner world. Okie Doke, last ratio. 

Inhaling in for six, exhaling out for eight. 

  • Gonna need to use slow, 
  • focused, 
  • concentrated breathing. 
So big inhale into the belly as you breathe in, that balloon breath. 

And then soft retraction of the navel in as you empty, empty, empty out

Again, it's inhaling in for six and slow controlled exhale for eight. 'Kay? 

Same as before, one big cycle of breath in and out for nothing. 

Here we go, big inhale. 
Find that length up through the spine.

 Let something go as you relax the shoulders down. 

And last round of Pranayama, here we go. Inhaling for one, two, three, four, five, and six. Pause, you're doing great. 

Exhaling for eight, seven, six, five, four, three, you got this, two, empty on the one. 

Big inhale. One, two, three, four, five, six, pause. Exhale, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. 

Big inhale, one, two, three, four, five, six, pause. Exhale for eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. 

Inhale, one, two, three, four, five, six. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. One, two, three, four, five, six. 
Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Two more rounds. 
You got this, stick with it.

 One, two, three, four, five, six. 
Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. 
Inhale for one, two, three, four, five, six. Empty for eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one. 


Now back to a nice, natural easy breath. 
Just take a moment to notice how you feel. 

And then when you're ready, gently bat the eyelashes open.

 We're gonna flip the palms up now and on a big inhale you're gonna send the fingertips out left to right. 

Try to really take up space here so spread the fingertips, let the lower body be really heavy here as you inhale, reach for the sky, big stretch. 

You're gonna interlace the fingertips up overhead, find that steeple grip. 

Index finger pointing up. Big inhale. 
Exhale, drop the shoulders down. 

Big inhale. Exhale, drop the shoulders down. Big inhale, reach up. 

Once again, over towards the right. 
Nice side-body stretch here. Keep the neck nice and long. 

And then back up to the center, draw your navel in, hug the lower ribs in. 

And then over to the opposite side. Big stretch, big breath. And then all the way back up.

Great. Big inhale, look up. Exhale, break free, cactus arms. Keep the fingertips spreading here, bend the elbows. 

You're gonna really pull the elbows back drawing your shoulder blades together. 

Inhale in. Exhale, relax the shoulders down. Beautiful, inhale in again. 

Exhale, twist to one side, any side. 
Try to keep your heart lifted. 

Just a nice, easy twist here. Beautiful and then we'll come back to cactus, back to the middle. 

Where I'm from, Texas, so we also call this football goal post-arms.

 And then over to the other side.
 Nice, easy twist. 

Yes and then back to goal post arms and then inhale, reach all the way up. 

  • Palms kiss together, 
  • Jai Namaste. 
  • Inhale to look up, 
  • carve a line with the nose, and look up. 

And exhale to gather it all back into what matters most to your heart. 
In other words... 

Taking a moment to just go back in towards what matters most. 

How you feel inside.

We live in a world where constantly kind of being 

  • told where to look, 
  • how to feel, 
  • what to wear, 
  • what's appropriate,

so it's 

  • so important that we take out some time to just collect ourselves, 
  • connect to ourselves, 
  • and gather ourselves before we step back into the chaos. 

(laughs) No, just kidding.

 (laughs) Take one more quiet moment here. Just observe your breath, notice how you feel.

  • And then when you're ready, 
  • we'll take the thumbs right up to the third eye, 
  • take a deep breath in.

 Connecting, gathering, and collecting ourselves but also through this amazing community How many types of pranayama are there?   

 I am so very grateful to be a part of it. 
Connecting to people. 

All types, all kinds, all moods. 
All spots on the map connect to people all over the world. 

Take one more final beautiful, buoyant breath in and then we'll use our exhale to bow. 
Thanks, everyone.

See you next week. 
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