VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II What do I owe to them? - Spirituality Religion

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Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

I have buckled down and sent all the cash I got to Calcutta and Madras, and afterward subsequent to doing this, stand their senseless correspondence! It is safe to say that you are not embarrassed? What do I owe to them? Do I care a fig for their acclaim or dread their fault? I am a particular man, my child, not even you can comprehend me yet. Do your work; on the off chance that you can't, stop; however don't attempt to "supervisor" me with your rubbish. I see a more noteworthy Power than man, or God, or fallen angel at my back. I need no one's support. I have been for my entire life helping other people. . . . They can't raise a couple of rupees to help crafted by the best man their nation each delivered - Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and they blather and need to manage to the man for whom they don't do anything, and who did all that he could for them! Such is the unreasonable world! Do you intend to state I am destined to live amazing of those positions - ridden, superstitious, savage, misleading, agnostic defeatists that you find just among the informed Hindus? I despise weakness; I will have nothing to do with weaklings or political babble. I don't have confidence in any governmental issues. God and truth are the main legislative issues on the planet, everything else is waste. 

(page.595, Vol. 5, Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Swamiji's letter to Alasinga date. ninth SEPTEMBER. 1895)

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