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PROBLEMS OF THE SANGHA _Swami Bhajanananda

Sri Sarada Devi

Sri Sarada Devi


Our monastic problems fall into two groups. 

One group consists of problems concerning the Sangha as a whole.

The other group consists of problems that individual monks have to face.

Let we first think of the Sangha,
the monastic order is known as Ramakrishna Math. 

This is a unique monastic order which has no parallel or rival in the world.

 It embodies the highest spiritual ideals ever attained by humanity.

 It combines in some of the best features of monastic life in all religions. 

It was brought into existence by the Avatara of the present age.

 Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda conceived this Sangha as the center of a universal spiritual movement for the benefit of millions of people for centuries.

 While consecrating the newly acquired land for Ramakrishna Math at Belur, 

Swamiji made this prophetic utterance:
 "The spiritual force emanating from here will permeate the whole world,
 turning the currents of men's activities and aspirations into new channels."



Leadership of Global Spirituality

The time has now come for the fulfillment of Swamiji's prediction.

 All over the world,
there is great spiritual hunger.

 Disillusioned by the promises of politics and technology, 
disillusioned by the emptiness of wealth and pleasure-seeking,
millions of people are turning to spiritual life.

 A worldwide global spiritual movement is going on,


Swami Vivekananda

Even in the Islamic countries of the Middle East,
even in China, 
there is an undercurrent of spiritual quest in the lives of people. 

Swami Vivekananda has stated that Sri Ramakrishna has through his fervent prayers awakened the Brahma-kundalini, 
the store of cit-shakti or Consciousness-Power lying dormant in the collective mind of humanity.

 As a result, 
the spiritual awakening of people in the East and the West will take place more quickly now than ever before.

 If we study the world thought-currents going on in the higher levels of the human mind, 
we can see that humanity is now at the threshold of a new stage in the evolution of consciousness.

 A new wave of the spiritual awakening of humanity is gaining in strength in modern times.

The whole world is looking to Ramakrishna Order to rise to the occasion and take up the leadership of global spirituality.

This is one of the major challenges facing our Order.

 There is a great demand for Indian spiritual guides in foreign countries,
 especially from the

Swami Shivananda

Indian the community in those countries.

 In response to this demand,
 some of our young monks go to the West or other countries and give lectures or conduct classes.

 These talks satisfy the intellectual needs of many people no doubt,
 but they will become more effective means of spiritual transformation only if they are based on lived experience. 

What people everywhere really need is not mere intellectual knowledge but the spiritual transformation or orientation of their lives. 

This can be brought about only through the living communication of spiritual knowledge gained through years of spiritual struggles.

Sri Sarada Devi

Enlightened Monks for Foreign Work
During the early decades of the 20th century our Order produced many spiritually illumined or awakened souls.

 Apart from the all-embracing love and protection of Holy Mother which enveloped the whole Sangha like the golden rays of the rising sun, 
there were

Ma Bhabatarini (Kali)

the Direct Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna to guide the monks of the Order.

 They were followed by their disciples many of whom attained great spiritual heights. 

It was through these illustrious souls that the Ramakrishna Order came to be known and to be accepted as a great spiritual force in foreign countries.

 Other than those monks who went to other countries, 
in India itself,
 our Order produced many enlightened or spiritually advanced Sadhus. 

Some of them started new centers and guided many people on the spiritual path.

 Some others just lived great lives as living examples of spiritual life.

Why can't we produce such spiritual souls now?

 Swami Vivekananda has stated several times in his lectures and classes about the rise of Rishis or prophets in modern times.

 For instance,
 in one lecture Swamiji stated:
 "There were times in olden days when prophets were many in every society. 

The time is to come when prophets will walk through every street in every city in the world."

 Continuing his talk, 
Swamiji made a more surprising statement: "Schools and Colleges must be training grounds for prophets, 
the whole universe must become prophets... 

the training of prophets are the great work that lies before us."

 This prophet-making work should be started first in our centers.


Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Shivananda
By 'prophet' Swamiji meant a person who has realized the divinity of the soul.

 This means a person who has realized that his true nature is neither the body nor the mind but the Atman or pratyagātman, 
Inner Self. 

Since the Atman is an inseparable part or reflection of the Paramatman or

  • Supreme Self, 
  • known as God,
  • man's true nature is Divine. 

A person who has had this realization sees God in all people and worships Him by doing selfless service to all.

 Such a person will be a blessing to all around him wherever he stays. 

It is such a person that Swamiji called a 'prophet'.

           Even if a person has not had a genuine spiritual awakening as a mystical experience, 

he can be regarded as an enlightened or saintly person if he has gained a deep conviction or certitude about the Divinity of his soul and loves and serves all.

 This ideal of Swamiji,
 although very high,
is a practicable ideal; 
all our Sadhus can realize it in their lives.

 At present we are training our monastics to become efficient workers.

  •  they are trained to become 'enlightened monks,
  • they are likely to do more work more efficiently  
  • at the same time will create a better,
  •  more harmonious,
  • spiritual atmosphere wherever they are.

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