Can I Do Pooja or Meditate Visit Temple During Menstruation? - Spirituality Religion

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Can I Do Pooja or Meditate Visit Temple During Menstruation?

Can I Do Pooja or Meditate Visit Temple During Menstruation? 

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Can I Do Pooja During Menstruation? Can I Meditate or Visit Temple During Periods?

Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Can I Do Pooja During Menstruation?

The incident has been noted in the book:
Letters from and Recollections of Sri Ramanasramam. 

It so happened that just a day prior to Maharishi Ramana's birthday, 
Suri Nagamma got her periods. 

She was greatly distressed for the Maharishi's birthday was celebrated as a very important day in the Ashram and devotees thronged to see the Maharishi from far and wide. 

But now that she had got her periods, 
Nagamma thought that she could no longer participate in the meditation and meet other devotees as she would have to put herself in seclusion due to the impure condition of her body. 

Feeling very much upset Suri Nagamma sat down in the verandah of her house brooding over her misfortune. 

As she did not turn up at the Ashram at the usual hour, 
Subbaramayya another devotee came over to her place to find out the reason. 

When she explained her predicament,
Subbaramayya said a few words of consolation and returned back to the Ashram. 

On seeing him Bhagavan Maharishi Ramana asked him,
"What is the matter?

 Why has Nagamma not come?"


Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

But now that she had got her periods, 
Nagamma thought that she could no longer participate in the meditation and meet other devotees as she would have to put herself in seclusion due to the impure condition of her body. 

Feeling very much upset Suri Nagamma sat down in the verandah of her house brooding over her misfortune. 
As she did not turn up at the Ashram at the usual hour,
Subbaramayya another devotee came over to her place to find out the reason. 
When she explained her predicament,
Subbaramayya said a few words of consolation and returned back to the Ashram. 
On seeing him Bhagavan Maharishi Ramana asked him,
"What is the matter? Why has Nagamma not come?" 

Can I Do Pooja During Menstruation?

Maharishi replied: "Why? 

Why should she be sorry? 

She can sit and meditate.

" Subbaramayya went back to Nagamma and told her about Maharishi Ramana's observations. 
From that day onwards Nagamma says in her book that she got the confirmation from the Maharishi that there.
was no need to refrain from the practice of meditation during her periods and what was far more important instead, 
was to get rid of the impurities present in her mind. 
In this way,
Maharishi Ramana reassured his woman devotee that periods are not a cause of impurity and do not offend God in any way. 

  1. In fact, what matters most to God, 
  2. is to what extent a devotee has cleansed his or 
  3. her mind of the real impurities of selfishness, 
  4. laziness, 
  5. greed, 
  6. anger, 
  7. lusty thoughts,
  8. bad habits of stealing,
  9. cheating, 
  10. corruption,
  11. telling lies, etc. 
Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna

Can I Do Pooja During Menstruation?

These are the real impurities that God is concerned with. 

Because one may cleanse the body with the finest of soaps,
one may adorn it with perfume, 
and the cleanest of clothes,
but if the mind of a person remains dirty and full of impure thoughts if he lies and cheats, 
he shall remain very far from God. 
So this is the firm Vedantic truth that
we women must imbibe, 
and explain to our daughters, 
sisters and friends - and 
we must lend a helping hand in overturning this centuries-old injust custom which hurts the dignity and self-respect of Hindu women, 
by making them feel somehow less than men and unworthy before God. 

We women must do our bit to overthrow this custom by wholeheartedly pursuing our meditations,
temple visits while on our periods,
confidently knowing that what matters most to God is the purity of heart and mind. 
Countless men visit temples in states of great uncleanliness of not only the mind but also of the body.  


Some have entertained lusty thoughts, 
watched pornography just prior to visiting the temple, 
some have cheated on their customers or take bribes, 
They visit the temple with a cough and a runny nose, 
I have pus-filled sores, 
some have sweaty bodies, 
some have not washed their hair, 
some are emitting foul body odor -
if such things do not offend God,
they why should the simple biological process of menstruation? 
It does not as Maharishi Ramana has explained. 

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