VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II Swami Shivananda's recommendation to a priest - Spirituality Religion

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VISIT TODAY RAMAKRISHNA II Swami Shivananda's recommendation to a priest

Visit Today Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

At whatever point a religious association fell, the main driver was the nonappearance of profound practices, renunciation, grimness, etc. In this association additionally, we don't have anything to dread and it will all run easily inasmuch as separation and dispassion sparkle brilliant; thus long as every individual from the association trusts that God-acknowledgment is the main objective of life and appropriately draws in himself in otherworldly practices and grimness… The priest ought to stay withdrew under all conditions and keep the disposition of gravity blazing inside forever. One need have no dread insofar as the perfect stays unadulterated. It is just the inward sanctification to perfect that matters… . When one performs the function as administration to Him, one disposes of the pollutions of the brain; there can be no uncertainty about that. Obviously, you need to attempt different types of profound practice alongside this, and that seriously. 

(page.170-1, For Seekers of God, Swami Shivananda's recommendation to a priest on eighth September 1923)

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