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Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna


Today we shall discuss ten things that you can do sitting in your home during this lockdown on Akshay trivia which is the most auspicious day of the year Akshay treaty is the day when our Sun and Moon are both in their exaltation signs respectively Sun is in Aries and moon is in Taurus critical nakshatra and the TT is 3 T, of course, that's 
why it's called at Kshatriya the 3rd lunar day and this day is considered to be the best day of the year because both the luminaries are in their highest states which is Sun which represents our external achievements and our desire to move ahead in life do things and achieve things in life build a sustaining in this world to sustain ourselves our family and to sustain others and move represents the emotional comfort it's how we feel within this kingdom 
so these two are exhorted and Venus will be in is old sign Taurus and Mars will of course be exhorted Saturn will be in own sign Jupiter will be in debility and Rahu Ketu will also be in their signs of exaltation because wrong is in Gemini and k2 is in Sagittarius where they do very good they bring out a lot of lessons for Humanity all right so therefore this currently we have the log down so therefore there are 10 things which you can do without going anywhere you you don't have to step out of your home to do all these things ok 
so there you go let's start and yes what is there with you all the time just look to him and you will find him so what is the first thing that you should do the first thing that you should do unapologetically without any doubt without any delay is you must start reading the srimad-bhagavatam if you have not done yet alright this is the first thing you have to do if you don't do this nothing else works if you do this everything else will fall in place 
why do I say sure about the 
way to do I do not say you should go and read the Rama and you should go and read the Marmara well you could still do that there's Mohammed but whereas they've the author of all the scriptures all the Vedas the Upanishads the Puranas everything has been written by maharaja vias most of them he's the son of satyavati and maha-prasada and he was at the highest state of spiritual realization when he ruled the srimad-bhagavatam haruchan is the top post of all the vedic scriptures it is known as the om humza Samhita it is the it is the crest jewel of imagine a lot of imagine you enter a room and there are a lot of jewels there are pause the rubies they're a mirror when faceless cause I mean world's most Oscars gems and then you see there is a big timer which is like shining and it's effulgence has made every other gemstone there look as if they're insignificant all right so that is the human third bottom 
so similar bottom is exclusively the commentary to be they run the Sutra alright so because they only wrote the vedanta-sutra vedanta means the end of the vedas 
so if somebody says that I want to read the Vedas the Upanishads the Rama and mama everything that's perfectly fine but the question is how much time do we have right 
so therefore we should take the easy way out we should read this even bottom because that is the conclusion maybe as dave has even all the whole spiritual foundational principles which directly elevates us at a soul level the other religious books may contain a lot of selfish things selfish means not for them for us like for example you know astrology books you go and wear this gemstone or you go and do this puja this mantra this Tantra or something or the other you do and you get benefit material benefits but human Barbican says that you should leave all these things and directly focus on God because only then we will be directly able to realize our connection with him alright 
so that is something which you should never miss and I you will get be linked down if you can go to Amazon and purchase the first canto or if you are interested you can purchase the whole set also alright 
so that is the first thing you should do and you should offer your respects to Mara savea's okay then what is the second thing you should do the second thing is also very important that is you should read the Bhagavad Gita alright the bhagavad-gita is a very instructive conversation between rod Krishna and Arjuna in the battlefield of kuruksetra the bhagavad-gita is a part of the Baba the Westerners you have heard of marvelous Muslim 
so therefore when you are when you read scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita then you will get clear direction in life okay otherwise you will just keep roaming heedlessly without going like your situation is like Arjuna sometimes but Arjuna was also roaming headless Li he was not knowing what to do he was unable to kill the huge okay but then he got enlightenment from Lord Krishna and there are 
so many shlokas here there are around 700 shlokas here so I read out one sloka this is a tenth chapter xi wars okay this this look I am replying show you alright 
so this slope is very important fish are may become part from ha mañana Jim Tom aha NASA young yet bah-bah-bah stop Jana Jana deeper in of Hasakah so the translation is to show  
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Them special mercy I'd welling in their hearts destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of the daughters 
so Lord Krishna is telling here that he will burn the darkness which is there in everybody's heart which was also there in our jaws are 
so therefore we should read the power Gita and take it as a manual for our life 
so then we will see that we can actually understand what we are doing in life not just having a carrier or getting married and they are settling in life or just watching Netflix sometimes all right 
so therefore this is very crucial that you also read the bhagavad-gita 
so that brings me to point number three yes Brahma Samhita this is another thing which you can read Brahma Samhita is what is Brahma Samhita basically Brahma Samhita is it's the revelation of the spiritual world in the vicuna planets by God from NASA Brahmaji he was meditating Brahma is the creator of this brahmand this material world this one material universe actually not what to your world sorry if you didn't the material world there's this universe where we living there are fourteen planetary systems 
so he is the creator of the fourteen planetary systems and he when he was meditating he had seen the spiritual world in his meditation and then he compiled these beautiful verses alright so on the day of action through Thea I will also come live on 26th alright 
so on that day, I will come and I will also or recite the brahma-samhita and I will also explain the meaning all right 
so the Rama so meter is very beautiful it contains a description of the vicuna planets and they are very beautiful shlokas which can help you to move move ahead in your spiritual realization how does the spiritual oh look like like this look at that in money procore Assad must hold public lecture with issues will appear before Allah Jung from Lakshmi Sahasra some promise a homonym Govinda maha purusha Muhammad Yami yes yes about if I start speaking it will take a long time 
so you can also Google in YouTube also or you can find videos in YouTube or you can just search on Brahma Samhita we are a H M a Shi T a Brahma Samhita you will find it ok 
so the lyrics are very beautiful and you should also understand the meaning and you should chant ok note that just blindly we're doing anything what you want ok then number 4 number 4 is Vishnu Shaston arm you should chant that be ok this is very very very very very crucial which Moses Phenom is very important because as the word suggests its thousand names of Lord Vishnu 
so now wish to system is very important because it contains a lot of philosophy also ok 
so for example, if you see this you reached hit up watch ah he may come they become look akima up a company anims to infer come come a chanta drop knee or Barnum ashram or Hamas sarva dharmanam Parramatta in Japan chat agent John Messara bontona 
so industry Maha he is the son of Kunti Devi and March Pandu is the eldest Pandava and then he is asking - Bhishma pitama ok he may come they work on locate him Bobby come per annum which the author should 
I worship focused want to come come at shall the property Lumina Mohammed who by chanting whose name we obtain all auspiciousness although Macerata mana which is the which is the which Thomas would I follow okay a lot of power milotic in Japan who chatted unto gentleman some saravana which is which are those mantras what should I change which gives me freedom from this ocean of birth and death Genma samsara banana then this chakra Tama start speaking Java problem they were they were one on tempo 
so Tom's to one Lamas Onimusha Sadaqat ah it's very long so therefore I've also started to the issue so soon on playlist 
so I have added one video and maybe by the time you see this I would have added more videos Oh as of now I where everyone I will add in future 
so therefore or please read that that's very important you will really really really enjoy it okay you can find that in YouTube in Google very easily you can find that what is number five number five is you can get up during Brahma moveth that the day it's very crucial okay 
so that you can do these remedies properly so Ballmer move it is technically one and half us before sunrise 
so usually that day at least you should get up or two hours before and you should take a bath and you should be ready and then as soon as it is one and half hours before sunrise you should start doing these remedies okay this will really really really really really help you to kickstart and go ahead in your spiritual life because whatever done during the along your earth is extraordinarily powerful to give you clarity in life to make you more spiritual to make you more positive basically you
will try any random day even give a trial could be two three days before exit with you that are outside pts coming 
so let me give a try let me sleep by 9:30 10:00 and try to get up during drama murat okay 
so give a trial and try to get up that day and take a bath and do all these activities okay
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Tthat's very important and remember whatever you do on etcetera that that has long-lasting effects eternal effects that's 
why it's known as a char means one which one which is never extinguished actually one which never degrades or deteriorates
 so therefore it's very crucial that you cultivate good habits during this day okay because if you do anything bad or you are lazy then that will also continue alright 
so be very careful what you do auction today number six you should chant mantras or increase your rounds okay now that may
 so for example if you were chanting certain mantras and you should you should chain more like if you're chanting one mala then that day you should chant eight mullahs at least it's very important because that's very special me 
so therefore or if you are chanting eight mullahs you can try to change sixteen mullahs that day if you're chanting sixteen try to turn thirty to one was that day 
so when you do this then you will realize that it's easier for you to change more later also especially when you do it on days like excitedly alright 
so don't misuse this day are please chant more month us because the civil da budem says nama sankirtan ah yes yes sort of a popular national páramo do cusamano store nominee her in Perham that nama sankirtan ah yes here congregational chanting of the holy name son he'll come of course now we cannot do some Keeton we have to sit in our home we can do it with our family maintaining all barriers of and principles of social distancing during this corner virus not that you go out on the streets and do whatever you want okay 
so or state you state your home and do it with your family if you are if you alone then do it yourself or if you are married and you have kids then do it with your children or with your mother with your father husband wife all right over the grandparents or grandchildren 
so therefore this is you The Bahamas for Kaluga no chanting bunkers is very important 
so if you have already been chanting certain mantras you consent or you can if you are not chanting any month as you can start with all known RI and I and all know what they've asked at these two months as you can check 118 times every day morning or at least on that day you can start with one wrong and month or should be done only mala and yes and if you're already doing please increase it okay on that day number seven this is very crucial that is the day you should take a bow that 
I will not eat meat again in this life because meat-eating will spoil your enquiry for spiritual to higher matter higher higher matters which only human beings can inquire 
so the difference between human beings and animals is not that human beings live in skyscraper buildings well the difference is that human beings have the capacity to inquire about god and animals do not have that capacity you will you will really or maybe never find any cat or dog or any lion or any bear or any bird they're coming in and going oh who is bored what is all this Who am 
I why am i living here no they are not concerned about all this they're just concerned about their daily life but in human life only we see that there is considerable amount of higher and quality of who created this universe what is all this what am I doing here what is my goal what is my goal of life what is my purpose 
why am i living what am i doing basically this 
so therefore it's highly crucial that you take to spiritual practices and also you evade from those activities which go down for example eating me that makes you more Thomas 
I see it increases rajo-guna and tamo-guna inside because the animals when they're killed then they have lot of pain and anger and agony imagine when if somebody tries to beat you harm you how will you feel 
so similarly if animals are killed then they're not happy like you and me all right now this is common sense but as my guru used to say in Cal you have common sense is not very common 
so therefore we have to use some useless religious arguments that you know some religious books say you should not eat some useless scientific arguments that our science says you should not eat but then science and religion this too can become very complicated somebody can bring some religious book and show all it's written here you can eat some scientists can say no no no it is good for you all right 
so do bring science or religion when it comes to eating meat you will end up putting yourself in trouble okay 
so just use your common sense and you don't like if somebody kills beats you 
so animals won't like okay and the karmic reactions will come and that's what is happening now the current virus situation which is there that is because some people from certain countries there or one country they were eating certain types of animals okay and the funny thing is the other countries like their uselessly blaming this nation but the only difference is that I mean there's no difference by there is no difference between eating are poor or a cow or a chicken or eating a bat if you understand what I mean so if if this virus comes because of some country  
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

eating bats or some other animals 
I won't take names and in the other countries who are eating other types of animals they are criticizing this country where their food be it's actually they're just trying to hide themselves all right 
so, therefore, this puts you more into tomorrow and I am very happy that 
so many people after watching my videos they have taken up two vegetarian diets all right so sorry vegetarian diet 
so please take to it and we take a vow that from that day you will never ever eat meat, oh okay that is a vow you should take then the number eight is observing a complete fast to whatever extent possible 
so if you can do a water fast it is good if you cannot then you can fast with fruits there or else you can fast with dry fruits or at least avoid eating grains on that day, okay and don't need some lavish food or something eggs and you just eat up till here and you just go and sleep okay 
so when you fast your brain is more active you get more energy and you can think more clearly so that is the purpose of fasting all right 
so utilize this day properly and don't waste too much time cooking put a full stop to the kitchen if there are some elderly members in your home who need to eat then for them you can cook something or maybe they can cook that day for themselves but if you are young Hale and healthy then please don't waste time cooking okay that day and number nine is you must connect to your gurus your shabu your dick shabu anybody who has given you spiritual knowledge please connect to there please express your gratitude to them alright because of them only you have made some advancement 
I don't know about you but in my case whatever it will all know spiritual advancement I have made in the last ten years it is only because of their race it is because they have always showered their wisdom upon me without fail and if they would not be there then I  will be nowhere alright 
so express your gratitude to your gurus and connect with them take enlightenment from them have Xoom sessions or WhatsApp call or skype follow whatever it is to take enlightenment okay and the last is do two missions toward whichever extent possible okay to your gurus and to spiritual communities because there they are the ones who are spreading spiritual knowledge which will uplift society alright 
so please do a good amount of donations and this is for you yourself not to ask others who is donating work 
so ask yourself and then that's it whatever extent possible or you can donate food also if you want or you can cook something and feed others all right but primarily focus on doing spiritual activities it's very very very important that day, okay and the last thing that I will say is a bonus this is not dues this is don'ts actually stay away from watching TV or neo 
so add at least for one game it's very difficult for you but at least for that one day you, if you can which, is very good okay 
so utilize it for doing spiritual practices and any way to your consciousness because these days don't come every day okay once a year it comes over once in a year do some sacrifice okay that will be all from my side and if you are new to the channel then, please subscribe to it and if you want a consultation from me you can always go down to the description section where it will find the link to our website what is there with you all the time just look to him and you will find him see you on the live session alright with Brahma-Samhita thank you very much  

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