Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar(Part_4) - Spirituality Religion

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Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar(Part_4)

Introduction to Sri Ramakrishna- the most superior Avatar(Part_4)

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

The interesting is education restrain the head of this bromosa light once a few times visited even said my god what 

I am talking about is experiencing so he told you the followers this guy is actually experiencing what 
I am giving lectures about
 I am just giving lectures are that you sit establishing that this was somehow he got caught up a lot of people started then started visiting but again you look at 
the people who said they're for worldly reasons they believe me not interact with them this is the story of Shira her she just doesn't your stores we can't miss 

the world evolved devotees and this is how the movement progress if they have not happened
 I would not have all this name today great difficulty it's not even getting through now as you can see it's a great pity you know why you know 
I keep talking managed by talking about a religion that is contemporary mister suitable for our age now is comprehending see you noticing ok 
the secretariat movement note that secretary or note this religion that earlier is nonsectarian is comprehensive most contemporary modern vision most comprehensive vision and most rational sensible vision structure vision comes from Ramakrishna in his life story 

so this is the reason why very few people can relate this deeper vision and me keep mentioning this or Hindus wake up it's nice to hang onto your no ancient out there's nothing wrong with them but image you created about them is 
so polished up it's not real anymore here is a real a person with words and everything in your a lifetime with photographs you can see its photographs you can see photographs of beaver canal here is a modern prophet contemporary one giving 
the same message of the ancient Rishi's in your time in your own language suit up to this age and suit it to 
the whole world comprehensive to that extent why don't you open your eyes and look at his men and see the word envision the contemporary vision of your tradition most comprehensive a vision 
so that is why in a volatile way we keep plugging away the teachings around the question and 
so on will be working on using our own this gizmo everybody possesses 

so he used to go into deepest meditation this why hearing we don't see any other a person able to go at all don't see anyone experiencing the present stage if you ask
 I very bluntly is there any person of this caliber in India or anywhere in the world hold no, my friend, I'm very open-minded if there was one 
I've considered sweet they went merge in my yoga camp you learn 
the first time that it was 1967 or 68 and he gave a lecture Hilton Hotel in parkland no the young story no more in a search of spiritual and 
I've already experienced some deep ideas and say let me go listen to him in five minutes 
I see this man doesn't know anything he's just flower power he hippie stop there's no depth 
so I do not know anybody at the moment on the scene who can even say they've got 1% of the experience of Sri Ramakrishna let me give something else about him here is a man who is Don Brahman into personality to play with 
so they believe reconcile the idea of God is near who nirakara Brahman, as well as Osaka, see reconciliation with a very deep level first-hand experience shows one minute you'll be talking on mother goddess next minute miracle 
I am the Brahman
 I established a problem on am acumen, next to many say 

I play with Brahma with mother goddess you know you wouldn't want to see it was going to
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna
switch from near Guney Ricardo something shocking like that you know the story is interesting we touched on this once you will start interacting

about the goddess one day a great sage great sadhu entered the temple in singing gloriously the radix low cost and he looked at Ram Krishna young boy young man dear he said this man is suitable for the knowledge 
I possess another way to be done with me and from one another saying Hartman and Ramon are the same 

I am established in that knowledge 
I am fit in that knowledge to let me pass a small this the boy is so good 
I must pass it on by looking at he says 
I know we suit ever 
so I will definitely give the smaller to this boy he said my going 
I can teach you other weight with the highest into philosophy would you like to study with me and I'm going like a little child, I tour guide yes 
he said let me check with her mummy, she is a grown-up man you go and check with his mommy with 
I can give this highest knowledge and the name of the sadhu totapuri 
so let me go well as you know to be your GEB and rain into the temple came back say yes yes yes you can teach me because my mother said her has brought you here then this total 
I nobody asked me to come here you see mother is what
 we your order is not let me teach him 

so it's okay we are going to touch on the deepest vision of Hinduism that you are the spirit Ackman I'm going to give that knowledge the disciple in 
the guru decided to start their journey early morning around Beijing took a bath went to see little hut near the temple we sit-in the hard sell to
 the buoy and focus now yeah a strong question closed his eyes focus between eyebrows and go in Liebman's just focusing on eyebrow here we do the eyebrows and after a few seconds around the question came up saying 
I can't stop is why not you said, my mother keeps coming what mother he said he's the Goggin focus there then totapuri picked up a piece of glass that was in the time in huts in India you can find out everything their piece of glass and made a mark and a fit in 
the forehead set now focus there oh the paint see the pain focus on there no mother good no mom easier now present close his eyes and this is his world he said the moment 
I close my eyes 
I see the mother God is coming up and 
I took the sword of discrimination saying no mother goddess to a woman cutter it's merely cut to mother goddess if the moment
 I did is I went to deepest meditation and 

I experienced myself with a spirit this will naturally is already touched from of non-south makan even a big big thing for he but he went like that instantaneously 
so though 
the top reason, it took me about fourteen years to master this and this guy has gone even in two seconds, we don't fellow its let me leave him 
so you left him there yet you lock the heart
 so nobody disturbs him and walked away even second day still sitting deep material face radiant with ACMA grin 
the positive, this is incredible what took me hundreds of tens of years this guy's actually two minutes and again he closed the door, when the third day and still is sitting in deep meditation, is hot Magnum 
so totapuri now was worried he said 

I've sent him, oh you're not going to come back to 
the body now this is not right 
so he's tried to wake him he started you know how we said you know this idea of Leong, that's a heroine that's an easier to wake him up now a lot of hurry on that sucker this round brush and open his eyes yes and 
I know no debris is there my boy cry tears flowing said my boy what took
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

so many years you still instantaneously why and the answer from Robert is very simple my mommy made it easy to see the reconciliation 
of the wait and wait in one lifetime, this is the beautiful story of 

Sri Ramakrishna jumping from great to a great from Munir acontecer coon soccer and touching of 
all the various religions at the same time, we understand that he practiced intestine is various Hindu pathways as we see but the weight we learn today to see what they lead to can you say something about this yes it's like almost every pathway 
the Hindus they've been prescribing first was one of them another teacher he had it was called bravely Bromley now she was you know to practice you know the idea of thunder tantrum are now Hindus colic the bomb Artemis 

the left-handed path of making spiritual progress can really fire saying that is to do with sex and getting drunk and all that 
so people shy away from and 

I agree with them, if you shower this note third in the main pathway but this the play we came to teach him can throw and run Christmas is no problem 
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

I checked with mummy you can teach me and this is not easy he didn't drink wine he didn't participate in sexual activity but my mirror you know kind of instantaneous touch he was able to use 
the thumb trick mug because we were really fighting unnecessary Tantra simply says keep away from the idea of abortion and attraction we every time you see the universe 

we immediately kind of classify it as a corrective or a work aborting go away from it don't remain you saying if you can rise above it this is what the idea of Tantra is really then you can become spiritually enlightened 
so the very thing that kind of makes us can become like a like hell anymore if you can control it it will take you to 
the spiritual dimension and this Ram Krishna tried since the ground pressure tries the Vaishnava pathway the Shiva pathway the every different pathway if you do bow valve how in a while every what's early about every power even thinking about 
the Hindu the tradition he tried out and you reach the same destination with all of them my friend 

I can simply conclude by saying if you're not going across the story of
Sri Ramakrishna in what he stands for you missed the point this is the modern clearest vision of spirituality and we've talked about it in brief but you can explore it in detail like onto YouTube channel and looking at the plane is called Sri Ram Krishna story there's not 

so because of the colorful stories there and after this, they're going to produce another series another short a version of the teachings in the life of Swami Vivekanand thank you my friends

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