Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda - Spirituality Religion

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Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda

Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley (Part_3)

Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley 

Five Verses on Enlightenment  Everything in my life that shines everything shines by its light everything is lit up you only live in tomorrow.

so we so the yogi who is absorbed and who's centered in that one consciousness such a one is my guru this is my firm conviction this is my wisdom last verse yet.
so Cambodia shall shatter in a chakra Rita yet cheating it around Prashant colony love do Neera Neera Taha yes mean it you're.

so calm Buddha glittery from Haven up from the wait yeah gosh it's a serene Robin Rita pada new number, 
so this fifth verse concentrates on one aspect which is often neglected the åland aspect the Bliss aspect it says that ocean of bliss whose little spray a little spray from that a few drops from that even the gods are made up to that kind of place that entire ocean of bliss 
I am yet alliteration the colonial abdominal liberal Rita in the enlightened one's mind this is continuously revealed imagine one great teacher says why are the enlightened
so happy all the time effortlessly, because he says to imagine that you've got everything to be got in life, suppose you've got it you have done everything that has to be done in human life suppose you've done it you have no room for everything that has to be known in life with these things having got what has to be God has done what has to be done having known what has to be known having got what has to be got in time you never said got it because it is none other than Brahman having done what has to be done you have attained enlightenment that has to be done that's done having known what has to be done
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley 

I am Brahman you know it now clearly wouldn't you be happy somebody said once when I said this somebody said no 
I would be bored and do nothing that to do no the proof are you look at the lights of those you can see that to be an enlightening look at their lives there is one thing they were not born they were really full of life full of joy as long as the lid they lived fully Ingersoll the great human is here Swami Vivekananda met him and Ingersoll say
I don't believe in all your religious spirituality 
I believe in squeezing the orange of life dry you know getting every drop out of it and Vivekananda said I will show you a better way of squeezing the Torah yes mean it is a combo of Daaga literally from Havana from having it in that infinite ocean of bliss one was become one literally melted away into it Kali 30 then a beautiful trace from of it from being an optimum of it that one is not an owner of the problem that one is Brahman I'm reminded of Mr. Gupta some of you may have read 
I am that
I think yes 
I am that in fact yesterday
I was at the same conference in science 
and no duality conference in San Jose and the gentleman who organizes it said you know where 
I got this idea at the sand conference he says you know where 
I got this idea by reading the circuit that does I am that and then
I started this in a small way now it's become a huge thing now all over the world anyway now this nice area that was regarded as an enlightened person somebody asked him somebody said oh you are a Brahmin manager or nowhere of Brahman and I forgot who tended to be quite rough he snapped at him always to teach he snapped at him you're insulting me this man poor man sit and insult it's the most it's the highest praise we can give in our a culture that you are enlightened you are a lower of brahmana no it's an insult 
I am NOT a normal wrong man 
I am normal yes this is exactly what is being said here but 
I leave enough drama with if you say the enlightened person the one the cane opening shots is the one who says 
I know does not know the one who says
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley 
Five Verses on Enlightenment I do not know knows, 
of course,
 it's not talking about the man on the street it's the person who has is totally trained in Vedanta and as practiced and is a spiritual practitioner when that person says it 
I do not know he means he or she means it cannot be known as an object I am that I am NOT an all of that from have it not remove it not a knower of Brahman from anyone from definitely prominent but not order from your question whoever that person is trained Carrozzeria says arrange a vendetta Buddha, 
there is no doubt in my mind he is worthy of being worshipped by the gods
so this is these are the five verses on enlightenment thank you for your patience hearing thank you very much we will now go to the Q&A session
so I guess I'm sure you're not have lots of questions as Swami said we have actually something called Ask Swami in the Vedanta Society of New York and you can send your questions there but right now we have a holder of monetary among questions because I'm not in New York right now for this year 
so a lot of questions have accumulated I think they have put 300 or 400 questions 
so right now we are trying to stop the questions from coming in but you're free to come here and ask questions please come in the volunteers will guide you please come up and make a queue there and come up and ask the question 
so the first person whoever is in the queue can come up and ask the question, 
so it's one person there and others can also come up please tell us your name and ask a question yes what do you mean by reflected consciousness of borrowed consciousness this the Sanskrit term for this is G De Aza literally means shadow or reflected consciousness and first of all located in your own experience when we look at our own minds in fact when you look at other body it's not just a body it feels alive it feels over here Upanishad says 
I am aware up to the tips of my nails arnica grant up to the tips of my nails I'm aware this awareness is a Brahmin know right because look at the language this awareness anything that has a tinge of objective that cannot be Brandon interesting in science that which is objective is real and subjective has to be left out the object name is a dirty word in Advaita if it's objective it must be false
so this awareness that we have in our body and then you get the mind thoughts feelings emotions one thing that's common to them they are all they feel very aware they feel full of awareness consciousness
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley
Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley 

Five Verses on Enlightenment so that is reflected consciousness we are aware that it's them it feels very conscious what is that reflected consciousness where does that come from if you are aware of that consciousness then that consciousness cannot be the original consciousness this is a problem we think about it like this
when I look in the mirror the two faces not that I have two am two-faced but there are two faces one is the one 
I can see in the mirror and the one is the real one here now warning in seeing the mirror is not the real face it's a reflected face and what is the real face 
I cannot see it directly very interesting the advantage of the reflected 
I can see it the disadvantage is it's not really the advantage of this face is it's real but the disadvantages I cannot see it directly similarly think of the reflected consciousness as the face in the mirror what is it a reflection of if you can notice the consciousness in the mind and try to trace it back you will never get an answer to it you will just be that you asked the question how can the mind reflect consciousness the answer is it cannot first answer the second answer is it can why because after all in Advaita Vedanta what is the mind or the body or the universe ultimately it is nothing other than consciousness if it is nothing other than consciousness it's not something completely radically different from consciousness
so it should be able to somehow be aware but it's a fact mind is aware body is aware they will leave it at that question yes  if you understand my understanding yes now remember what is that waiter made on the perspective,
 he sees bringing a child into the world from that operating understanding after enlightenment as what will happen to the world what will happen to your body what will happen to your relationships they will continue the way they are Advaita Vedanta says after enlightenment three things continue what are the three things the experience of the world will continue the appearance of the world will continue to appear things will appear bodies will appear people will appear just the way they were appearing earlier one second you will continue transaction car will still,
 work after enlightenment if you're thirsty water I could drink water it will fight your thirst it'll still work
so all the uses in the world money will still buy things less and less every year but still buy things 
so transactions will continue and the third language will still work
so the names that you continue to use you can continue to use them the way we speak now we can't speak in fact our going to strongly encourage is used to continue speaking in a normal way after enlightenment also because 
I see enthusiastic people all the time writing to me 
I am pure consciousness thank you very much, Swami, 
for your teachings 
I am pure consciousness in the body and mind of Mr. Mishra, 
I am writing to you who are none other than pure consciousness in the body and mind of service, every Ananda joined the mahjongg don't do that speak normally just behave like everybody else language will continue to work
so in Sanskrit,
 the nominal name and form will appear in be maha,
 the transactions will appear but then what is the difference is an answer to your question the difference is this you know that it is all an appearance in one existence consciousness bliss which alone is real and which you are now bringing the light of that understanding into your day-to-day activities all will come to fear overcome clinging overcomes narrowness all the great problems of samsara overcome then samsara becomes Leela 
so all relationships parents husband wife children householder monastic all of them can continue but all lit up by that awareness which you have got now your life.

will become a blessing and you will become a blessing to others yeah very good yes okay what is bliss happiness the joy we all understand suka why are we looking for it well what we are looking for if you're looking for it it must be something that's Pleasant something that's agreeable something that's nice for us now why are we looking for it if you ask the deep answer is we are doing nothing but looking for ourselves our real nature is that bliss
so what we are doing is looking for completeness looking wholeness looking for infinity what we find unbearable is limitation no matter how rich you are no matter how really you are no matter how many relationships you have no matter if you still want more now that is not the way to satisfaction there is no way of getting the satisfaction of infinity from limited things you cannot find infinity in infinite things in samsara but their infinity you already are we are not we are looking in the wrong direction look inwards how to do you look inwards this is how spirituality teaches us to look inwards
so we are really looking for completion we are really looking for in the Sanskrit porn anthem and that is our real nature Plus kiss business does not mean the guest is neither mind yes now this is a very natural question to ask when you're studying Vedanta at one point everyone will come to this question are there different points the different ways of putting this question one way of putting it are who is seeking enlightenment if 
I am Brahman then who is seeking is Brahman seeking enlightenment another way of putting it is who is in ignorance can Brahman ever be in ignorance can the Sun ever be in darkness third we putting it how the others put it is that 
I do this with my reflected consciousness which you are talking about all this is an effort from that reflected consciousness what can it resulting it's not real in itself

 so the answer is this never make these distinctions within yourself you are one it's not that sometimes you are Brahman sometimes reflected consciousness sometimes the mind sometimes body sometimes this sometimes that no you are normal again throughout through and through Burman now right now this is a matter of theory something that I've heard something that I've read I might even be convinced by it but I do not see it clearly 
I cannot say honestly 100 percent at least to myself that I know that I'm wrong but if you did no problem
so right now we must say that that same pure consciousness infinite unlimited consciousness is somehow not aware of its own nature somehow

I see this mind and body and awareness which is being called reflected awareness and 
I must make an effort to realize myself as 

I am so don't say what will be the result of the movement from a reflected consciousness what can it do no, 
it's not a reflected consciousness apart from the real consciousness,
 whenever there is reflect Christmas whenever wins a reflected face what will surely be their mirror of course but the real face they say what can moonlight do sunlight is the real thing what is moonlight sunlight it's moonlight there's no room light apart from sunlight,
 it is only sunlight reflected from the moon they are calling it to moonlight by convention it is sunlight every functioning of our senses seeing hearing smelling tasting touching functioning of our minds thinking believing disbelieving Shankar Acharya says here the modest general got Tata Steel mark masa the one who disbelieves and refutes all of this it is the consciousness of that very one when he says such a thing does not exist who is saying that that's a madman saying it because the mind is not believing it or does not understand it but it requires that same consciousness it is an undeniable thing and don't separate say

  • I am that 
  • I don't know it now 
  • I am trying to know it definitely 
  • I will be able to know it after all if 
  • I am pure consciousness how can 
  • I do not know it ultimately 
  • I must
  • I must know it 
  • I will be able to know it 
  • I am Bronwen already what can stop me who can stop me well yes  yes yes very good I'm glad you asked this one thing 

I wanted to mention I forgot to mention that it was a dream it was all in my mind the only way to know that is to wake up and snap out of the tree after that person they say oh there's lucid dreaming also yes you can do that but that means in some sense, you're woken up now here is the thing to know to wake up from a dream, 
we have to go from a dream state of mind to a waking state of mind but to wake up from samsara to wake up from ignorance you don't have to go into another state of mind whatever state of the mind is it's always in samsara because it's a state of the mind anything that comes and goes cannot be enlightenment Brahman is not something that comes and goes it's always there even when we knew it's there you don't know if it's there you believe in it it's there don't believe in it it's there once 

I mean I'm lazy when you start in these classes would say to us in Hindi and translate a very volatile economic magic is a very strange philosophy oh sorry Oh Marvin da da da da da mano yana mano - Miren whether you know it or not whether you believe it or not you are wrong Raghav it's got a no thought 
so it's an undeniable reality within us now how do I know it 
so the first point is you are not being asked to go into another state right now in this waking state here we can know it how do we know it we must awaken to ourselves as consciousness as awareness itself and that is done by this Vedantic teaching what is the approach here study as hearing thinking about it meditating about upon it Shyvana mallanna needed to answer any kind of knowledge you want in Berkeley University here,
 that's what you do you listen to it you study it think then upon it and then assimilate the teachings where you absorb it to let it simmer in it like vegetables are cooking after it's done you don't remove it immediately you let it marinate then you put a lid on it what's going on it's marinating 

so I am reading it 
I have heard it
I have thought about it 
I am convinced about it stay with it until you can honestly claim all my problems are solved yes right notice you see that we have different experiences if you are one consciousness but different experiences where does the difference come from indifference coming it comes in in different bodies and different minds is it not 
so different it requires different bodies different minds different perspectives to have different experiences consciousness in itself is one and the same and when you say evolved it's not that consciousness is evolving in Advaita Vedanta consciousness cannot evolve it's an unlimited awareness but what can evolve is mind and body which are appearances in consciousness undoing the veil and is not against the evolution of course in fact whether Vedanta or in much Indian philosophy evolutions was understood
 in its own way in that way a long time ago Manya Williams who compiled the first Sanskrit English dictionary writes that these ancient Indians were Darwinists a thousand years before Darwin 

so they but evolution is in nature Swami very kinda says it very clearly is not the evolution of God evolution of nature and the manifestation of God 
so it's a manifestation of consciousness and the way manifests through this network of Maya that evolves there is evolution there okay you're done but just ladies there ask your question yes yes Swami will become this complete work especially if you don't want all the nine o'clock news the four yoga's Gyana yoga bhakti yoga karma yoga Raja yoga Manisha Pancham is available on the net as a text and actually, I have explained 
I have given a series of talks which were given in Phoenix earlier this year and somebody was there somebody attended here oh yes,
 of course,
 there were also there 
so those are all on youtube if you look at if you google Manisha Pancham you will find a series of talks that explains each verse in detail very good thank you 

so much thank you very much shibori oh koji for delivering such enlightening speech on the five verses of enlightenment thank you all for attending lectures for these two days we are extremely sorry for not taking all the questions 
I know you have plenty of questions on of philosophy but a Dorito is a philosophy at the same time or three though is the way of life I would request you try to take a greater as the way of life not for intake intellectual jugglery but to make and see yourself as a transformed in the individuality which is the way of life please try to take on Twitter in this way 

So that we all can be transformed by the tremendous powerful principles of Advaita feel it think it digests it and let it allow it to transform our own life thank you very much for attending these two lectures thank you for the first charge first Christchurch scientist of giving us First Church of Christ Scientist Berkeley for allowing us to organize these two days lecture series this is a beautiful ambiance and the church and I thank the organist of this church Mr. William bluetick he is not here he left for playing this beauty pipe organ 
so actually the very short notice we caught this church because when we found that the registration has crossed the limit of our capacity with of the society Barclays Auditorium 

so we had to contact this authority of this church and kindly they have allowed us so thank you 
Five Verses on Enlightenment I convey my gratitude to them and you know we have two centers within the society Berkeley and we have another Center in San Jose trying to keep predicting it and keep in contact with us thank you.

Five Verses on Enlightenment 2 of 2 by Sw. Sarvapriyananda at Vedanta Society Berkeley (Part_3)

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